60th Anniversary of Stalin - A Reminder

Communists hate it when the truth comes out like this. That is reason enough to keep this information out there. There is only one way to fight a lie. With the TRUTH. - J.
Creating another urban myth?!?! :cool:

No. That is what communists love to claim but lets cut to the chase and get the truth to the american people anyhow, alright? Read this and see if it awakens a brain cell or too in that progressive - communist mind of yours. - Jeremiah

UVORKUTA, Russia -- Anna Krikun can barely read the yellowing papers that show she was sentenced as a young woman to hard labor in one of Stalin's cruelest Gulag camps...(snip)

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity of snopes, troll!!!

Of course it does. They lied. According to this article? Snopes is not fact checking properly. Egads! We're shocked! lol.. no we're not really.... this is shades of Pravda coming at ya! You want another wack at this before you tuck that tail between your legs and hit the road? Go for it. I'm still here....... - Jeremiah
A man of the people:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

A visionary:

The Pope? How many divisions has he got?
Joseph Stalin

The "life" of the Party:

One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin

You must realise that to the Communist the end justifies the means. Stealing an election means nothing. Obamas cousin, Odinga, stole his own election and murdered many innocents - they were burned alive - in order to obtain it.

Communism is the most brutal force on earth. If others could look inside the gulags of North Korea today - to see the work camps - the slave labor - the innocent citizens that are rounded up daily to be taken to these work camps - never to see daylight again - their hair would turn white. The world has no idea what is hiding behind the borders of North Korea but through testimonies before Congress some North Koreans have told the world and still no one is listening? How is that possible? Buy the book Eyes of the Tail less animals by Sun Lee and see for yourselves what a life under communist rule looks like. What have you got to lose, reader? Why not examine the real evidence, facts concerning Communism before you dive off the deep end accepting it as a viable answer for America? Only a fool would take another mans word for it. ( especially a marxist professor in your school! ) Do your own research and see that Communism is alive and well and the Soviets have been biding their time for this hour. Do not make it easy on them. - Jeremiah

Dude, you're so whacked you can't even recall your own posts

The social evolution of russia and china are interesting, though.
Actually that is your brain crumbling under the weight of reality and truth concerning Communism. You probably won't be fully awake until their boot is on your neck. If Truth matters then why not pay attention to it for a change? - Jeremiah
No. That is what communists love to claim but lets cut to the chase and get the truth to the american people anyhow, alright? Read this and see if it awakens a brain cell or too in that progressive - communist mind of yours. - Jeremiah

UVORKUTA, Russia -- Anna Krikun can barely read the yellowing papers that show she was sentenced as a young woman to hard labor in one of Stalin's cruelest Gulag camps...(snip)

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity of snopes, troll!!!

Of course it does. They lied. According to this article? Snopes is not fact checking properly. Egads! We're shocked! lol.. no we're not really.... this is shades of Pravda coming at ya! You want another wack at this before you tuck that tail between your legs and hit the road? Go for it. I'm still here....... - Jeremiah

I'll take snopes any day over you, troll. They have a track record of well researched articles. I haven't seen any evidece to the contrary, just unsubstantiated charges from those who don't like their facts.
Dude, you're on crack with the birther shite.

But, despite that, I'm still moderately curious as to what date or anniversary you refer to.

No one has brought up Obamas birth certificate here. If you disagree please use the quote feature and let's see it. Otherwise drop the drama, lies and innuendo. If you cannot handle debate fairly then don't bother replying. - Jeremiah
The news has been out about Snopes for some time. The owners of Urban Legends are just as bad. No education or qualifications for fact checking. A couple of married liberals who were comedians before they took their Urban Legends show on the road. If anyone ever seriously investigates the background of these clowns they will never again use ANY OF THEM for fact checking sources. My advice? Do your own research. My articles are coming straight from the horses mouth. PRAVDA. The openly deified Stalin as a god and no amount of sidestepping the issues here is going to change the facts over this mass murderer. - Jeremiah
BBC News, Gori, Georgia
Gori's giant statue of Stalin was removed in 2010 - but now it is to reappear Continue reading the main story
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On the 60th anniversary of the death of Soviet supreme ruler Joseph Stalin there is still controversy over how to view his legacy in his homeland Georgia.

Millions died when Stalin imposed iron discipline and state terror to root out "enemies of the people" and build a communist state.

But in the town of Gori, where he was born, the city council recently decided to re-erect a huge statue of Stalin, which the pro-Western government of President Mikheil Saakashvili took down almost three years ago. It is a sign, historians say, that the country needs to confront its Soviet past.

Gori's main tourist attraction is its museum to Stalin. The ornate building, with its collection of heroic photographs and Stalin's death mask, appears frozen in time - a Soviet shrine to the dictator, almost untouched since the museum was built in 1957.

But Olga Tochishvili, who has worked as a guide here since the Soviet era, says attitudes towards Stalin are changing.

"In Georgia, most of the old generation like Stalin. They think he was a great statesman, with his small mistakes. Young people don't like Stalin, of course. Our young people are not interested in history and they don't like Stalin."

Hero or villain?
The Gori museum highlights the Soviet-era Stalin personality cult
But it is not just attitudes. Gori's cityscape has changed as well.

The main boulevard, Stalin Street, used to be dominated by the huge statue of the dictator. But it was removed in 2010 by Mr Saakashvili's westernising government - a decision that upset many people in Gori.

Nikoloz Kapanadze, who earns tips by helping cars to find parking places in Stalin Street, told me the statue should be returned.

"Everybody wants that, not only me, but the whole of Gori, the whole of Georgia wants the monument to be installed where it was before. I am 65 and I've only heard good things about him throughout my life."

A few weeks ago the city council allocated funds to re-erect the statue at the Stalin museum.

The decision seems to be partly the result of a political upheaval in Georgia. Mr Saakashvili's party was defeated in parliamentary elections last October by the Georgian Dream coalition, which wants to repair Georgia's rocky relations with Russia.

Gori's new mayor, David Razuadze, from Georgian Dream says Stalin's statue will be re-installed by the summer.

Continue reading the main story Damien McGuinness

BBC News, Tbilisi


Visiting the garden of Georgian pensioner Ushangi Davitashvili is an eerie experience. Life-sized statues of Joseph Stalin poke out from behind bushes. And the brick walls are lined with hundreds of photographs of the former dictator. This is a shrine to a man who is seen in the West as responsible for the deaths of millions of people.

According to a new survey by the Caucasus Research Resource Centers almost half of Georgians have a positive attitude towards Stalin. Which doesn't mean there's nostalgia for the former Soviet Union or a risk of a return to authoritarianism. Georgia is a fiercely independent state. And surveys show that the vast majority of Georgians want to join Nato and the EU.

But Stalin is Georgia's most famous son. And in a culture which reveres strong personalities, that counts for a lot.

"People in Gori have this feeling that the name Stalin is known in the world and so is their little town… Georgia is known worldwide because of Stalin. And the position of the previous government, which was basically an insult, was unbearable. And I say, you can condemn Stalin's period, you can condemn political repressions and the old way of life - but you should not touch personalities."

The statue seems to have become part of the tug of war between Georgia's political parties.

Georgian 'backsliding'

Over cappuccino in an upmarket cafe in the capital, Tbilisi, Giorgi Kandelaki, an MP from Mr Saakashvili's party, told me the decision to re-erect the statue was a backward step.

"We lost the elections and so unfortunately we have many signs of democratic backsliding in Georgia or flirtations with the Soviet past. And the comeback of this statue is one such symbolic but very worrying sign. And in Gori the decision to allocate funds to reinstate the statue was made not by some private people but by the city council and by the local governor, who represents the ruling council. I think this is a scandalous fact."

Mr Kandelaki, 31, says the statue should have been removed years ago.

"No country that aspires to become a normal country can have a symbol that pays tribute to Stalin. Everyone in the world knows Stalin as the bloodiest dictator in history. And the second reason relates specifically to Georgia. In 1921, when Georgia was a parliamentary democracy, Stalin was the initiator of the Soviet Russian invasion and occupation of Georgia."

But history in Georgia is a complicated business.

Lasha Bakradze, a professor of Soviet history at Tbilisi University, recently presented a new survey commissioned by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which found that 45% of Georgians expressed a positive attitude to Stalin. He says the poll shows that Georgia needs to confront and work through its Soviet past.

Even a couple of Stalin's famous pipes are on display in the Gori museum
"Nothing is done to explain to the population who Stalin was," he told me.

"It has not been talked about. Also in school books you don't find explanations about what the totalitarian system was. And so it is understandable why people are still in this Soviet way of thinking, that Stalin was 'Our Boy', a very strong leader."

"Georgian society has a problem," he continued.

"On one side they can have sympathy for Stalin and on the other side the biggest part of Georgians are pro-democracy, freedom and so on. It is very primitive, patriotic thinking. Somebody was famous and this somebody was Georgian."

At the museum, change is coming - if slowly. A small room under the stairs displays the names of a few dozen local victims of Stalin's repressions. But even as further revisions are being discussed, Olga Tochishvili and her colleagues are looking forward to the return of the statue - not for political reasons, but for tourism.

"Many foreign visitors asked us, where is Stalin's statue? I think it will be better to put up the statue in front of our museum for our visitors, because they want to see the statue
The news has been out about Snopes for some time. The owners of Urban Legends are just as bad. No education or qualifications for fact checking. A couple of married liberals who were comedians before they took their Urban Legends show on the road. If anyone ever seriously investigates the background of these clowns they will never again use ANY OF THEM for fact checking sources. My advice? Do your own research. My articles are coming straight from the horses mouth. PRAVDA. The openly deified Stalin as a god and no amount of sidestepping the issues here is going to change the facts over this mass murderer. - Jeremiah

They've been doing their thing for a long time and are quite experienced at ferreting out facts. Just because you can't handle the facts, doesn't mean they aren't qualified. What education do you need for checking facts? Why should we believe your facts? What are your qualifications? What it comes down to is that they've got a good reputation and all I've seen from you is an attempt to tear that down with nothing to back it up. Hence, the reason I'm calling you a troll.
Anniversary of what? What date or event?

And you're spouting an urban myth

snopes.com: Barack Obama and Kenya Connection

Where are you? In a cave in Afghanistan? Do you have access to the news or not?

- Jeremiah

I posted the full BBC Article right here on this thread. You are capable of reading articles from the UK, right?

Carnegie: Stalin still admired in ex-Soviet lands:clap2:

Carnegie: Stalin still admired in ex-Soviet lands - WBTW-TV: News, Weather, and Sports for Florence, SC
By the one percenters who were in power or whose families were in power, Polkow, not the citizens. Even then there were exceptions to the rule.

Stalin's own daughter called her father a monster and moved to America as an act of solidarity with our Republic. She had nothing good to say about her father or Communism. - Jeremiah
The news has been out about Snopes for some time. The owners of Urban Legends are just as bad. No education or qualifications for fact checking. A couple of married liberals who were comedians before they took their Urban Legends show on the road. If anyone ever seriously investigates the background of these clowns they will never again use ANY OF THEM for fact checking sources. My advice? Do your own research. My articles are coming straight from the horses mouth. PRAVDA. The openly deified Stalin as a god and no amount of sidestepping the issues here is going to change the facts over this mass murderer. - Jeremiah

They've been doing their thing for a long time and are quite experienced at ferreting out facts. Just because you can't handle the facts, doesn't mean they aren't qualified. What education do you need for checking facts? Why should we believe your facts? What are your qualifications? What it comes down to is that they've got a good reputation and all I've seen from you is an attempt to tear that down with nothing to back it up. Hence, the reason I'm calling you a troll.

Well then, you've got a serious problem because the facts I am posting are backed up by valid sources, by the articles even Russia printed themselves through Pravda - etc, I am giving factual evidence I can back up, read these articles - BBC and others, read the true history of Stalin - you have been brainwashed into marxism at some liberal college. I can tell. You show all the signs of it. - Jeremiah
Question: Speaking of the Capitol of the World, the author misses it as this was the imperialistic ambitions of communism - to rule the world - which leads me to this question. As the progressives have sought out the assistance of Islamists worldwide just exactly how do they intend to break the news to these Muslims that they are nothing more than useful idiots and will be disposed of by the millions once they are no longer needed.

If islam is supposed to rule the world and communists believe they are supposed to rule the world which one will win? Any ideas about that?

The news has been out about Snopes for some time. The owners of Urban Legends are just as bad. No education or qualifications for fact checking. A couple of married liberals who were comedians before they took their Urban Legends show on the road. If anyone ever seriously investigates the background of these clowns they will never again use ANY OF THEM for fact checking sources. My advice? Do your own research. My articles are coming straight from the horses mouth. PRAVDA. The openly deified Stalin as a god and no amount of sidestepping the issues here is going to change the facts over this mass murderer. - Jeremiah

They've been doing their thing for a long time and are quite experienced at ferreting out facts. Just because you can't handle the facts, doesn't mean they aren't qualified. What education do you need for checking facts? Why should we believe your facts? What are your qualifications? What it comes down to is that they've got a good reputation and all I've seen from you is an attempt to tear that down with nothing to back it up. Hence, the reason I'm calling you a troll.

Well then, you've got a serious problem because the facts I am posting are backed up by valid sources, by the articles even Russia printed themselves through Pravda - etc, I am giving factual evidence I can back up, read these articles - BBC and others, read the true history of Stalin - you have been brainwashed into marxism at some liberal college. I can tell. You show all the signs of it. - Jeremiah

Wasn't even talking about your facts. But since you would denigrate some of the best fact checkers around, it calls into question whether you're actually offering facts or just an agenda. You jumped on them too quick. That tells me you don't care about truth. You just care about pushing a point.
You are wrong, Konrad. The consensus is Snopes is a liberal left propaganda machine for Obama. Republicans are well aware of many instances when Snopes has claimed something not true that was later proven true. They still refused to correct it. They have no credibility. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Not by far. - Jeremiah
You are wrong, Konrad. The consensus is Snopes is a liberal left propaganda machine for Obama. Republicans are well aware of many instances when Snopes has claimed something not true that was later proven true. They still refused to correct it. They have no credibility. I'm not the only one who feels this way. Not by far. - Jeremiah

Such as.........

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