60 years ago, Alabama church bombing killed 4 girls and catalyzed a movement


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
60th anniversary of the Birmingham Church bombing that launched the modern Civil Rights Movement.
On Sept. 15, 1963, dynamite ripped through the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., killing four Black girls in the church basement as they prepared to attend Sunday services. The powerful blast reduced the church to rubble, mangling cars in the parking lot and stopping clocks. The dynamite blew plaster off the walls and peeled the face off the image of Jesus in a stained-glass window.

Later that day, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. sent a telegram to President John F. Kennedy, pledging to urge nonviolence among his followers but warning that absent a meaningful response from the federal government, “we shall see the worst racial holocaust this nation has ever seen.”
Sixty years later, as the country continues to reel from recent high-profile police killings of unarmed Black Americans and lawmakers in several states restrict the teaching of Black history, the city of Birmingham is hosting a week of events to commemorate the victims of the church bombing and highlight the civil rights push that followed.
Yes, it was a huge deal. And still is. 4 young girls were murdered by ignorant racists who fought to keep all blacks from being able to vote.

And the system protected these murderous rednecks for years. The first time any of them went to trial was in 1977. And that was only because the AG, Bill Baxley, went after them with a passion. And he nailed the perps in that crime and pissed off the kkk. Baxley is a great man.
Yes, it was a huge deal. And still is. 4 young girls were murdered by ignorant racists who fought to keep all blacks from being able to vote.

And the system protected these murderous rednecks for years. The first time any of them went to trial was in 1977. And that was only because the AG, Bill Baxley, went after them with a passion. And he nailed the perps in that crime and pissed off the kkk. Baxley is a great man.
Hard to believe the white population of Birmingham was not outraged

What does it take to say……Enough!
In fact, a bit of trivia concerning Bill Baxley. He was 29 when he took office as the AG. His first act was to reopen the bombing case.

After he convicted one of the scum, he received a letter from a Dr. Edward Fields calling him an "Honorary Ni@@@r". Baxley's reply was simple and is currently in the state Archive. "Dear 'Dr' Fields, my response to your letter dated February 19th, 1976 is - Kiss My Ass.
well do something about....liberals can eaily fix things that happened many decades in the past....liberals can do anything they are like Iron Man or scooby doo

You cannot bring the dead back to life first off.

Racism and Bigotry are learned behaviors. I'm on the lucky ones. I was born and raised in Arkansas. But my parents never spoke one racist word. I was taught to respect the person, and NOT condemn the skin color.

Four Black Children were murdered, and their murders were unimportant? Why?

Why did some idiot White Man think that killing Black Children was the right to do? Because they were Black and therefore they did not matter.

Could not help but notice you did not answer the quesiton I posed. Not surprised, your attempting to deflect back on to me.

I respect my Black/Hispanic/Muslem Neighbors. I do not fear them. All I can do make my corner of the world a better place.

After over 25-Years of Democatic Activism I still see Cons teaching hate. Killing people because of their religion or skin color.

You want to end hate, stop teaching it.
You cannot bring the dead back to life first off.

Racism and Bigotry are learned behaviors. I'm on the lucky ones. I was born and raised in Arkansas. But my parents never spoke one racist word. I was taught to respect the person, and NOT condemn the skin color.

Four Black Children were murdered, and their murders were unimportant? Why?

Why did some idiot White Man think that killing Black Children was the right to do? Because they were Black and therefore they did not matter.

Could not help but notice you did not answer the quesiton I posed. Not surprised, your attempting to deflect back on to me.

I respect my Black/Hispanic/Muslem Neighbors. I do not fear them. All I can do make my corner of the world a better place.

After over 25-Years of Democatic Activism I still see Cons teaching hate. Killing people because of their religion or skin color.

You want to end hate, stop teaching it.
the democratic party used to be called the confederate states of america....you should be so ashamed of yourself for supporting such a horrible racist legacy.....get woke
We remember the deaths of 4 black girls in a Baptist church 60 years ago but the media quickly forgot that a transexual terrorist entered a Christian school in Tennessee and shot and killed 3 children and 3 adults a couple of months ago. What's the difference? Hatred is hatred.

The tragedy that happened in TN is not to be ignored or pushed aside. But the B'ham church bombing was the culmination of a massive movement in civil rights. That was not the only bombing in the Magic City. Just the one that is remembered.

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