5yo shoots, kills 2yo = NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE

I am so fucking sick of the Idiot Brigade making excuses for dead children.

But, this is their worst, their most depraved and cold blooded:

They say, If we can't stop every single crime, then we shouldn't even try.
I picture them as I picture most of the progressive posters on this board.

That is, they believe that all sorts of depraved behavior should be encouraged and subsidized...homosexuality, promiscuity, abortion, addiction...all those things are great! Yes sometimes people die, so what?

And they believe in using the long arm of the law to punish those who don't approve or agree...

But when it comes to behaviors they don't like or approve of......say....drinking too much soda, or gun ownership, well that's a totally different thing. They don't like it, so nobody should be able to indulge.

And liberals tell me all the time (I see Luddly has thanked you) that I'm wrong in my assessment of them...but then they go on to illustrate exactly how I am correct.

They think that by changing language, or just saying "that's not so!" that makes it, really, not so.

Sorry, it doesn't. Today's liberals are progressive totalitarians and fascists. First, last and always.
I am so fucking sick of the Idiot Brigade making excuses for dead children.

But, this is their worst, their most depraved and cold blooded:

They say, If we can't stop every single crime, then we shouldn't even try.

Actually, no.

We say there are already laws that make it illegal to shoot and kill people. Removing guns from people who obey that particular law isn't going to stop murderers from killing people.
Anyway, freemason; if you want to know how I picture liberals, look at Luddly. He should make you cringe..but he probably won't.
Kentucky Shooting: Boy, 5, Shoots And Kills 2-Year-Old Sister, Police Say

Authorities in southern Kentucky say a 2-year-old girl has been accidentally shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother, who was playing with a .22-caliber rifle he received as a gift.

IMO, his parents should be charged with negligent homicide. Maybe if these idiot gun nuts had to actually pay for their stupidity, they just might consider that MORE FUCKING GUNS is not the answer.

Brain dead gun nutters here will say the parents will pay for their negligence and irresponsibility by the very fact that they caused this baby's death. Tell that to the 5yo and the dead 2yo.

Anyone wanna guess how many "accidental" shootings occur every year in Australia? Oh wait, their not stupid enough to worship at the alter of GUNS.

If the boy pushed his little sister into a pool and she drowned would you be all hard for charging the parents with homicide?
A woman who kills her infant sure as shit won't be prosecuted ever.

She has the right to kill her baby!
First of all...it's NOT the responsible gun owners that are giving their 5 year old children a real firearm to play with. Apparently, in this case, some ignorant, drunken, backwards, hilljack thought it was cool to give his FIVE YEAR old son a fking REAL gun...and loaded a that!
My god...common fking sense is generally used within a normal mindset when it comes to the dangers that may surround their children.
There's a difference between negligent and brainless parents and those with enough common sense and intelligence and love for their children to do everything they can to keep their babies out of harms way.
The parents in the OP should have NEVER been allowed to breed!
Kentucky Shooting: Boy, 5, Shoots And Kills 2-Year-Old Sister, Police Say

IMO, his parents should be charged with negligent homicide. Maybe if these idiot gun nuts had to actually pay for their stupidity, they just might consider that MORE FUCKING GUNS is not the answer.

Brain dead gun nutters here will say the parents will pay for their negligence and irresponsibility by the very fact that they caused this baby's death. Tell that to the 5yo and the dead 2yo.

Anyone wanna guess how many "accidental" shootings occur every year in Australia? Oh wait, their not stupid enough to worship at the alter of GUNS.

So you want the federal government to ban all guns?

So you believe guns are appropriate Toys For Tots?

Given your avatar, I suspect you think this was a dandy gift for a 5yo.

i bet you sure as hell did.....you got to make another anti-gun thread......
Why don't big mouth singing liberals follow stupid people around and make sure they know how dangerous guns are around people under the age of 28.

You certainly have nothing better to do. :rolleyes:

What a stupid thing to say.

Its obvious that someone needs to do exactly that.

As we all know, not counting the mass shootings, more than 30 people are killed by guns in the US every day.

Epidemic: Guns kill twice as many kids as cancer does

In 2010, 15,576 children and teenagers were injured by firearms — three times more than the number of U.S. soldiers injured in the war in Afghanistan, according to the defense fund.

Nationally, guns still kill twice as many children and young people than cancer, five times as many than heart disease and 15 times more than infection, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

Gun Accidents Kill 500 Kids a Year | momlogic.com

-On July 19, 4-year-old Dylan Jackson shot himself to death after finding a loaded gun at a friend's home during a birthday party.

- A 3-year-old Southeast Washington boy shot himself in the foot and grazed his hand while playing with his father's gun -- which he found lying on the floor.

- A 2-year-old Tampa boy shot himself in the chest with a loaded 9 mm he found in his parent's couch while playing.

- Last February, a 13-year-old boy shot himself with a semiautomatic handgun in the home of his guardian, a Maryland police officer.

- The 10-year-old son of a New York City police officer died after shooting himself in the face with his father's loaded revolver. The boy found the weapon on a shelf in the basement while looking for a ball his mom had hidden.

Read more: Gun Accidents Kill 500 Kids a Year | momlogic.com

how many of these "kids" are gang bangers OR kids killed by them?.....the REAL gun-nuts.....how come the kids they kill every day don't get talked about with you Dudley?....
Never let a crisis or a tragedy go to waste. The sick left is now in the process of digging up every tragedy that they can twist into their sick little political world.
There was a time when the NRA would have roundly condemned the parents for allowing a five year old access to a gun. Now the NRA condemns those that point out how inappropriate and criminal such actions are.

The fact that the gun nutters can cry about the fact that people are angry about the mishandling of guns and children dying because of that negligence, demonstrates the certainty of the coming gun laws in this nation.

and you are probably right Rocks....
Sometimes accidents happen.

Sometimes parents back over their own children in the driveway. Sometimes children drown in the tub. Sometimes they choke to death on change.

So do we make driveways, cars, tubs, water and money illegal?

there is a difference between an accident and negligence....a small kid with a loaded gun is not an accident....
Sometimes accidents happen.

Sometimes parents back over their own children in the driveway. Sometimes children drown in the tub. Sometimes they choke to death on change.

So do we make driveways, cars, tubs, water and money illegal?

there is a difference between an accident and negligence....a small kid with a loaded gun is not an accident....

while it may technically be an accident, i wholly agree. give a 5 year old a gun and not check to make sure it is loaded is criminal negligence, IMO.
I really doubt that's what happened.
My guess is they left the gun out and the kid came upon it.
Sometimes accidents happen.

Sometimes parents back over their own children in the driveway. Sometimes children drown in the tub. Sometimes they choke to death on change.

So do we make driveways, cars, tubs, water and money illegal?

Are any of those things you listed designed to kill? And I am a gun owner, but I hate that atdument.
Kentucky Shooting: Boy, 5, Shoots And Kills 2-Year-Old Sister, Police Say

Authorities in southern Kentucky say a 2-year-old girl has been accidentally shot and killed by her 5-year-old brother, who was playing with a .22-caliber rifle he received as a gift.

IMO, his parents should be charged with negligent homicide. Maybe if these idiot gun nuts had to actually pay for their stupidity, they just might consider that MORE FUCKING GUNS is not the answer.

Brain dead gun nutters here will say the parents will pay for their negligence and irresponsibility by the very fact that they caused this baby's death. Tell that to the 5yo and the dead 2yo.

Anyone wanna guess how many "accidental" shootings occur every year in Australia? Oh wait, their not stupid enough to worship at the alter of GUNS.

We don't need gun control,we need idiot control.

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