6 Baltimore schools can't produce one single student proficient in math or English


To the rescue!
Liberalism at play once again! They don'ts need no education, they just needs to get shot by a cop and settles with the city!
50 years of the welfare state at work. What it's done to black Americans is reprehensible.
Well I guess we could have just let them die off after Reagan nuked their communities by flooding them with crack and punishing crack users with a massive sentencing discrepancy compared to drugs that were more prominent in non-black communities. Something the OP and Trump's base would have been fine with.
They should be running naked and free in Africa, not in schools

If I were a Republican, it wouldn't be Baltimore I would be worrying about.

The subject is high school, not college, and one does not need a college degree to make a decent living.

If I were a Republican, it wouldn't be Baltimore I would be worrying about.
Nice find. I just searched and they have that map updated through 2010 with almost the exact same distribution. I'm bookmarking for future use.
Education does the black race no good. They just don't have the IQ to compete in this society.

Yep, you guessed it, they're all in areas where the people are left to rot, and then told it's their fault they're rotting away, surrounded by crime, not understanding how the world should be.... but yeah, let's just blame it on them being black.

If I were a Republican, it wouldn't be Baltimore I would be worrying about.

The subject is high school, not college, and one does not need a college degree to make a decent living.
I thought you would never ask:


What your chart essentially shows is that areas of the country with a largely white homogeneous population have higher graduation rates, whereas the parts that generally have higher populations of minorities do not, but I don't think that's the point you were aiming for, was it........

If I were a Republican, it wouldn't be Baltimore I would be worrying about.

The subject is high school, not college, and one does not need a college degree to make a decent living.

Well, you don't need high school to make a decent living either. However what we do know, statistically, is the higher your education, the more likely you are to make a decent living.
I am amused by the names of these schools..."Achievement Academy" New Era Academy, Excel Acadamy and New Hope. So much for garnering trust in titles!

It sounds like Baltimore might be open to a new beginning with a) changing administration, b) changing teachers, using no tolerance of drugs, fighting, school dress code and extending the school day and school year. Have sedcurty guards permanently in the schools. Have school hearings for students who break rules and parents who do not come to conferences.

Enlist outside companies to mentor students.

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