5th circuit strikes down DOJ over reach on prohibited persons

Actually, we do have a way to force people r
to see a shrink…….you don’t know what you are talking about.

The families know when they have an issue. The cops know the frequent fliers for mental health issues….they have known almost all of the latest shooters……so do the school officials……

There are legal steps for involuntary commitment already in place…….the families, cops and schools just need to use them.

First nonsense. Take the school shooting up in Sandy Hook. The Mother didn’t want to believe her son was dangerous. She tried to get him involved in shooting as a way to focus him and give him something to work on. Something constructive. She learned how dangerous he was when he filled her full of holes from her own rifle.

Parkland. A person reported the shooter. The FBI even talked to him. The local cops talked to him. But nobody could do anything as he didn’t rise to the level required. The toolbox was empty. Then the cops stood around and did nothing while people died.

But it isn’t just the families of mass murderers who refuse to believe their loved one is capable of such horrors.

The Mother of the cop who murdered Walter Scott said she couldn’t watch the video. That her Son would never do such a thing.

How many times have you mockingly said he didn do muffin in response to someone dying by violence. You mock the family and friends of the victims. But they are no different than anyone else. We all want to believe the best of our loved ones. We don’t want to believe they are bad, or beyond help or redemption.

You say the Families know. They must know. They are no different than we are. They want to believe that little Johnny is OK. A little troubled. But not a bad kid. He’s a good boy. How many times have we heard or read that the family and friends can’t believe that their lives on would do something like this. You almost never hear I knew something like this would happen.

Love blinds us. Love blinds is to the faults and failures of the object of our love. And it doesn’t just apply to people.

People feel that way about objects as well. Cars, houses, guns. Especially guns and cars. Want to be insulted beyond belief? Start a thread about how the 1911 is a terrible gun. People will line up to tell you that you are an idiot. Make it a Glock. Or a pick up truck with a massive engine.

People are blinded to the faults by the love they feel. It’s normal. It’s human.

The parents apparently should have known. That is the argument for their prosecution. They should have known. They should have taken greater precautions. I’ll be honest. If I was on the Jury, I’d have a hard time convicting them from what I’ve read so far.

We are human, and we don’t want to believe the worst about our loved ones.
First nonsense. Take the school shooting up in Sandy Hook. The Mother didn’t want to believe her son was dangerous. She tried to get him involved in shooting as a way to focus him and give him something to work on. Something constructive. She learned how dangerous he was when he filled her full of holes from her own rifle.

Parkland. A person reported the shooter. The FBI even talked to him. The local cops talked to him. But nobody could do anything as he didn’t rise to the level required. The toolbox was empty. Then the cops stood around and did nothing while people died.

But it isn’t just the families of mass murderers who refuse to believe their loved one is capable of such horrors.

The Mother of the cop who murdered Walter Scott said she couldn’t watch the video. That her Son would never do such a thing.

How many times have you mockingly said he didn do muffin in response to someone dying by violence. You mock the family and friends of the victims. But they are no different than anyone else. We all want to believe the best of our loved ones. We don’t want to believe they are bad, or beyond help or redemption.

You say the Families know. They must know. They are no different than we are. They want to believe that little Johnny is OK. A little troubled. But not a bad kid. He’s a good boy. How many times have we heard or read that the family and friends can’t believe that their lives on would do something like this. You almost never hear I knew something like this would happen.

Love blinds us. Love blinds is to the faults and failures of the object of our love. And it doesn’t just apply to people.

People feel that way about objects as well. Cars, houses, guns. Especially guns and cars. Want to be insulted beyond belief? Start a thread about how the 1911 is a terrible gun. People will line up to tell you that you are an idiot. Make it a Glock. Or a pick up truck with a massive engine.

People are blinded to the faults by the love they feel. It’s normal. It’s human.

The parents apparently should have known. That is the argument for their prosecution. They should have known. They should have taken greater precautions. I’ll be honest. If I was on the Jury, I’d have a hard time convicting them from what I’ve read so far.

We are human, and we don’t want to believe the worst about our loved ones.

Nope...in all of those cases people at the time did not realize what they really had to do.....now they do.....they have all the tools they need to address this tiny number of dangerous kids.......

Today....after these shootings, people are waking up....we don't need to ban guns, we need to get family to take care of the people who are at risk....and we need schools and cops not to ignore them when they are actually dangerous......
Today....after these shootings, people are waking up....we don't need to ban guns, we need to get family to take care of the people who are at risk....and we need schools and cops not to ignore them when they are actually dangerous......
And make sure the law abiding, who are of a mind to do so, have acces to the means necessary to defend themselves.

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