$6 BILLION Missing From State Department Under Hillary: WHERE'S THE MONEY, HILLARY?

Where's the $6 Billion, Candy?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.
I humbly apologize.
So how many times as Hillary gone bankrupt?
What does that have to do with missing government money? Either agree that something is amiss, supply facts as to why the op is a lie or stfu

I've been asking this same question for 3 days.

This is the part of conservatives that genuinely worries me: they don't give a fiddler's fuck if they're accusations are true. When their own primary source, the Office of the Inspector General just destroys their entire argument......

.....they merely repeat the same argument.
Where's the $6 Billion, Candy?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.
Where's the $6 Billion, Candy?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
Where's the $6 Billion, Candy?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

Sloppy book keeping by the administration, missing contracts and incomplete contracts. So how is there supposed to be oversight? and who is responsible for all that? If a CEO for a major company did that, hed be in serious trouble. Problem with big Gubbament is there is no accountability

$12 Billion CASH .. in $100 dollar bills ... shrink-wrapped .. on pallets ... went missing in Iraq in 03.

serious trouble ? .. not a chance in hell.

So how does that make this incompetence any better? the purpose of that money being there was to repatriate the locals for deaths and damage, it got stollen in a war zone. Terrible plan? obviously.
All this is a systemic government problem that crosses lines, when we have the chance to hold people responsible we should take it. We should at least stop rewarding them for their incompetence. I say we start with Hillary
You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

its innexcusable to lose a government contract. Do they have the interns running the place? its no wonder they didnt know what was in the health care bill, they probably couldnt find it
Sure do.

I posted multiple links, some that talk about some money not kept up with, some over-payments, etc...

A lot of horrific mis-management, incompetence, and piss-poor leadership that resulted in $6 billion 'missing', 4 dead Americans, and the US being dragged into an unauthorized war to help Al Qaeisa take over Libya WHILE Hillary was running the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, as her own e-mails and records show.

(I damn well bet she never 'lost' a dime of Clinton Foundation money)

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.

Except that the non partisan report doesn't claim that she lost 6 billion. Or that anyone did.

Do you know what a 'contract file' is? When you can define that, you'll define why your narrative is a steaming pile of rhetorical nonsense.

no money was lost ... they just put the ledger in the wrong drawer.
The entire issue is about file management systems and the location of contract files.

That's it.

its innexcusable to lose a government contract. Do they have the interns running the place? its no wonder they didnt know what was in the health care bill, they probably couldnt find it

Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and the State Department doesn't have a copy.

But none of that has a thing to do with '6 billion being lost' and other such ridiculously inaccurate paraphrases.
Sure do.

I posted multiple links, some that talk about some money not kept up with, some over-payments, etc...

A lot of horrific mis-management, incompetence, and piss-poor leadership that resulted in $6 billion 'missing', 4 dead Americans, and the US being dragged into an unauthorized war to help Al Qaeisa take over Libya WHILE Hillary was running the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, as her own e-mails and records show.

(I damn well bet she never 'lost' a dime of Clinton Foundation money)

Except that the OIG isn't claiming that so much as a penny is 'missing'. Let alone 6 billion dollars.
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
So far, in all of her 'experience' in govt office, she hasn't proven she can run a Dairy Queen let alone a State Dept or - especially - the country.
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement on a huge scale...don't backtrack now:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
Where's the $6 Billion, Candy?

You show him reports form the IG and Judicial Watch, and he sees conspiracy theories.

He's a loon that one is.
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report


where's THE MONEY, Soggy?

I wasn't referring to you.... I was referring to candy. He's sees an nonpartisan report demonstrating that she los $6 billion, and he thinks it's B.S. Trump doesn't present a tax return and he's convinced he's defrauding the government.
I humbly apologize.

No worries. That one though just wears me out....
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOUR words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?


I wear you out, Soggy, because I keep catching you liberals in double-speak like this.
So how many times as Hillary gone bankrupt?

Politicians never go bankrupt. They have a never ending supply of other peoples money. They call that revenue, and then if they want to borrow more they have a pen, a paper and no one to tell them no. Its a sweet deal, then they can create their own charity and donate to it for tax purposes and perks

We are not talking about politicians. We are talking this country. Comrade Trump would ballon the deficit like no one before. he is a fake Republican.
Amazing, all that incompetence and no one was held accountable...a constant trend under this lawless administration and under Hillary.

You're talking about a file management error where someone misplaced a contract. Your '6 billion lost' is your imagination. And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you.
You just admitted mismanagement at a huge scale...don't backtrack now.

Laughing....backtrack? You literally imagined '6 billion lost' and are now desperately trying to avoid your own blunder. We're speaking of a file management error....where contract files were misplaced.

That's it. Your '6 billion lost' is just the inane ramblings of your imagination.
FAIL! YOU words:

"And no one is being 'held accountable' for your imagination but you."

YOUR definition of 'my imagination' - YOUR WORDS:

"Its definitely an issue. They should definitely have them. And the OIG makes an excellent point that it opens the State Department to financial risk if one of these contracts is disputed....and theState Department doesn't have a copy."

So which is it, Skylar - make up your mind?!

Once again, there is no 6 billion dollars lost.

Keep backpedaling. Your imagination won't have the slightest relevance to the issues the OIG raised on missing contract files.

Is a '$6 billion clerical / incompetence' error an issue that needs to be addressed with someone held accountable or is it not?

There is no 6 billion dollar clerical error. The OIG isn't claiming they can't find the money paid in those contracts. They're claiming that they can't find the contract files themselves.

We're talking about missing pdfs or printed contracts. Not money of any kind.

Keep trying to polish your imaginary '6 billion lost' turd. All you're doing is covering yourself in shit.

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