6 Months Prison for Handing Out Plastic Straws in Santa Barbara KKKalifornia

The UK is also trying to reduce plastic consumption.

What if the asylum seekers prefer plastic straws?

Then they can have them rectally installed.

By your own logic, an increase in plastic consumption.

But it's fine as long as it's ass related.

The UK is also trying to reduce plastic consumption.

What if the asylum seekers prefer plastic straws?

Then they can have them rectally installed.

By your own logic, an increase in plastic consumption.

But it's fine as long as it's ass related.
You are a lying ass.
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Maybe I don't understand liberalism. But how can they throw such a conniption about plastic straws, when they have the people crapping in the streets?

Personally, I'd be less concerned about stepping on a plastic straw in the streets than I would about stepping on a 2 Couric piece of human excrement.

But that's just me.
You can drink regular, you don't need to drink through a straw. its time to grow up and quit blowing through them to make bubbles.:)
But Bubbles Are Harmless Fun


Hypodermics Are Not

And What Difference Is A Straw When You Go To The Grocery Store
And All The Plastic Wraps And Containers There ??
Your Take-Out Drink as A Plastic Lid
And At Least A Plastic Coating On The Cup

The People That Need To Grow Up
Are Those That Agree With This War On Defenseless Straws
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Good for Santa Barbara and good for the sea turtles:

sea turtle with straw - Google Search

Callous conservatives don't give a damn about God's Creation, yet most claim to be Christians.

Good for Santa Barbara and good for the sea turtles:

sea turtle with straw - Google Search

Callous conservatives don't give a damn about God's Creation, yet most claim to be Christians.
Of course you leftards want to toss a 19 year old waitress with a kid at home in prison for serving a straw for what shithole countries are doing.

Yep, the fascist left should all be deported to Tehran.

Iran is part of our planet too; Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
Wry Catcher said:
Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
So Tell Me The Reasoning Of Banning Harmless Plastic Straws

Is This The Same California Town
That Banned Real Eggs
During The Colesterol Freak-Out In The 70's ??
Wry Catcher said:
Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
So Tell Me The Reasoning Of Banning Harmless Plastic Straws

Is This The Same California Town
That Banned Real Eggs
During The Colesterol Freak-Out In The 70's ??

I wouldn't be necessarily happy if some character was littering and dropped a plastic straw on the sidewalk in front of my domicile.

But I'd be a lot more unhappy if the doofus dropped a deuce on my sidewalk.

And liberals in California have no problem with that- indeed they celebrate it, even mapping out the bathroom habits of the liberal masses.

Good for Santa Barbara and good for the sea turtles:

sea turtle with straw - Google Search

Callous conservatives don't give a damn about God's Creation, yet most claim to be Christians.

Good for Santa Barbara and good for the sea turtles:

sea turtle with straw - Google Search

Callous conservatives don't give a damn about God's Creation, yet most claim to be Christians.
Of course you leftards want to toss a 19 year old waitress with a kid at home in prison for serving a straw for what shithole countries are doing.

Yep, the fascist left should all be deported to Tehran.

Iran is part of our planet too; Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
Tehran is part of earth?
And here I thought we were sending you leftards on a galactic journey.
But Keep Those Free Hypodermics And Condoms Flowing....

So What Exactly,
Is So Egregiously Offensive About A Plastic Straw ??
Compared To The Himalayas Of Other Grocery Plastics

Did Seattle Or This Place Explain The Reasoning Behind This ??
Did I Just Miss It ??
Someone told the Left to get hysterical about straws, so being good little sheep they are hysterical and in a panic. Starbucks plastic lids and hypo needles are OK, because they weren't mentioned in the hysteria instructions.
Wry Catcher said:
Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
So Tell Me The Reasoning Of Banning Harmless Plastic Straws

Is This The Same California Town
That Banned Real Eggs
During The Colesterol Freak-Out In The 70's ??

I wouldn't be necessarily happy if some character was littering and dropped a plastic straw on the sidewalk in front of my domicile.

But I'd be a lot more unhappy if the doofus dropped a deuce on my sidewalk.

And liberals in California have no problem with that- indeed they celebrate it, even mapping out the bathroom habits of the liberal masses.
Raw human waste killing wildlife is obviously acceptable to the left, as is the mountains of garbage illegals leave as they cross the border"
Wry Catcher said:
Too bad your education ended in the fourth grade, and from then on you felt you knew everything.
So Tell Me The Reasoning Of Banning Harmless Plastic Straws

Is This The Same California Town
That Banned Real Eggs
During The Colesterol Freak-Out In The 70's ??

I wouldn't be necessarily happy if some character was littering and dropped a plastic straw on the sidewalk in front of my domicile.

But I'd be a lot more unhappy if the doofus dropped a deuce on my sidewalk.

And liberals in California have no problem with that- indeed they celebrate it, even mapping out the bathroom habits of the liberal masses.
Raw human waste killing wildlife is obviously acceptable to the left, as is the mountains of garbage illegals leave as they cross the border"

They are having a marathon in San Francisco today, I hope the runners remembered to wear their rubber galoshes with all the poo in the streets.

6 months is for repeated transgressions..

"However, as explained by Santa Barbara's Environmental Services Outreach Coordinator, Bryan Latchford, the hefty fine and possible prison sentence will only be implemented for businesses who repeatedly refuse to abide by the new law."
Yeah, 6 months prison for serving a straw TWICE.

And you freaks whine about 3 strikes.

While the State let's murderers walk free and HIV infected needles fill the beaches.

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