$6 BILLION Missing From State Department Under Hillary: WHERE'S THE MONEY, HILLARY?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

yeah, they put the ledger in the wrong drawer .. :lmao:

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

yeah, they put the ledger in the wrong drawer .. :lmao:

Nope. This isn't about ledgers. This is about contract files. The digital and physical contracts.

Not money. Not 'ledgers'. Not your imagination.

Sigh.....you really don't give a shit what the OIG report actually said, do you?
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOU words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Once again, there is no 6 billion dollars lost.

Keep backpedaling. Your imagination won't have the slightest relevance to the issues the OIG raised on missing contract files.

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?

There is no 6 billion dollar clerical error. The OIG isn't claiming they can't find the money paid in those contracts. They're claiming that they can't find the contract files themselves.

We're talking about missing pdfs or printed contracts. Not money of any kind.

Keep trying to polish your imaginary '6 billion lost' turd. All you're doing is covering yourself in shit.
So which is it, Skylar?

One minute YOU say it is an issue that must be addressed, & then you say there is nothing to address. It's a simple question...just make up your mind what side of your face / what face you are talking out of.
I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

yeah, they put the ledger in the wrong drawer .. :lmao:

Nope. This isn't about ledgers. This is about contract files. The digital and physical contracts.

Not money. Not 'ledgers'. Not your imagination.

Sigh.....you really don't give a shit what the OIG report actually said, do you?

lighten up Goober and grow a sense of humor.
You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOU words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Once again, there is no 6 billion dollars lost.

Keep backpedaling. Your imagination won't have the slightest relevance to the issues the OIG raised on missing contract files.

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?

There is no 6 billion dollar clerical error. The OIG isn't claiming they can't find the money paid in those contracts. They're claiming that they can't find the contract files themselves.

We're talking about missing pdfs or printed contracts. Not money of any kind.

Keep trying to polish your imaginary '6 billion lost' turd. All you're doing is covering yourself in shit.
So which is it, Skylar?

One minute YOU say it is an issue that must be addressed, & then you say there is nothing to address. It's a simple question...just make up your mind what side of your dace you are talking out of.

I've been very clear: Your imaginary '6 billion lost' delusion is your own imagination. And no one is being held accountable for your imagination but you.

Laughing....notice how you absolutely refuse to even mention your own ignorant claim of '6 billion lost'?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

yeah, they put the ledger in the wrong drawer .. :lmao:

Nope. This isn't about ledgers. This is about contract files. The digital and physical contracts.

Not money. Not 'ledgers'. Not your imagination.

Sigh.....you really don't give a shit what the OIG report actually said, do you?

lighten up Goober and grow a sense of humor.

I'm giggling at the silly '6 billion lost' nonsense that's been made up for this thread.

Does that count?
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOU words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Once again, there is no 6 billion dollars lost.

Keep backpedaling. Your imagination won't have the slightest relevance to the issues the OIG raised on missing contract files.

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?

There is no 6 billion dollar clerical error. The OIG isn't claiming they can't find the money paid in those contracts. They're claiming that they can't find the contract files themselves.

We're talking about missing pdfs or printed contracts. Not money of any kind.

Keep trying to polish your imaginary '6 billion lost' turd. All you're doing is covering yourself in shit.
So which is it, Skylar?

One minute YOU say it is an issue that must be addressed, & then you say there is nothing to address. It's a simple question...just make up your mind what side of your dace you are talking out of.

I've been very clear: Your imaginary '6 billion lost' delusion is your own imagination. And no one is being held accountable for your imagination but you.

Laughing....notice how you absolutely refuse to even mention your own ignorant claim of '6 billion lost'?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You've been 'clear'?! Clear as MUD maybe:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar? Is it an issue or not?

I don't know where the hell YOU work, but if someone where I do f*ed, causing the IG to issue an initial alert about a 'missing' $6 billion, causing a lot of work to try and 'find' it they would be looking for another job.

...but I forgot, libs don't believe in accountability.
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Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOU words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Once again, there is no 6 billion dollars lost.

Keep backpedaling. Your imagination won't have the slightest relevance to the issues the OIG raised on missing contract files.

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?

There is no 6 billion dollar clerical error. The OIG isn't claiming they can't find the money paid in those contracts. They're claiming that they can't find the contract files themselves.

We're talking about missing pdfs or printed contracts. Not money of any kind.

Keep trying to polish your imaginary '6 billion lost' turd. All you're doing is covering yourself in shit.
So which is it, Skylar?

One minute YOU say it is an issue that must be addressed, & then you say there is nothing to address. It's a simple question...just make up your mind what side of your dace you are talking out of.

I've been very clear: Your imaginary '6 billion lost' delusion is your own imagination. And no one is being held accountable for your imagination but you.

Laughing....notice how you absolutely refuse to even mention your own ignorant claim of '6 billion lost'?

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You've been 'clear'?! Clear as MUD maybe:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar?

Your imaginary '6 billion lost' doesn't exist. You made it up. And now you're running from your own ignorance. And no one is being held accoutable for imagination....but you.

If even *you* are going to ignore the silly, ignorant you say....then surely you can understand why no one else has much use for it either.
no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

yeah, they put the ledger in the wrong drawer .. :lmao:

Nope. This isn't about ledgers. This is about contract files. The digital and physical contracts.

Not money. Not 'ledgers'. Not your imagination.

Sigh.....you really don't give a shit what the OIG report actually said, do you?

lighten up Goober and grow a sense of humor.

I'm giggling at the silly '6 billion lost' nonsense that's been made up for this thread.

Does that count?

post# 45
A billion is chump change compared to the trillion Cheney/Bush pissed away on the Iraq fiasco.
A billion is chump change compared to the trillion Cheney/Bush pissed away on the Iraq fiasco.

go big or go home ...

falling off a couch drunk and blaming it on a pretzel should be a good indicator of money management ability ..
You prove yet again that the ignore feature is worthwhile as a tool to minimize the posts of those to dumb or blind to bother corresponding with

What is this…the 11th time you’ve told me you’re going to put me on ignore? Go ahead and do it or whatever. There are plenty of fish in the barrel.

As for the post…look you guys have come up with the most bizarre bullshit ever. Hillary wears a catheter. Hillary has tongue cancer. Hillary hates America. It’s gotten comical the number of lies and scandals you try to pin on her. The public isn’t buying it any longer. That is the risk you run when you try a smear campaign every week.
Nice attempt to distract, Campbell....

Obama added almost $7 trillion in only 4 years (Compared to $4 over 8 years for Bush), and while Hillary was having a 'fire sale' in the State department $6 BILLION just happened to 'disappear.

"Nothing to see here ... move along...."

Libs said they could not afford to give Stevens any more security in Benghazi (while none of them lost a body guard)....perhaps if $6 BILLION had not 'disappeared' they could have afforded a few more for him. Just sayin'...

It's the goddam tax cuts dumbass. You can't cut taxes, continue to spend, borrow from foreign banks and keep from going in debt. I'm sorry for you ignorant bastards but I'll bet you don't run your personal finances the same way:

..............................................Total U S Debt................................................

Figures Easily Verified....Taken From the Bureau of the Debt

US: $18,775,084,981,440 - Debt as of December 2015?

09/30/2014 $17,824,071,380,733.82

09/30/2013 $16,738,183,526,697.32

09/30/2012 $16,066,241,407,385.89

09/30/2011 $14,790,340,328,557.15

09/30/2010 $13,561,623,030,891.79

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt at this point Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32 (Bill Clinton Raised Taxes early 1993 while he still had a Democrat congress)

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
It's the goddam tax cuts dumbass. You can't cut taxes, continue to spend, borrow from foreign banks and keep from going in debt. I'm sorry for you ignorant bastards but I'll bet you don't run your personal finances the same way:

So your solution is to tax more? How about insisting that government spending and borrowing stop instead? We have no businesses in this country because of the high taxes. When the companies left, they took jobs with them. Which makes the middle class the next, taxed to death, target. It needs to stop.
We also need to stop funding every radical Muslim takeover our government can arrange. And we need to stop cutting checks to every other country on earth. Redistributing out wealth is killing us. Hitlery wants it to build up Asia. Trump wants it to rebuild America. For God's sake, let him.

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