6 Police Officers Across the US Were Charged with Murder This Week, Proving Strength of Protests

So the number of people "protesting" something is the criteria on whether or not charges should be filed?

No. But it obviously does serve to alert officials that political attention is being paid. What is significant is the fact that said attention will not influence the judicial outcome.

It shouldn't result in more frequent charges. Justice should be blind. The witch hunts going on by DAs and mayors to satisfy a mob....is flat out dangerous.
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.

Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.

So you double down on laughing at an increased murder rate. The right is more disgusting by the day.

I'm laughing at liberalism. Your ideology is a failure and a cancer. I laugh when you all bring it upon yourselves. However that failure manifests....so be it. This time it happens to be a soaring crime rate.
So the number of people "protesting" something is the criteria on whether or not charges should be filed?

No. But it obviously does serve to alert officials that political attention is being paid. What is significant is the fact that said attention will not influence the judicial outcome.

so if it won't make any difference in the outcome whether they protest or not, explain the point again?
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

You said Crime, not Baltimore crime. Your bad
So the number of people "protesting" something is the criteria on whether or not charges should be filed?

No. But it obviously does serve to alert officials that political attention is being paid. What is significant is the fact that said attention will not influence the judicial outcome.

It shouldn't result in more frequent charges. Justice should be blind. The witch hunts going on by DAs and mayors to satisfy a mob....is flat out dangerous.

But whats not dangerous is your story telling ability
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.

Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.

So you double down on laughing at an increased murder rate. The right is more disgusting by the day.

I'm laughing at liberalism. Your ideology is a failure and a cancer. I laugh when you all bring it upon yourselves. However that failure manifests....so be it. This time it happens to be a soaring crime rate.

That's not what you said. This is what you said.

"And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign."

The more you try to weasel out of it, the worse you look.
Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.
I have no problem with cops killing the kind of predatory felons who deserve to be killed. But I would be very interested in learning the circumstances that led up to each of the topic killings and the backgrounds of those who were killed,

Simply stated, I'd like to know if any of them died as the result of some bullshit initial police activity -- such as drug-dealing and other "law-enforcement" activities that serve no necessary or socially constructive purpose.
And 2 officers who were charged due to the lynch mob mentality....we're NOT convicted.

ClosedCaption is right..Protests DID change something. It's caused politically correct cowards in mayors offices to push for cops to be arrested....just do it....and throw meat to the mob. However it plays out in court...so be it. It's cheaper than a riot and fires.

And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign.

Laughing about an increased murder rate. Typical.

Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.

So you double down on laughing at an increased murder rate. The right is more disgusting by the day.

I'm laughing at liberalism. Your ideology is a failure and a cancer. I laugh when you all bring it upon yourselves. However that failure manifests....so be it. This time it happens to be a soaring crime rate.

That's not what you said. This is what you said.

"And how will cops respond? Hahaha....well....you'll see. The soaring murder rate in big cities is the first sign."

The more you try to weasel out of it, the worse you look.

Yes. Glad you can read. How will cops respond to the liberal lynch mobs wanting dead or jailed cops? By avoiding criminals. By disappearing from the streets. Liberalism produces that. And it will result in higher crime rates.

And Iaugh at liberalism failing.

Yes. I never even hinted at avoiding it. I'm laughing. When violent crime keeps rising in liberal shitholes...and cops arent gonna confront it....WHO IS? Guilty white bearded hipsters? Al Sharpton? Nope. City will rot. Smart people will flee....likely to the South and to more successful, conservative towns.
Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.
I have no problem with cops killing the kind of predatory felons who deserve to be killed. But I would be very interested in learning the circumstances that led up to each of the topic killings and the backgrounds of those who were killed,

Simply stated, I'd like to know if any of them died as the result of some bullshit initial police activity -- such as drug-dealing and other "law-enforcement" activities that serve no necessary or socially constructive purpose.

Valid point. Enforcement of weed and other petty shit may just not be worth it. I've always been a proponent for shrinking the mission of law enforcement. Weed should be legal. Petty shit like loosie cigarette sales....not worth it. Of course...big government libs are the ones who PASS these laws....then get pissed when law enforcement...enforces the laws that they pass. They say cops shouldn't forcefully enforce the petty shit if people resist...but if compliance is voluntary then it's not worth being a law.
6 Police Officers Across the US Were Charged with Murder This Week, Proving Strength of Protests


After months of sustained #BlackLivesMatter protests, there have been a seemingly unprecedented six indictments of police in the last four days. This signals a stunning departure from the long trend of non-indictments, most notably in the cases of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Tony Robinson.

The uptick in police indictments is not unique to this week, either. In fact, the rate of indictments has increased by 5 times over the course of the last 5 months, according to data compiled by criminal justice professor Philip Stinson.

The sharp rise in indictments isn’t the only change following the anti-police violence protests sweeping across the country. Americans’ confidence in police is at a 22-year low, according to a Gallup poll conducted last month.

The six indictments that took place since Monday include two former East Point, Atlanta officers charged with murdering an already handcuffed black man. Two Albuquerque police were indicted for killing a homeless man who had surrendered. A former Fairfax, Virginia officer was charged with murder for shooting a man who’d had his hands up—in his own home. Just today, a Maryland officer was charged with attempted murder for shooting an unarmed suspect who had already surrendered. Following his surrender, the police officer called him a “piece of shit” and shot him in the groin.

In related news included in this story is this


The Shocking Number of Cops Recently Indicted for Murder

The Number of Cops Indicted for Murder Spikes Upward

If prosecutors and grand juries are to be trusted, cops murder or unlawfully slaughter an extraordinary number of people. And while it may be that the five-month period we’re in now will look like just an unusual cluster, if the rate at which cops are indicted for killings continues at this pace, then we’re witnessing a sharp disjuncture with the recent past.
The heading, Black Lives Matter, shows this article is total bs.

It's pure political opinion.

Indictments mean squat.

Convictions matter.
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

You said Crime, not Baltimore crime. Your bad

That is an example where cops have been charged. Doesn't seem to be going so well.
Laughing at reality. Liberalism is a cancer. It comes in many forms. Cop hate liberalism is growing....and the consequences are ugly. I laugh at that....because WE will be just fine in the suburbs and rural areas. You idiots will reap what you sow.
I have no problem with cops killing the kind of predatory felons who deserve to be killed. But I would be very interested in learning the circumstances that led up to each of the topic killings and the backgrounds of those who were killed,

Simply stated, I'd like to know if any of them died as the result of some bullshit initial police activity -- such as drug-dealing and other "law-enforcement" activities that serve no necessary or socially constructive purpose.
More often than not prison and juvenile hall only serve to educate people on how to be better felons.
Bucs be like: Hey Bro, theres what? Maybe like 200 cases of Priests raping boys compared to 150 Billion boys in America! Thats not even 5% so why are you bringing it up? Its rare and the people molested (or who can be molested in the future) should get over it. Because I just determined your rape, in the scheme of things, doesnt matter! See?

It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

You said Crime, not Baltimore crime. Your bad

That is an example where cops have been charged. Doesn't seem to be going so well.

Are you still talking about one locations crimes or what? You're all over the place
The heading, Black Lives Matter, shows this article is total bs.

Way to jump to conclusions there Geronimo
Indictments mean nothing.

Convictions.... that's another matter

Yep, indictments mean nothing now. Anything else you'd like to unilaterally declare means nothing? The world is on the edge of their seats

"Indictments mean nothing"??? How stupid you are. An indictment means there is probable cause of a crime. That's a lot. Doesn't mean guilt. But means a crime "probably occurred...and this person probably did it". That's remedial law definition.

So...when we start a trend of indicting cops for incidents where it appears the incident was likely self defense....just to satisfy a mob, what does it do? It puts the officer on page 1. Endangers him and his family. Essentially ends his career. And maybe worse in a broad view....it tells EVERY cop out there that his actions won't necessarily only be judged by the law, but now just as much by how mad protesters are.

So for the sake of civility and public safety...we must consider what effect this has on the crime control efforts in our nation.

6 indictments is...statistically...meaningless. But as it relates to the broad topic of fighting crime...well...we'll see.
It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

You said Crime, not Baltimore crime. Your bad

That is an example where cops have been charged. Doesn't seem to be going so well.

Are you still talking about one locations crimes or what? You're all over the place

Pick a murder rate. Baltimore. Detroit. NY. LA. St Louis. North Charleston. Atlanta. DC. It's mostly all the same.
It's a problem when it starts making it difficult for cops to do their job. Crime does seem to be up.

By cops? yes

By everyone else? No

You seem to be very wrong.
Baltimore Murders Pass Last Year's Total With Four Months to Go

You said Crime, not Baltimore crime. Your bad

That is an example where cops have been charged. Doesn't seem to be going so well.

Are you still talking about one locations crimes or what? You're all over the place

They seem to be up in lots of places, which is my point.
Police rattled by spike in violent crimes across US

This movement seems to help criminals and not really anyone else.

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