58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

My math in no way conflicts with yours, and especially since we're getting the same answer I'm at a loss as to what you think is wrong. Especially since I gave you my BLS source. You can check my math

Then do the math - your link doesn't show the gross change that you say you are netting out.

The U.S. population of those 16 years and older does not increase 700K+ in a month. That is pure nonsense.
I didn't say it did. It went up 213k
743k entered, 530k left. Go to my link, the total for "other inflows" clearly says 743k (last column, 4th row)
Total for "other outflows" is 530k (next to last column, 5th row.

Other inflows are people Who were not employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force the previous month bu are now

And the footnote for that is:

(2) Includes persons just turning 16 and adjustments to estimated population totals.
Sure. Proves my point that not in the labor force does not mean dropped out.

Which proves my point that the whose who are younger age cohorts are not entering the workforce, hence they are significant components of the drop in the LFPR. It's NOT JUST BOOMERS.
Who said it was just boomers? Not I.

So why are you bringing it up except to change the topic?

I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.
Here is what we do
Pass a jobs bill to fund infrastructure right, science right, etc. Put a note attached to it that makes it punishable by decades of prison if the money is mismanaged.
Pass a minimum wage increase to 10.00 dollars per hour
Pass free college and loan forgiveness for our children
Tariff the shit out of china
Make outsourcing expensive for the rich until they're forced to come back to America.
Increase taxes on the top 10%, 5%.
Then do the math - your link doesn't show the gross change that you say you are netting out.

The U.S. population of those 16 years and older does not increase 700K+ in a month. That is pure nonsense.
I didn't say it did. It went up 213k
743k entered, 530k left. Go to my link, the total for "other inflows" clearly says 743k (last column, 4th row)
Total for "other outflows" is 530k (next to last column, 5th row.

Other inflows are people Who were not employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force the previous month bu are now

And the footnote for that is:

(2) Includes persons just turning 16 and adjustments to estimated population totals.
Sure. Proves my point that not in the labor force does not mean dropped out.

Which proves my point that the whose who are younger age cohorts are not entering the workforce, hence they are significant components of the drop in the LFPR. It's NOT JUST BOOMERS.
Who said it was just boomers? Not I.

So why are you bringing it up except to change the topic?

I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
Dear right wingers,

If you want to join the new economy, you need an education. You have to get away from this notion that education is bad and will turn you into a liberal. If you keep on this path, your only option is to continue to fight illegal aliens for minimum wage jobs with no benefits. You may think that's the best you can do, but I bet, if you really tried, you could do better.

I didn't say it did. It went up 213k
743k entered, 530k left. Go to my link, the total for "other inflows" clearly says 743k (last column, 4th row)
Total for "other outflows" is 530k (next to last column, 5th row.

Other inflows are people Who were not employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force the previous month bu are now

And the footnote for that is:

(2) Includes persons just turning 16 and adjustments to estimated population totals.
Sure. Proves my point that not in the labor force does not mean dropped out.

Which proves my point that the whose who are younger age cohorts are not entering the workforce, hence they are significant components of the drop in the LFPR. It's NOT JUST BOOMERS.
Who said it was just boomers? Not I.

So why are you bringing it up except to change the topic?

I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.
And the footnote for that is:

(2) Includes persons just turning 16 and adjustments to estimated population totals.
Sure. Proves my point that not in the labor force does not mean dropped out.

Which proves my point that the whose who are younger age cohorts are not entering the workforce, hence they are significant components of the drop in the LFPR. It's NOT JUST BOOMERS.
Who said it was just boomers? Not I.

So why are you bringing it up except to change the topic?

I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
Dear right wingers,

If you want to join the new economy, you need an education. You have to get away from this notion that education is bad and will turn you into a liberal. If you keep on this path, your only option is to continue to fight illegal aliens for minimum wage jobs with no benefits. You may think that's the best you can do, but I bet, if you really tried, you could do better.

Nice solid straw man. Education is not bad. Being taught what to think, instead of how to think is...which produces straw man arguments like the one you just posted. If you were taught how to think, you would realize the ridiculousness of claiming and generalizing that an entire group of people hate education. In order to debate you have to have the ability to fully understand what the opposition is saying and be able to think hypothetically. Hypothetical thinking is what gives us humans the ability to invent and advance, e.g. If I were to put this sharp rock on a long stick, I could reach much farther than I could with just my hands. This is not happening when you make straw man arguments, and spend your time deflecting. Not only that, you sell yourself short of growing intellectually, but if you are more comfortable doing that because change is hard, and you pour your identity into politics, then by all means go for it.
Sure. Proves my point that not in the labor force does not mean dropped out.

Who said it was just boomers? Not I.

So why are you bringing it up except to change the topic?

I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.
I'm not changing the topic. I provided LFPR by age group information earlier in this thread in response to a poster claiming that the drop was due to boomer retirement. That is only part of the reason. The bigger issue is dropping participation by younger cohorts. The economy is not generating enough jobs to keep up with population growth.

Spin it however you wish, but your inflows and outflows source doesn't address the thread topic at all.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.

You poor blithering moron. You cite lack of a Veto Proof majority as meaning that the Dems didn't have control. Well, that is only meaningful if the Dems in Congress thought Obama would actually Veto their bills, which is nonsense. On top of that, Reid rigged the parliamentary rules so that simple majorities could move things through. Any lack of "getting this done" was due to not wanting votes on the record prior to the 2012 election.
Dear right wingers,

If you want to join the new economy, you need an education. You have to get away from this notion that education is bad and will turn you into a liberal. If you keep on this path, your only option is to continue to fight illegal aliens for minimum wage jobs with no benefits. You may think that's the best you can do, but I bet, if you really tried, you could do better.

Nice solid straw man. Education is not bad. Being taught what to think, instead of how to think is...which produces straw man arguments like the one you just posted. If you were taught how to think, you would realize the ridiculousness of claiming and generalizing that an entire group of people hate education. In order to debate you have to have the ability to fully understand what the opposition is saying and be able to think hypothetically. Hypothetical thinking is what gives us humans the ability to invent and advance, e.g. If I were to put this sharp rock on a long stick, I could reach much farther than I could with just my hands. This is not happening when you make straw man arguments, and spend your time deflecting. Not only that, you sell yourself short of growing intellectually, but if you are more comfortable doing that because change is hard, and you pour your identity into politics, then by all means go for it.
We've got 3-4 million good tech jobs going begging because you chumps support Pubs blocking ANY program to train people. In fact, you Foxbots or whatever have never HEARD of it. Change the channel. Have to protect those freeloader megarich Pubs and their giant corps, 55% of whom pay NO taxes.
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees, dupe. LOL. You're baffled by BS.

Tell Boehner to allow a vote on Schumer/Lindsay Graham and END the illegal problem with a good ID. Raise the min wage.

UE 5.3, 225k new jobs/month. And since this is Dem adults, not greedy Pub idiots, no corrupt bubble.

Pass a jobs /infrastructure bank and invest in America. Make the bloated rich and the 55% of giant corps paying NOTHING pay their fair share. Live on planet Earth. Ay caramba.

All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.

You poor blithering moron. You cite lack of a Veto Proof majority as meaning that the Dems didn't have control. Well, that is only meaningful if the Dems in Congress thought Obama would actually Veto their bills, which is nonsense. On top of that, Reid rigged the parliamentary rules so that simple majorities could move things through. Any lack of "getting this done" was due to not wanting votes on the record prior to the 2012 election.
What the FEQ are you talking about? AY CARAMBA. You need 60 votes to stop filibusters, which the GOP used over 200 times when "Obama had control". You fools have NO CLUE. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.
All raising the minimum wage will do is to increase the replacement of human labor with robotics, and make under the table illegal immigrants more attractive to employers (if they can get away with it).
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.

You poor blithering moron. You cite lack of a Veto Proof majority as meaning that the Dems didn't have control. Well, that is only meaningful if the Dems in Congress thought Obama would actually Veto their bills, which is nonsense. On top of that, Reid rigged the parliamentary rules so that simple majorities could move things through. Any lack of "getting this done" was due to not wanting votes on the record prior to the 2012 election.
What the FEQ are you talking about? AY CARAMBA. You need 60 votes to stop filibusters, which the GOP used over 200 times when "Obama had control". You fools have NO CLUE. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

Then how on earth was ObamaCare passed with no GOP votes, bub?

There are limits to filibusters.
^^Perfect chump of greedy idiot Pub billionaires. Pass the GD Bill with a good SS ID and END IT. Your BS has NEVER HAPPENED, fear mongered fool. Change the channel.

Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.

You poor blithering moron. You cite lack of a Veto Proof majority as meaning that the Dems didn't have control. Well, that is only meaningful if the Dems in Congress thought Obama would actually Veto their bills, which is nonsense. On top of that, Reid rigged the parliamentary rules so that simple majorities could move things through. Any lack of "getting this done" was due to not wanting votes on the record prior to the 2012 election.
What the FEQ are you talking about? AY CARAMBA. You need 60 votes to stop filibusters, which the GOP used over 200 times when "Obama had control". You fools have NO CLUE. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

Then how on earth was ObamaCare passed with no GOP votes, bub?

There are limits to filibusters.
The Dems had 60 votes for THIRTEEN DAYS, in session. Seek rehab, seriously.
Are you drinking Cheap Rye or Corn Squeezins today, bub?
No argument, just idiotic talking points and insults? Gotcha. Tell us how Obama had 4 years of control again, stupid.

You poor blithering moron. You cite lack of a Veto Proof majority as meaning that the Dems didn't have control. Well, that is only meaningful if the Dems in Congress thought Obama would actually Veto their bills, which is nonsense. On top of that, Reid rigged the parliamentary rules so that simple majorities could move things through. Any lack of "getting this done" was due to not wanting votes on the record prior to the 2012 election.
What the FEQ are you talking about? AY CARAMBA. You need 60 votes to stop filibusters, which the GOP used over 200 times when "Obama had control". You fools have NO CLUE. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

Then how on earth was ObamaCare passed with no GOP votes, bub?

There are limits to filibusters.
The Dems had 60 votes for THIRTEEN DAYS, in session. Seek rehab, seriously.

Then how did the Stimulus, ObamaCare and Dodd Frank get passed?

Dear right wingers,

If you want to join the new economy, you need an education. You have to get away from this notion that education is bad and will turn you into a liberal. If you keep on this path, your only option is to continue to fight illegal aliens for minimum wage jobs with no benefits. You may think that's the best you can do, but I bet, if you really tried, you could do better.

Nice solid straw man. Education is not bad. Being taught what to think, instead of how to think is...which produces straw man arguments like the one you just posted. If you were taught how to think, you would realize the ridiculousness of claiming and generalizing that an entire group of people hate education. In order to debate you have to have the ability to fully understand what the opposition is saying and be able to think hypothetically. Hypothetical thinking is what gives us humans the ability to invent and advance, e.g. If I were to put this sharp rock on a long stick, I could reach much farther than I could with just my hands. This is not happening when you make straw man arguments, and spend your time deflecting. Not only that, you sell yourself short of growing intellectually, but if you are more comfortable doing that because change is hard, and you pour your identity into politics, then by all means go for it.
We've got 3-4 million good tech jobs going begging because you chumps support Pubs blocking ANY program to train people. In fact, you Foxbots or whatever have never HEARD of it. Change the channel. Have to protect those freeloader megarich Pubs and their giant corps, 55% of whom pay NO taxes.
I don't watch fox, and I assume your saying all billionaires give to republicans, and that all republicans are paid for. And this never happens to left. And the growing cronyism is still a result and remnant of the bush administration?
Back in 2008 with the corrupt Boooshies and their bubble bust as usual...GOP voters are totally misinformed by megarich greedy lying Pubs and their bs media. Will they never learn?
The GOP s Job Killer Problem With Obamacare - ABC News
The only problem is, with inflation factored in, the American people only got a 1% raise last year.

What is the GOP plan to raise wages?
Send jobs to China. That's what they did under Bush. And cut taxes on the few left over that have jobs.

They? One of the people who sent more jobs to China than practically anyone else was Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric. Gee, guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"! So how was that W's fault again? Your head in the sand stupidity is ENDLESS!
How many years did us liberals tell you Republican idiots or liars that GE and every other corporation wasn't paying their fair share of taxes and you guys only accidentally admitted to it BC he's Obama's czar?

You are also proving our point that it isn't lazy greedy liberals ruining America, its corporations. The rich. They own our entire government.

But Republicans are incapable of pointing fingers at corporations they are brainwashed to worship them so this will never be fixed because the sheep are completely brainwashed

So R-Derp claims that it was the GOP and their friends who were sending all the jobs to China...and I simply point out that one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China was GE, which was headed by Jeffrey Immeldt, who's such good buddies with Obama that he was the man chosen to be Barry's "Jobs Czar. The fact that same huge corporation who's head is a die hard Obama supporter also didn't pay diddly for taxes just points out that this isn't a Republican issue...but an issue that Democrats are just as guilty of playing crony capitalism as the Republicans are.
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