6 Months Prison for Handing Out Plastic Straws in Santa Barbara KKKalifornia

Wry Catcher said:
Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
So Tell Me The Reasoning Of Banning Harmless Plastic Straws

Is This The Same California Town
That Banned Real Eggs
During The Colesterol Freak-Out In The 70's ??

I wouldn't be necessarily happy if some character was littering and dropped a plastic straw on the sidewalk in front of my domicile.

But I'd be a lot more unhappy if the doofus dropped a deuce on my sidewalk.

And liberals in California have no problem with that- indeed they celebrate it, even mapping out the bathroom habits of the liberal masses.
Raw human waste killing wildlife is obviously acceptable to the left, as is the mountains of garbage illegals leave as they cross the border"

They are having a marathon in San Francisco today, I hope the runners remembered to wear their rubber galoshes with all the poo in the streets.
Safety shoes for the needles.

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

Oh, well that's so much better.
Maybe I don't understand liberalism. But how can they throw such a conniption about plastic straws, when they have the people crapping in the streets?

Personally, I'd be less concerned about stepping on a plastic straw in the streets than I would about stepping on a 2 Couric piece of human excrement.

But that's just me.

I belive Rush Limbaugh explained it best:

"Folks, liberals mesures success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

I agree, that is why I asked if we wanted these clowns any where near levers of power again! They are off the rails, no near the norms of this country, and are the closest thing to police staters we have ever seen!
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You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.
Take your bans from gov't and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.............If you want a litter regulation to stop the BS .......I suggest you clean up San FranSicko.............
You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.
Take your bans from gov't and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.............If you want a litter regulation to stop the BS .......I suggest you clean up San FranSicko.............

Its becoming very common , in areas near you. LOL. Fools, its not only in CA. Do you guys have an aversion to reading??
You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.
Take your bans from gov't and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.............If you want a litter regulation to stop the BS .......I suggest you clean up San FranSicko.............

Its becoming very common , in areas near you. LOL. Fools, its not only in CA. Do you guys have an aversion to reading??
You aren't bringing that shit here...........We'll throw your asses out on your head...........keep your dang BS contained in liberal Horde states.........

You aren't welcome here.

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

I agree, that is why I asked if we wanted these clowns any where near levers of power again! They are off the rails, no near the norms of this country, and are the closest thing to police staters we have ever seen!

Exactly. Power hungry control freaks.

My suburb is run entirely by Democrats. Here, if you don't take your empty garbage can back in your yard a few times, you can be fined $1,000 and 30 days in jail.

It's how these sickos think. I can see it now, a group of guys sitting in jail.

What are you in here for?
Domestic battery.
What are you in her for?
receiving stolen property.
What are you in here for?
I didn't take my garbage can in on time.

But this is the liberal world and why we need to make sure they never have any real power in this country.

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

I agree, that is why I asked if we wanted these clowns any where near levers of power again! They are off the rails, no near the norms of this country, and are the closest thing to police staters we have ever seen!

Exactly. Power hungry control freaks.

My suburb is run entirely by Democrats. Here, if you don't take your empty garbage can back in your yard a few times, you can be fined $1,000 and 30 days in jail.

It's how these sickos think. I can see it now, a group of guys sitting in jail.

What are you in here for?
Domestic battery.
What are you in her for?
receiving stolen property.
What are you in here for?
I didn't take my garbage can in on time.

But this is the liberal world and why we need to make sure they never have any real power in this country.
And they dare call us Fascist..............they are INSANE.
6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."

Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

I agree, that is why I asked if we wanted these clowns any where near levers of power again! They are off the rails, no near the norms of this country, and are the closest thing to police staters we have ever seen!

Exactly. Power hungry control freaks.

My suburb is run entirely by Democrats. Here, if you don't take your empty garbage can back in your yard a few times, you can be fined $1,000 and 30 days in jail.

It's how these sickos think. I can see it now, a group of guys sitting in jail.

What are you in here for?
Domestic battery.
What are you in her for?
receiving stolen property.
What are you in here for?
I didn't take my garbage can in on time.

But this is the liberal world and why we need to make sure they never have any real power in this country.
And they dare call us Fascist..............they are INSANE.

Exactly. They are all over this service telling us that locking up druggies is a waste of money because they only bring harm to themselves. Right, trying to stop people from taking drugs that are killing over 60,000 Americans a year, but if you are giving straws to your customers, in the pokey with you.
One more time folks------>

Look at Cowboys post and tell everyone on here, not knowing WHICH PARTY created this law, would you say is MORE, or LESS FOR a police state-)

Do you actually want these people any where near the levers of power? A whole thread on a law against plastic straws, and some "Pointyheads" on here who actually support it because THEY KNOW BEST, and the rest of us are just sheep to herd in whatever direction they want. And how do we know this is true? ANSWER: Because they create NEW laws to force their vision on everyone as a pointyhead, then ignore laws that their pointyhead doesn't like, and tells everyone to see it their way, or you are racist, homophobe, ista-ista phobe, ista-ista phobe times 2, etc, etc.

One more time...…….which party is the party of the police state, and denier of rights and norms?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think the better question would be, do you want these very same people in charge of our country again?

I agree, that is why I asked if we wanted these clowns any where near levers of power again! They are off the rails, no near the norms of this country, and are the closest thing to police staters we have ever seen!

Exactly. Power hungry control freaks.

My suburb is run entirely by Democrats. Here, if you don't take your empty garbage can back in your yard a few times, you can be fined $1,000 and 30 days in jail.

It's how these sickos think. I can see it now, a group of guys sitting in jail.

What are you in here for?
Domestic battery.
What are you in her for?
receiving stolen property.
What are you in here for?
I didn't take my garbage can in on time.

But this is the liberal world and why we need to make sure they never have any real power in this country.
And they dare call us Fascist..............they are INSANE.

Exactly. They are all over this service telling us that locking up druggies is a waste of money because they only bring harm to themselves. Right, trying to stop people from taking drugs that are killing over 60,000 Americans a year, but if you are giving straws to your customers, in the pokey with you.
Funny what the Zombies come up with to get pissed over.................They march together down the path of Stupidity...............Our fathers have rolled over in their graves.............The Greatest Generation..............

Censorship..........burning the American Flag........throwing people in jail over a fucking straw..........attacking anyone who disagrees with them.........

Disobeying laws as they choose................Using the Gov't to attack those who disagree................

The NORMAL PATH of SOCIALISM..............and it's blithering idiots.
You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.
You lefties have orgasms about sending teens to prison for 6 months for handing some old man a plastic straw.
Allow Thousands of brutal Illegal Felons to enter and roam free in our country, but arrest and imprison Citizens for handing out straws? Yeah, the Communists/Democrats are out of their bleepin minds. They're destroying California. What a mess.
Actually I did and then researched further, unlike you, that just accepts anything you read, without researching -

Plastic straw bans disregard people with disabilities – East Bay Times
Straw ban controversies also have arisen in Seattle and New York City, and Lawrence Carter-Long, Director of Communications at Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, said it’s because legislators did not consult the disability community.

Carter-Long explained how plastic straw alternatives do not work for everyone. Glass straws can shatter; metal straws can break teeth; wheat or corn straws can cause allergic reactions; and paper straws can turn to mush.

“Every single bit of this controversy could’ve been avoided if people had taken the time, stopped to think, and reached out to the disability community beforehand rather than after the fact,” Carter-Long said.
Proposed SF straw ban may affect people with disabilities
Many people with disabilities fear the plastic straw ban will limit their accessibility at restaurants, stores and other service establishments. For many people with disabilities, flexible plastic straws are the easiest and safest way to eat and drink food. Most paper straws dissolve and get soggy and many reusable straws, made out of metal for example, have no flex and can pose a hazard for people with mobility issues.

You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
Did you see Americans with Disabilities have attacked this, as many need plastic flex straws to even be able to drink.

Didn't read the article hey.

Here's another one: How Do Plastic Straw Bans Work?

But we know the "poorly educated" only read the headlines.
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Why I have no idea what you mean!!! California has stellar school systems.....great homeless tent cities....piles of organic manure in their streets to fertilize their flower gardens.....if you need a needle for your diabetic shot, look there, one right in the gutter!!

Seems like paradise...?? What else do they have to worry about other than straws?


Hey. we are 47th in education, not the bottom...

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