58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Yeah, an idiot armed with the facts! So what does that make you?

Your superior in every way. You don't state facts you spew the party line. Typical left loon
Sorry, but the fact is that Spencer and Christy at UAH got caught red handed using the OPPOSITE sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, and by using that opposite sign they turned global warming into global cooling. Based on the cooked UAH data, deniers then accused Hasnen and everyone else of fudging any data that did not match UAH's.

Yawn....go try and snow one of your fellow loons, loon
It's not snow, but an undeniable fact!

You keep using the word "fact", I don't think you understand what a fact is. Simply spewing nonsense does not constitute a fact, loon. Besides that you have a horrible track record. Now run along, you are boring me
The FACT remains, the cooked UAH data was caught by RSS and Spencer and Christy admitted their data was wrong and accepted the RSS corrections, which then showed that the corrected UAH data matched the ground station data, the deniers claimed was fudged, almost exactly.

Your superior in every way. You don't state facts you spew the party line. Typical left loon
Sorry, but the fact is that Spencer and Christy at UAH got caught red handed using the OPPOSITE sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, and by using that opposite sign they turned global warming into global cooling. Based on the cooked UAH data, deniers then accused Hasnen and everyone else of fudging any data that did not match UAH's.

Yawn....go try and snow one of your fellow loons, loon
It's not snow, but an undeniable fact!

You keep using the word "fact", I don't think you understand what a fact is. Simply spewing nonsense does not constitute a fact, loon. Besides that you have a horrible track record. Now run along, you are boring me
The FACT remains, the cooked UAH data was caught by RSS and Spencer and Christy admitted their data was wrong and accepted the RSS corrections, which then showed that the corrected UAH data matched the ground station data, the deniers claimed was fudged, almost exactly

Sorry, but the fact is that Spencer and Christy at UAH got caught red handed using the OPPOSITE sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, and by using that opposite sign they turned global warming into global cooling. Based on the cooked UAH data, deniers then accused Hasnen and everyone else of fudging any data that did not match UAH's.

Yawn....go try and snow one of your fellow loons, loon
It's not snow, but an undeniable fact!

You keep using the word "fact", I don't think you understand what a fact is. Simply spewing nonsense does not constitute a fact, loon. Besides that you have a horrible track record. Now run along, you are boring me
The FACT remains, the cooked UAH data was caught by RSS and Spencer and Christy admitted their data was wrong and accepted the RSS corrections, which then showed that the corrected UAH data matched the ground station data, the deniers claimed was fudged, almost exactly

Truth always bores the brainwashed!
Yawn....go try and snow one of your fellow loons, loon
It's not snow, but an undeniable fact!

You keep using the word "fact", I don't think you understand what a fact is. Simply spewing nonsense does not constitute a fact, loon. Besides that you have a horrible track record. Now run along, you are boring me
The FACT remains, the cooked UAH data was caught by RSS and Spencer and Christy admitted their data was wrong and accepted the RSS corrections, which then showed that the corrected UAH data matched the ground station data, the deniers claimed was fudged, almost exactly

Truth always bores the brainwashed!

People who start small businesses or who are entrepreneurs tend to not show up on the books cause they don't pay taxes.

What? LMAO
I'm not talking about the guy who buys a subway franchise. If you're in Colorado selling weed or in Alaska selling fishing lures, chances are you're doing it tax free to begin until you have to start paying taxes.
The boomers are only a part of the decline. As I have mentioned many times, the bigger concern is the drop in Labor Force Participation among young and prime age workers.
And that is because the very large generation of Boomers are moving out of the prime working age group and the following generation that is taking their place is much smaller. Again your own stats are a testament to the largeness of the Boomer generation relative to all other generations before or after, nothing else.

No, it's not. The participation rate of the age cohorts is declining. The Boomers are not in the 16-24 group - which declined by 8.4 points from 2002 to 2012; or in the 25 to 34 group which declined 2 points during that period. YOUNGER PEOPLE are opting out.

Whose going to pay taxes for your entitlements with that trending? Oh right, illegal immigrants.
Your superior in every way. You don't state facts you spew the party line. Typical left loon
Sorry, but the fact is that Spencer and Christy at UAH got caught red handed using the OPPOSITE sign to calculate diurnal satellite drift, and by using that opposite sign they turned global warming into global cooling. Based on the cooked UAH data, deniers then accused Hasnen and everyone else of fudging any data that did not match UAH's.

Yawn....go try and snow one of your fellow loons, loon
It's not snow, but an undeniable fact!

You keep using the word "fact", I don't think you understand what a fact is. Simply spewing nonsense does not constitute a fact, loon. Besides that you have a horrible track record. Now run along, you are boring me
The FACT remains, the cooked UAH data was caught by RSS and Spencer and Christy admitted their data was wrong and accepted the RSS corrections, which then showed that the corrected UAH data matched the ground station data, the deniers claimed was fudged, almost exactly.


From the actual NOAA site for the same time period:



It looks real terrible until it is realized that one is 0.17 degF / decade and the other is 0.28 degF / decade.

But look at the last 15 years in the US:


Visit for yourself:

Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI
It is you who is grossly misinformed. If we have had 58 straight months of job growth, how did we have NEGATIVE GDP growth in the first quarter of this year? Why has the real unemployment rate, the U-6, been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush? Why is the U-6 rate still above 10% (it's now at 10.7%)? Why has median family income dropped under Obama? Why is the labor force participation rate at historic lows? Why have so many small community banks and credit unions failed?
People who start small businesses or who are entrepreneurs tend to not show up on the books cause they don't pay taxes.

What? LMAO

Me thinks someone owns a small business in the black market....... It takes a liberal to equate doing something illegal to being normal.
Or how many small businesses charge $10,000 or $9000 if cash? Maybe just about every one I've ever known.

Do you think they claim the$9k? Nope, but as good honest Americans they pay taxes on checks or cc. In case they get audited.

They hate taxes and feel overtaxed, remember?
It is you who is grossly misinformed. If we have had 58 straight months of job growth, how did we have NEGATIVE GDP growth in the first quarter of this year? Why has the real unemployment rate, the U-6, been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush? Why is the U-6 rate still above 10% (it's now at 10.7%)? Why has median family income dropped under Obama? Why is the labor force participation rate at historic lows? Why have so many small community banks and credit unions failed?
My answer is he got us out of the great recession we told you bushanomics was producing. Now suddenly you Republicans are anti free trade? It's impossible to debate with ignorant liars.
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News
The only problem is, with inflation factored in, the American people only got a 1% raise last year.

What is the GOP plan to raise wages?
Send jobs to China. That's what they did under Bush. And cut taxes on the few left over that have jobs.

They? One of the people who sent more jobs to China than practically anyone else was Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric. Gee, guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"! So how was that W's fault again? Your head in the sand stupidity is ENDLESS!
Neither party is anti free trade we get that. Who's putting the most pressure on which party to fix this? The unions are lobbying the Democrats unfortunately they aren't as powerful as they use to be.

We should have reformed unions not eliminated them.
Unions are fighting tpp, however I don't consider tpp free trade.
You tell us
It is you who is grossly misinformed. If we have had 58 straight months of job growth, how did we have NEGATIVE GDP growth in the first quarter of this year? Why has the real unemployment rate, the U-6, been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush? Why is the U-6 rate still above 10% (it's now at 10.7%)? Why has median family income dropped under Obama? Why is the labor force participation rate at historic lows? Why have so many small community banks and credit unions failed?
You tell us why. And don't forget your answer back when Bush was president is that the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy really. This is why it sucks debating with Republicans it all depends on who controls Congress at the time or the White House. The Republicans answer today might not be the same answer they give tomorrow depending on who wins the election
You tell us
It is you who is grossly misinformed. If we have had 58 straight months of job growth, how did we have NEGATIVE GDP growth in the first quarter of this year? Why has the real unemployment rate, the U-6, been much higher under Obama than it was under Bush? Why is the U-6 rate still above 10% (it's now at 10.7%)? Why has median family income dropped under Obama? Why is the labor force participation rate at historic lows? Why have so many small community banks and credit unions failed?
You tell us why. And don't forget your answer back when Bush was president is that the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy really. This is why it sucks debating with Republicans it all depends on who controls Congress at the time or the White House. The Republicans answer today might not be the same answer they give tomorrow depending on who wins the election

Are democrats any different? Who controlled Congress in 2008 and for almost two years before that date? Do you ever hear the democrats blaming themselvs for the downturn in the economy. Which should have been short with a quick turn around but because of the democrats it became the longest and weakest recovery in history.
It looks real terrible until it is realized that one is 0.17 degF / decade and the other is 0.28 degF / decade.
Except it is .17 deg C, not F, which = .3 deg F.
.28 deg F = .176 deg C

Apparently you were not able to see the actual chart, her is a snip of the US chart:


Are you saying that NOAA meant to say degC instead of degF? It is the same for global I just didn't bother snipping it.
It looks real terrible until it is realized that one is 0.17 degF / decade and the other is 0.28 degF / decade.
Except it is .17 deg C, not F, which = .3 deg F.
.28 deg F = .176 deg C

Apparently you were not able to see the actual chart, her is a snip of the US chart:

View attachment 46877

Are you saying that NOAA meant to say degC instead of degF? It is the same for global I just didn't bother snipping it.
Apparently you can't read your own 2 TWO charts.
But you can, which is why you left the below out of your rebuttal where YOU got the .17 degrees from that you mis labeled as degF!


It looks real terrible until it is realized that one is 0.17 degF / decade and the other is 0.28 degF / decade.
People who start small businesses or who are entrepreneurs tend to not show up on the books cause they don't pay taxes.

What? LMAO

Me thinks someone owns a small business in the black market....... It takes a liberal to equate doing something illegal to being normal.
Many Americans avoid taxes. If you're a small business its illegal if you're a corporation its legal.

If that were true then Obama has had almost 8 years to fix it and hasn't. Matter of fact with his bailouts he has done the opposite.
Yes, we know baby boomers had not hit retirement age yet under Reagan.

Meanwhile, why have you abandoned your point on the averge unemployment rate during presidencies?

Oh ... wait ... never mind, this is why .....

Ronald Reagan ....... 8.0%
Barack Obama ........ 8.0%


That baby boomer excuse has been thoroughly debunked. The LFPR has increased for older worker while plummeting for the young and prime age populations.

View attachment 46859

Civilian labor force participation rates by age sex race and ethnicity
96 million have dropped out of workforce, that's about a quarter of the country. That means they made no significant effort to find a new job. These are not people heading into retirement, just people without jobs, who have given up looking. A healthy rate of adding jobs 50,000 a week. How can you argue that 96 million is not a bad number?
You are mistaken. The 94 million not in the Labor Force most certainly includes retirees, or are you claiming none of the 38 million people age 65 and older not in the Labor Force are retired. Most Disabled are also not in the Labor Force, and many students.

As for your claim that those Not in the Labor Force "dropped out," in July alone, 658,000 people entered the population as Not in the Labor Force. Labor force status flows by sex current month

No, in July, the Civilian population increased by 213K, the Labor force increased by 69K, and those Not In The Labor Force increased by 144K. Total employed increased by 101K, a less that 50% rate for those entering the Labor Force.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data seasonally adjusted
If you had bothered to click on my link, you would have seen I was talking gross flows of just outside population to Not in the Labor Force. Citing the net change of all variables doesn't contradict me

If you had bothered to look at mine you'd see that I calculated the total change in the Civilian population. Your figures are incorrect.
I gave my link, I was NOT showing total (net) change to the population,

The Civilian Population Not In The Labor Force DID NOT increase by 658K in July alone..
Good thing I didn't claim that, then. 743.000 entered the population, 658k of whom entered as not in the labor force.
At the same time, 530,000 left the population.. Net change +213,000

My point was that if 658k entered as not in the labor force they clearly did not "drop out" of the labor force as claimed.
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