62% of Germans now say....

The Community :gives: about The Community, they do NOT represent the people, they HATE the people, they hate our Cultures, they hate our Heritage, they hate our Nations, which is why they would like to destroy the Nation States and replace them with No Borders, No National Identity, No Culture, No Heritage, No Nothing.
Plus they are mean as hell. They stir up mobs. Its horrible.

Exactly, they accuse us of doing what they actually do, they have no shame.
It sux being on their bad side. But then, I'm on a lot of people's bad
It's uniting Europe just like EU never could:lmao:

a storm is coming. I hope it doesnt come down here.

You know, I gave my job up in November, I gave it up because I realised how important this is, that Europa is under threat from Traitor Merkel and her ilk and that we Patriots, who love our Continent and love the European peoples, we need to just concentrate 100% on this issue and this fight.

To do this, I gave my job up, because I can't do both things and my Continent is more important than the job....the Continent, Europa is part of my blood, my DNA, it must be saved and it's going to be saved....many millions of Patriots agree.

work shy eh? Hehe

This thing in coming months is going to get very ugly, and the ugliness is going to be started by Traitors at the EU Commission.

Their obsession is Schengen, because that IS the EU Project, if Schengen goes, the EU Project is finished.

Schengen is now already three quarters off the cliff, all it needs is one more push and it completely falls off cliff. So, we need to give it that push....now Traitors at the EU Commission will be fighting to keep it from falling off cliff, so it'll be ugly situation.

Donald Tusk yesterday saying "we have two months to save Schengen".

We are THIS near to destroying the EU Project, we cannot stop now, we collectively must give Schengen that one more little push and force it off the cliff.
Godspeed. It a good chance for peace.

Thank you darling, this is appreciated.
Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

I wish you'd quite equivocating and tell us how you really feel. :rofl:
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

try to avoid editing and commentary----Lucy dear------we all have brains----sorta
Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

I wish you'd quite equivocating and tell us how you really feel. :rofl:

Lol hilarious, yes, sometimes I'm just too subtle huh? :rofl:
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.

"We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Yes, now we know, the same feelings are being aroused across Europa and Mitteleuropa.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.

For the sake of the good people of Europe I hope not. But I'm afraid war is inevitable.

My guess is enough attacks will panic nations and eventually some will leave the EU over it. After that...those few nations will turn to drastic measures to root out Islamic terrorists.....and some remaining EU members led by liberals will try to intervene out of "sympathy" for the islamists and out of revenge for leaving the EU.

THEN...as you said...sides are drawn. The US probably would have to align with the EU. Russia likely with the nation's who broke away.

That's how I see it playing out. Probably over the next 8-10 years. By 2025 I think the EU loses nations and a war begins.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.
That sux. Im a liberal.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.

For the sake of the good people of Europe I hope not. But I'm afraid war is inevitable.

My guess is enough attacks will panic nations and eventually some will leave the EU over it. After that...those few nations will turn to drastic measures to root out Islamic terrorists.....and some remaining EU members led by liberals will try to intervene out of "sympathy" for the islamists and out of revenge for leaving the EU.

THEN...as you said...sides are drawn. The US probably would have to align with the EU. Russia likely with the nation's who broke away.

That's how I see it playing out. Probably over the next 8-10 years. By 2025 I think the EU loses nations and a war begins.

Anyone who tries to intervene from sympathy with the Islamists, they will be shown no mercy.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.
That sux. Im a liberal.

Might suck for you when the SHTF.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.
That sux. Im a liberal.

Yes but I like you, so I'll make sure you're protected :wink:
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again. Liberals are in denial of this fact. They can't accept that their failed ideology leads to this.

But when it happens....let's remember liberals enabled it. And they may need to be shipped away with those savages they welcomed into our societies.
That sux. Im a liberal.

Might suck for you when the SHTF.

No, The Great Goose will be under protection!
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.

For the sake of the good people of Europe I hope not. But I'm afraid war is inevitable.

My guess is enough attacks will panic nations and eventually some will leave the EU over it. After that...those few nations will turn to drastic measures to root out Islamic terrorists.....and some remaining EU members led by liberals will try to intervene out of "sympathy" for the islamists and out of revenge for leaving the EU.

THEN...as you said...sides are drawn. The US probably would have to align with the EU. Russia likely with the nation's who broke away.

That's how I see it playing out. Probably over the next 8-10 years. By 2025 I think the EU loses nations and a war begins.

Anyone who tries to intervene from sympathy with the Islamists, they will be shown no mercy.

I agree and that will spark the war. Liberal policies in Europe caused this and once a couple nations break away and lay down the hammer....other EU nations will try to intervene and preserve the EU and protect the migrants. Very different circumstances but much the same way America broken away from England and a major war resulted. That war drew in many nations. This one will too.

We're still probably a decade away. But it is coming.
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.

For the sake of the good people of Europe I hope not. But I'm afraid war is inevitable.

My guess is enough attacks will panic nations and eventually some will leave the EU over it. After that...those few nations will turn to drastic measures to root out Islamic terrorists.....and some remaining EU members led by liberals will try to intervene out of "sympathy" for the islamists and out of revenge for leaving the EU.

THEN...as you said...sides are drawn. The US probably would have to align with the EU. Russia likely with the nation's who broke away.

That's how I see it playing out. Probably over the next 8-10 years. By 2025 I think the EU loses nations and a war begins.

Anyone who tries to intervene from sympathy with the Islamists, they will be shown no mercy.

I agree and that will spark the war. Liberal policies in Europe caused this and once a couple nations break away and lay down the hammer....other EU nations will try to intervene and preserve the EU and protect the migrants. Very different circumstances but much the same way America broken away from England and a major war resulted. That war drew in many nations. This one will too.

We're still probably a decade away. But it is coming.

"other EU nations will try to intervene and preserve the EU and protect the migrants."

Which is the ultimate in Treason, protecting the migrants and not your native population is Treason.
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

I'm sure they feel stabbed in the back by the people they helped.
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

Good to see Lucy !
War is coming to Europe.

History repeats itself. Period. Never fails.

In the 1930s....an anger overtook Europe and an entire race of people was rounded up to be gotten rid of.

We always wonder "HOW did it get to that?"

Well....now we see. Circumstances are different. But would it shock anyone if we had 9 or 10 more mass Paris style attacks...then around 2020 a united European force rounded up Muslims throughout Europe to ship back to the Middle East? Atrocities would inevitably happen. Russia China and the US would be drawn into it.

It's 1937 all all over again.

No, it's our intention not to have the war....but if somehow the war happens, then Russia will be with us....we do not want Obama or Hillary with us, they stay out.

Europa nothing to do with them, Russia part of Eastern Europa.

For the sake of the good people of Europe I hope not. But I'm afraid war is inevitable.

My guess is enough attacks will panic nations and eventually some will leave the EU over it. After that...those few nations will turn to drastic measures to root out Islamic terrorists.....and some remaining EU members led by liberals will try to intervene out of "sympathy" for the islamists and out of revenge for leaving the EU.

THEN...as you said...sides are drawn. The US probably would have to align with the EU. Russia likely with the nation's who broke away.

That's how I see it playing out. Probably over the next 8-10 years. By 2025 I think the EU loses nations and a war begins.

Anyone who tries to intervene from sympathy with the Islamists, they will be shown no mercy.

I agree and that will spark the war. Liberal policies in Europe caused this and once a couple nations break away and lay down the hammer....other EU nations will try to intervene and preserve the EU and protect the migrants. Very different circumstances but much the same way America broken away from England and a major war resulted. That war drew in many nations. This one will too.

We're still probably a decade away. But it is coming.

We do not want a war, if a war happens, remember it'll be the Leftists who will have started it.

Also, Germans and Austrians, we are the same people....Großdeutschland über alles.

Großdeutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.

Greater Germany,
Greater Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When for protection and defence,
It always stands brotherly together.

I need the bed, so I wish you Gute Nacht und süße Träume - (Good Night and Sweet Dreams)
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

Good to see Lucy !

Thank you, I knew we'd get there, it's a shame it took something like the Köln New Years Eve thing to bring us to this point.
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

I'm sure they feel stabbed in the back by the people they helped.

What you mean the 18% of Traitors who wanted them in the first place? No, the 18% want more of the Cultural Enrichment.

The German Patriots ie. the MAJORITY of Germans, never wanted them in the first place.

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