$6 BILLION Missing From State Department Under Hillary: WHERE'S THE MONEY, HILLARY?

'Where did the money go?'

"Since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they have earned more than $230 million. But in federal filings the Clintons claim they are worth somewhere between $11 million and $53 million. After layering years of disclosures on top of annual tax returns, Forbes estimates their combined net worth at $45 million. Where did all of the money go?

No one seems to know, and the Clintons aren’t offering any answers."

The Mystery Of Hillary's Missing Millions

Seems like missing money is a pattern with the Clintons.
It's not my opinion, fucknut.

As usual, easy65 screws the chicken of lunacy with bad sources.

It had to do with file mismanagement. Thankfully we have the OIG to point out these things and correct idiots like you.

The April 3 news article “State Department’s IG issues rare alert” reported on the management alert issued recently by my office. In the alert, we identified State Department contracts with a total value of more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located.

The Post stated, “The State Department’s inspector general has warned the department that $6 billion in contracting money over the past six years cannot be properly accounted for . . . . ”

Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion. Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — “creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”
Steve Linick, Washington
The writer is inspector general for the U.S. Department of State and Broadcasting Board of Governors.

About the State Dept.’s ‘missing’ $6 billion

The curse of the Clintons. I did not have sex........ I did not hide e-mails........ I did not........ I did not either.......

Where did that money go? Did we miss another plane filled with cash for Iran?
It's not my opinion, fucknut.

As usual, easy65 screws the chicken of lunacy with bad sources.

It had to do with file mismanagement. Thankfully we have the OIG to point out these things and correct idiots like you.

The April 3 news article “State Department’s IG issues rare alert” reported on the management alert issued recently by my office. In the alert, we identified State Department contracts with a total value of more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located.

The Post stated, “The State Department’s inspector general has warned the department that $6 billion in contracting money over the past six years cannot be properly accounted for . . . . ”

Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion. Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — “creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”
Steve Linick, Washington
The writer is inspector general for the U.S. Department of State and Broadcasting Board of Governors.

About the State Dept.’s ‘missing’ $6 billion

So $6 Billion is 'UN-ACCOUNTED FOR' but is not 'missing'?!

:p Thanks for that definition of 'is'!
It's not my opinion, fucknut.

As usual, easy65 screws the chicken of lunacy with bad sources.

It had to do with file mismanagement. Thankfully we have the OIG to point out these things and correct idiots like you.

The April 3 news article “State Department’s IG issues rare alert” reported on the management alert issued recently by my office. In the alert, we identified State Department contracts with a total value of more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located.

The Post stated, “The State Department’s inspector general has warned the department that $6 billion in contracting money over the past six years cannot be properly accounted for . . . . ”

Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion. Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — “creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”
Steve Linick, Washington
The writer is inspector general for the U.S. Department of State and Broadcasting Board of Governors.

About the State Dept.’s ‘missing’ $6 billion

So $6 Billion is 'UN-ACCOUNTED FOR' but is not 'missing'?!

:p Thanks for that definition of 'is'!

^ can't read.
She can't handle money, she can't handle emails, she can't handle her husband.........and still they want her to 'handle' the country......good grief
State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

$6 Billion Missing From State Department Under Hillary Clinton - How Could She Just "Lose" That Kind Of Money? | RickWells.US

$6 Bil Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton - Judicial Watch

SO, at the time SECRETARY OF STATE Hillary Clinton was selling everything that wasn't nailed down from the State Department to Clinton Foundation donors - according to her own e-mails, $6 BILLION simply 'went missing'.


Quick, someone audit the Clinton Foundation and check all the Clintons' bank accounts, to include all off-shore accounts...


I know Barry just STOLE $500 million in the name of Zika, only to give it to the UN instead for their new Global Warming initiative...and no one seemed to give a damn that the President just lied his ass off and ripped off the American people...again....BUT THIS IS $6 BILLION WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!

(Warning: Rhetorical Question) How is this NOT an issue?
- It's amazing just how much shit she and the media can sweep under 1 rug!

Again, this has to be one of the biggest F* Ups in State Dept history.

If you weren't a pathological liar for the full time you've been here, you might get more than an eyeroll now when you post something.
If you weren't a pathological liar for the full time you've been here, you might get more than an eyeroll now when you post something.

Every time you respond by attacking me personally instead of contributing in any way to the on-going discussion you demonstrate you have nothing of substance to add. It is an admission of defeat.
If you weren't a pathological liar for the full time you've been here, you might get more than an eyeroll now when you post something.

Every time you respond by attacking me personally instead of contributing in any way to the on-going discussion you demonstrate you have nothing of substance to add. It is an admission of defeat.

Oh so you want to now claim you never post anything that is false or misleading?


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