62% of Americans are concerned that cheating will impact this year’s election

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
That’s a lot of Democrats too…


According to a recent Heartland/Rasmussen poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that there is a high probability the 2024 election could be stolen. The poll reveals that 62 percent of voters are concerned that cheating will impact this year’s election, with more than a third (37 percent) saying they are “very concerned.”

The survey underscores the validity of these concerns, particularly in key battleground states where the last presidential election was decided by razor-thin margins. In these states, 20 percent of respondents reported either receiving more than one official ballot by mail or receiving a ballot for someone not residing at their address.
“The fact that more than 60 percent of likely voters are concerned about election integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” Chris Talgo, the Heartland Institute's editorial director, said in a statement about the survey of 2,466 likely voters nationwide.

“As the 2020 election demonstrated, mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting, unattended drop boxes, and no excuse mail-in voting has made it easier than ever for those who are committed to breaking the law and illegally voting,” Talgo added. “The fact that nearly one-in-five likely voters received multiple ballots before the 2020 election cements the case for the urgent need for election integrity reform measures across the states.”

This is a complete DNC narrative buster, who brand people who question election security as deniers and attacking democracy. This is a bipartisan concern. There are major holes that need closed.

And we know that if Trump wins, the Democrats will suddenly have a few questions in regards to elections, and “they” will be right to ask them (but conservatives were wrong)
There is never anything wrong in asking questions. What was wrong was claiming things definitely happened despite near zero evidence of it.

What was wrong was trying to destroy companies because you lost.
That’s a lot of Democrats too…


According to a recent Heartland/Rasmussen poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that there is a high probability the 2024 election could be stolen. The poll reveals that 62 percent of voters are concerned that cheating will impact this year’s election, with more than a third (37 percent) saying they are “very concerned.”

The survey underscores the validity of these concerns, particularly in key battleground states where the last presidential election was decided by razor-thin margins. In these states, 20 percent of respondents reported either receiving more than one official ballot by mail or receiving a ballot for someone not residing at their address.
“The fact that more than 60 percent of likely voters are concerned about election integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” Chris Talgo, the Heartland Institute's editorial director, said in a statement about the survey of 2,466 likely voters nationwide.

“As the 2020 election demonstrated, mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting, unattended drop boxes, and no excuse mail-in voting has made it easier than ever for those who are committed to breaking the law and illegally voting,” Talgo added. “The fact that nearly one-in-five likely voters received multiple ballots before the 2020 election cements the case for the urgent need for election integrity reform measures across the states.”

This is a complete DNC narrative buster, who brand people who question election security as deniers and attacking democracy. This is a bipartisan concern. There are major holes that need closed.

And we know that if Trump wins, the Democrats will suddenly have a few questions in regards to elections, and “they” will be right to ask them (but conservatives were wrong)
In a Democracy, Only Whites Could Vote

Behind all this fuss is a suppressed realization that voting for pre-owned candidates to do all the important voting takes away our right to self-determination, which can only be attained through national referendums.
RT.com is already publishing information that's meant to hurt Kamala's chances. They are of course very biased for Trump because he's now quite likely to interfere in America's war against Russia.

IMO that means that the power of the establishment in America is going to prevent Trump from being the president again.
America winning that war is too essential to its future prosperity.

And for America's other war, Trump knows that he can't say anything against the Zionist regime because that would be too unpopular. He almost certainly will demand that the Zionist regime is cut off from money and weapons. For Trump to do otherwise is just going to be going counter to the rest of the world, who predict that the Zionist regime's country will cease to exist.
Will Republicans try to steal this election like they tried in 2020?

You can count on it
Will Republicans try to steal this election like they tried in 2020?

You can count on it
No matter what Trump says, it's most likely that he will take the path of least resistance. That means that he will attempt to end America's wars because it will be a path to his own success.

And that's the reason why he's so dangerous to America's future prosperity.

He will also know that force of arms isn't a path forward when dealing with Russia, China, or any nuclear superpowers.
Even America interfering with Iran by force of arms has become impossible now.

Iran is the flipside of the coin that is America's protecting the Zionist regime.

Trump doesn't have the option of starting a nuclear war!
No matter what Trump says, it's most likely that he will take the path of least resistance. That means that he will attempt to end America's wars because it will be a path to his own success.

And that's the reason why he's so dangerous to America's future prosperity.

He will also know that force of arms isn't a path forward when dealing with Russia, China, or any nuclear superpowers.
Even America interfering with Iran by force of arms has become impossible now.

Iran is the flipside of the coin that is America's protecting the Zionist regime.

Trump doesn't have the option of starting a nuclear war!
One thing I can say about Trump is that he is unlikely to involve us in a war

He does not care about our alliances or other countries
He looks at the military and NATO in terms of a checkbook not defending global safety
One thing I can say about Trump is that he is unlikely to involve us in a war

He does not care about our alliances or other countries
He looks at the military and NATO in terms of a checkbook not defending global safety
I think that you have expanded on what I've said. Trump will have to start trying to take the path of least resistance until after the election.

Kamala is going to have to inherit Biden's wars. She may attempt to tone it down a bit on account of staying onside with the voters' preferences. But not much will be tolerated by her party.
Trump and his minions have done a very good job destroying faith in the electoral system of this country, which by the way has always been the best in the world. So, yeah, good job Trumpers for your lies debasing our constitutional republic and her institutions.
Influencing local election officials
How did he do that? And What crime would that be?
substitute electors
I know some people are being prosecuted, but I’m not aware of Trump being targeted as ordering any of this to happen. You’d have to provide that
pressuring a Vice President to overturn the states,
While I didn’t agree with what he was saying, Simply saying vague statements to Pence isn’t a crime
attacking the Capitol
Trump didn’t orchestrate that at all, he called for peace many times. I’d stop lying if I were you. Do you enjoy lying?
How did he do that? And What crime would that be?

I know some people are being prosecuted, but I’m not aware of Trump being targeted as ordering any of this to happen. You’d have to provide that

While I didn’t agree with what he was saying, Simply saying vague statements to Pence isn’t a crime

Trump didn’t orchestrate that at all, he called for peace many times. I’d stop lying if I were you. Do you enjoy lying?
When Trump learned he lost the election, he tried to steal it

Created the Lie that the election was illegitimate
Pressured local officials to change votes
Created a block of fake electors not beholden to the ballot
Pressured his Vice President to overturn certified Electoral Votes
Sent a mob to pressure Congress to not certify the election

Trump is under Felony Indictment for his actions to steal the election
There is no widespread voter fraud in America. There is, however, widespread Russian propaganda being spread like what the OP is doing across social media. Traitors all.
That’s a lot of Democrats too…
Indeed. The scary thing about stolen election conceit, is that it will justify cheating in the minds of those who think the other side cheated. I still doubt there will be any kind of orchestrated conspiracy to steal the election. But the election will be a shitshow.

I'm still predicting this will be the first election with a body count. Arguable, considering the firefighter killed at the Trump rally, it already is.

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