62% of Americans says aid to Israel is to much

US Aid to Israel Is ‘Too Much’ Say 61.9% of Americans

According to the Israel Firsters all of those people must be horrible nazis and anti semites!

If the Jew bastards would just do the decent thing and shut up and die, all the middle east problems would be solved, right, Adolph?
Bit dramatic there aren't ya. Who knew cutting of a country from the ever flowing teat of OUR tax dollars would equal death.

I'm actually against government aid to Israel, but I'm against all foreign aid. The people should give their own money to whomever they support. I'd chip in to Israel if we ended ait. You on the other hand just want the Jews to die like most leftists do
I want ALL nonwhites to be erased from the earth. I am mostly anti Jew because they are my races mortal enemy. Their goal is the elimination of MY race.Oh and yesterday I was called a right winger LOL....
US Aid to Israel Is ‘Too Much’ Say 61.9% of Americans

According to the Israel Firsters all of those people must be horrible nazis and anti semites!

If the Jew bastards would just do the decent thing and shut up and die, all the middle east problems would be solved, right, Adolph?
Bit dramatic there aren't ya. Who knew cutting of a country from the ever flowing teat of OUR tax dollars would equal death.

I'm actually against government aid to Israel, but I'm against all foreign aid. The people should give their own money to whomever they support. I'd chip in to Israel if we ended ait. You on the other hand just want the Jews to die like most leftists do
That's better.. I was like ?...lol

Yeah, foreign aid isn't something I'd support, but it's pretty clear what the objective of the left is when they oppose foreign aid specifically to Israel
I oppose ALL foreign aid.
I would cut aid to the non-existent "Palestinians".
I would cut the aid to EVERYONE.
US Aid to Israel Is ‘Too Much’ Say 61.9% of Americans

According to the Israel Firsters all of those people must be horrible nazis and anti semites!
61.9% of Americans don't have any idea what is going on with Israel and don't know shit from Shinola.
They obviously know that they don't want their hard earned tax dollars going to Israel to murder innocent civilians in its campaign of genocide.
US Aid to Israel Is ‘Too Much’ Say 61.9% of Americans

According to the Israel Firsters all of those people must be horrible nazis and anti semites!
And it will keep going up and up and Jew like me will take the money and spit directly in you racist face while hanging your wife! How does that make you feel?

I take warmth in the fact the worlds attitude towards the terrorist state of Israel is turning AGAINST Israel and soon enough they will be wiped off the face of the earth. I don't think Israel will see its 100th birthday as a nation :) My wife wouldn't touch any non white scum such as yourself so your pathetic attempt at goading me won't work :)
Wow. Now THAT is the most fucked up thing I have read from you.
you do know he's a nazi, right?
I am a Racial Socialist not a National Socialist. I have linked several times to the difference but people refuse to inform themselves so not my issue.
Why are people Jew haters just because they don't want to give them free shit?

How did you not see his position was just driven by his hatred of Jews?
I am driven by the fact that my damn money belongs HERE fixing things for ME and my family not in some foreign country using on weapons of war to murder civilians.
Why are people Jew haters just because they don't want to give them free shit?

How did you not see his position was just driven by his hatred of Jews?
His OP didn't lead me to think that. But I see he don't like Jews. But I also don't think he would be ok with sending money to anyone else, either.

If that's what was motivating him, he'd do what we would have done, started a thread against foreign aid, not started a thread against foreign aid specifically targeted at Israel
Opium is a "Racial Socialist", eh? Well, I'm a "social racist" and I am still not half of the asshole you are!
I want ALL nonwhites to be erased from the earth

I am driven by the fact that my damn money belongs HERE fixing things for ME and my family not in some foreign country using on weapons of war to murder civilians.

OK, so which of these statements is a lie since they can't both be true? Jews are killing non-whites you said you want to be "erased from the earth," then you say they are using the money to "murder civilians," the civilians you just said you want erased from the earth ...
I want ALL nonwhites to be erased from the earth

I am driven by the fact that my damn money belongs HERE fixing things for ME and my family not in some foreign country using on weapons of war to murder civilians.

OK, so which of these statements is a lie since they can't both be true? Jews are killing non-whites you said you want to be "erased from the earth," then you say they are using the money to "murder civilians," the civilians you just said you want erased from the earth ...
Both are true. :)
I want ALL nonwhites to be erased from the earth

I am driven by the fact that my damn money belongs HERE fixing things for ME and my family not in some foreign country using on weapons of war to murder civilians.

OK, so which of these statements is a lie since they can't both be true? Jews are killing non-whites you said you want to be "erased from the earth," then you say they are using the money to "murder civilians," the civilians you just said you want erased from the earth ...
Both are true. :)

That isn't the question, it wasn't a factual question. I mean duh, read it.

The question is why you have a problem with something you say you support? They are killing people you say you want "erased from the earth," so, why the objection to what you say you want? Shouldn't we arm them more?
Zionists are basically faggots. Hope nobody gets butthurt over that fact!
We are an 'Israel-First' Nation. So this massive funding isn't gonna end. Israel has an incredible amount of power & influence within our Government. Most in this country have become on board with supporting anything Israel does.

Our Foreign Policy in the Middle East is directly linked to Israel's. It's the opposite of what Thomas Jefferson and George Washington spoke about when warning about 'Entangling Alliances.' Many may not like our Israel-First policy, but it is here to stay. If Israel wants conflict over there, we will oblige. It's not 'Antisemetic' or 'Anti-Israel' to acknowledge that we are an 'Israel-First' Nation.
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Most Americans think the amount of money we spend on foreign aid is a big chunk of the federal budget. That grossly mistaken belief is probably what led people to answer we are spending too much on foreign aid to Israel, even though the question included the amount we give to Israel. The question also said Israel receives 9 percent of what we spend on foreign aid, but if your preconceived notion is that we spend a shit ton of money on foreign aid, the respondents probably thought we spend 9 percent of our budget on foreign aid.

The poll question is not the worst worded poll question I have ever seen, but it definitely leaves a helluva lot to be desired.
How many of you knew we have US troops stationed in the Sinai? How many of you know the stipulations Israel has to abide by in order to receive military aid? All I see here are a lot of misguided, mistaken and misled liberal pukes. Hell, even the Demowhacks in Congress would never cut aid to Israel.
Since when do 751 respondents of a freaking Google (unscientific ?) survey indicate 61% of Americans? Read the fine print. What does the phrase "results for respondents with demographics" mean? How can a survey be "weighted by age, region"? My guess is that it's doublespeak for a push poll with targeted demographic guaranteed to give certain results.
I will 140,000 in Army and National Guard or 440,000 in Army do nothing with National Guard. Both size I wanted 40,000 in Uruguay or in Israel or Europe.

1,300,000 with Army left are enough to bring action with Air Force or will it be war with Navy/Marines or Marin Corps who are against war in homeland ????

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