6 Police Officers Across the US Were Charged with Murder This Week, Proving Strength of Protests

Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?
Did this guy just compare incidents to hours? gawd bro lol

Sure did. You're asking if it's a "big deal". That requires scope and context. Sorry...it's true.

1,000,000 people employed as cops....worked a collective 300 BILLION hours of cop work per year.

How many incidents need to occur in those numbers for it to be a national crisis? More than a dozen. I'll confirm that for ya.
Did this guy just compare incidents to hours? gawd bro lol

Sure did. You're asking if it's a "big deal". That requires scope and context. Sorry...it's true.

1,000,000 people employed as cops....worked a collective 300 BILLION hours of cop work per year.

How many incidents need to occur in those numbers for it to be a national crisis? More than a dozen. I'll confirm that for ya.
Everything is a crisis for the progressives. If they don't have a crisis, they can't justify thuggery, thievery and murder.
The police need to totally withdraw from minority areas.
They'd do to each other in 6 months what Planned Parenthood hasn't been able to accomplish in 60 years.
Actually that shows your how naive you are. Most of the violence you see in Black communities occur due to a void of power in the drug trade. The cops know this and actively support the people that pay them off. If the cops withdrew it would actually quickly reach an equilibrium.
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It would be more like comparing the number of criminal priests....to the total number of priests. God you're an idiot.

Or....as you lefties ALWAYS do....comparing Muslim terrorists....by saying "There's 1 billion Muslims....obviously 99.99999% aren't terrorists!!!". Which is true.

You're just too dumb to intelligently discuss this. I'll try anyway...but it's like trying to play chess with a dog. You're just kinda chewing and licking the pieces.
Did this guy just compare incidents to hours? gawd bro lol

Sure did. You're asking if it's a "big deal". That requires scope and context. Sorry...it's true.

1,000,000 people employed as cops....worked a collective 300 BILLION hours of cop work per year.

How many incidents need to occur in those numbers for it to be a national crisis? More than a dozen. I'll confirm that for ya.
How can you confirm every incident when the majority of them go unreported?
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.
Hey man, there are like 253 million cars on the road and MAAD has the nerve to be upset at a small amount of drunk driver deaths. I mean, its like, less than 10% and people are making it out to be a big deal. I, Bucs, says its not...so there!

That means theres 1,012,000,000 tires on the road!!!
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No
Actually a white thug is leading the charge...
What it proves is that cops are being targeted. They're targeted for death by the anti-Cop, anti-White Thug faction, and they're targeted for prosecution by the city administrators who are scared to death that the thugs are gonna get them.
Did this guy just compare incidents to hours? gawd bro lol

Sure did. You're asking if it's a "big deal". That requires scope and context. Sorry...it's true.

1,000,000 people employed as cops....worked a collective 300 BILLION hours of cop work per year.

How many incidents need to occur in those numbers for it to be a national crisis? More than a dozen. I'll confirm that for ya.
Everything is a crisis for the progressives. If they don't have a crisis, they can't justify thuggery, thievery and murder.

YEP. If some cop murders someone....fuck him....charge him. Local issue. There's a million cops. Thousands of police departments. Statistically, it's a non issue nationally.

There's not a SINGLE city or county where cops killing people is a "crisis". It's such a rare occurrence at any individual department. Most police departments have never killed anyone....thankfully. Most are small depts. NYPD, LAPD...obviously they will have to at times. Just the numbers.

But a cop shooting and killing someone is very uncommon for ANY department. Yet....libs think it's a national crisis....when they can't point to ONE city or county where it's become common enough to be a crisis. The only one close to it is maybe Albequerqu NM. And that city has a unique blend of problems causing it.
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

He knows that. Crime is up in every major city. The witch hunt for cops to throw to the wolves of the liberal lynch mob....has resulted in cops saying fuck it.

Oh well. Cops will get paid either way. Liberals are engaged in social cannibalism by doing this shit.
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go
When did Baltimore become everyone else? So that means only people in Baltimore should be allowed to vote?
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.
Hey man, there are like 253 million cars on the road and MAAD has the nerve to be upset at a small amount of drunk driver deaths. I mean, its like, less than 10% and people are making it out to be a big deal. I, Bucs, says its not...so there!

That means theres 1,012,000,000 tires on the road!!!

MADD - Drunk Driving Statistics

Hey retard.....66% of Americans will be involved in a crash involving DUI in their life. 2/3. Thats....statistically a big deal. Since 1990....in part due to aggressive cops and vehicle safety improvements from the private sector...DUI death has been cut in half.

So.....66% of Americans will be in a wreck where at least 1 driver is drunk.
And....what % of Americans will be shot by a police officer?

Wanna try again about what's a "big deal"??
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.

Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.
So the number of people "protesting" something is the criteria on whether or not charges should be filed?

No. But it obviously does serve to alert officials that political attention is being paid. What is significant is the fact that said attention will not influence the judicial outcome.
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.

Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.

So you double down on laughing at an increased murder rate. The right is more disgusting by the day.

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