6 states so far say "HELL NO !" to Muslim "refugees" !

Political compromise on humanitarian grounds: we'll match 1 for 1 Saudi Arabia's taking of refugees. That's fair right? ;)

The neighboring countries should be the ones taking these refugees. I don't really see any reason why we should be taking any of these people into our country.
Obama is allowing these 'young muslim men' into the country to destabilize the country. The DNC has basically given up any hope they can again go to the 'negro voting block' well. They learned that in the last midterms.
The DNC knows there will never be another negro LIB President ever again.
So what to do? Import as many new LIB voters a possible. Latinos/muslims, fucking eskimos!
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
Political compromise on humanitarian grounds: we'll match 1 for 1 Saudi Arabia's taking of refugees. That's fair right? ;)

The neighboring countries should be the ones taking these refugees. I don't really see any reason why we should be taking any of these people into our country.
Obama is allowing these 'young muslim men' into the country to destabilize the country. The DNC has basically given up any hope they can again go to the 'negro voting block' well. They learned that in the last midterms.
The DNC knows there will never be another negro LIB President ever again.
So what to do? Import as many new LIB voters a possible. Latinos/muslims, fucking eskimos!
The primordial scream of a disenfranchised cave chimp. :laugh:
How lucky for Obama that this is a Federal thing, the local "Burn the Koran" assholes don't actually have a say...
I use the Quran for TP.
You had to buy it first...the publisher thanks you. :lol:
I paid ten fucking cents for the Korn-hole-Koran from a thrift store.
Just so I could take a nice big shit on it and send it to a radical Islamofacist mosque. 'Special Delivery'. Oh ya. and a package of all-pork wieners.
How lucky for Obama that this is a Federal thing, the local "Burn the Koran" assholes don't actually have a say...
I use the Quran for TP.
You had to buy it first...the publisher thanks you. :lol:
I paid ten fucking cents for the Korn-hole-Koran from a thrift store.
Just so I could take a nice big shit on it and send it to a radical Islamofacist mosque. 'Special Delivery'. Oh ya. and a package of all-pork wieners.
Do that, it's against the law in cases like that: Is It Illegal to Mail Poop?
How lucky for Obama that this is a Federal thing, the local "Burn the Koran" assholes don't actually have a say...
I use the Quran for TP.
You had to buy it first...the publisher thanks you. :lol:
I paid ten fucking cents for the Korn-hole-Koran from a thrift store.
Just so I could take a nice big shit on it and send it to a radical Islamofacist mosque. 'Special Delivery'. Oh ya. and a package of all-pork wieners.
Sure you did. Stop trying to convince us.
7 States so far. I won't hold my breath for California to join in.
Refugees want warmer climates and so far Montana and Wyoming look mighty fine for me and Mr G to skedaddle to if it comes to that.
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?
Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?
Now, just why in the fuck should I have to ask that?
On the same token I could ask Him: Should I buy and gird a sword?
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Luke 22:36
Opps!!!!!.. you are against the 2nd Amendment... I forgot...
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?

I don't give a fuck what Jesus would do, I'd close the borders to any further immigration by Muslims.
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?

I don't give a fuck what Jesus would do, I'd close the borders to any further immigration by Muslims.

Like a true Christian nation showing charity to those who are suffering
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?

I don't give a fuck what Jesus would do, I'd close the borders to any further immigration by Muslims.

Like a true Christian nation showing charity to those who are suffering

The best way yo help them is to keep them out of western nations.
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?
Ask yourself, do you even believe in Jesus? If not stop preaching his name.
Its good to have Republicans protecting their states from Mooslims...it keeps the Christians happy
It has nothing to do with Christians moron.
If you look at the list of 190 U.S. cities for Muslim relocation, you will see that a great number of relocation affiliate centers are supported by Christin denominations.
190 US Cities To Receive Syrian Refugees

Allowing starving muslims into your state

You have to ask....What would Jesus do?

I don't give a fuck what Jesus would do, I'd close the borders to any further immigration by Muslims.

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