62% of Germans now say....

Czech president: Muslims ‘practically impossible’ to integrate into Europe.

Existing ghettos and the recent sexual harassment scandals involving Muslim migrants in European cities are evidence the integration of the Muslim community into Europe is next to impossible, Czech President Milos Zeman said in an interview on Sunday.
An established anti-immigration advocate, Zeman has condemned the European Union's migrant policies.

“The experience of Western European countries, where there are ghettos and closed areas, as well as recent events, demonstrate once again that the integration of the Muslim community [into Europe] is practically impossible,” Zeman told tabloid newspaper Blesk in a video interview, as cited by AFP.

“Let them have their culture in their countries and not take it to Europe, otherwise it will end up like Cologne,” the Czech president added, referring to the mass sexual assaults perpetrated by migrants in the German city on New Year's Eve.

Europe is experiencing the worst migrant crisis in decades, Zeman stressed, adding that newcomers should adapt to local culture and traditions while retaining their own distinct identities.

“Integration is possible with cultures that are similar, and the similarities may vary,” Zeman said, holding up the Ukrainian and Vietnamese diasporas living in the Czech Republic as examples of groups that have integrated successfully while maintaining distinct national identities.
Muslims ‘practically impossible’ to integrate into Europe - Czech president

And if you notice from the graph I posted, the MAJORITY of Germans have NEVER supported the "refugees" being allowed into Germany....ONLY a MINORITY EVER supported it and that minority the usual suspects the Leftists, Communists, the Greens and the Antifa's ie. the Traitors.

West is paying now for their double standards foreign policy. Western leaders should have thought twice before they started bombing ME and destroying that wasp's nest.
If they didn't, there wouldn't be any reason for letting millions of Muslims flood Europe.

The West didn't bomb Syria. Muslims are responsible for the mess in their own lands. It's an Islamic civil war between Suuni and Shi'ites, and it's been going on for over a thousand years.

Who are you kidding. We had no right in Iraq, Libya, or trying to get Assad out of power, Israel, SA and the US and Eu.
Here's hoping the leaders of Europe get their heads out of their collective asses and boot all the Muslims out of Europe.

Send em back to whatever shithole they crawled out of so they can all kill themselves.

Europe should now have its eyes opened to the mess they have made for themselves and their citizens.

Hope they boot the fuckers out.
Here's hoping the leaders of Europe get their heads out of their collective asses and boot all the Muslims out of Europe.

Send em back to whatever shithole they crawled out of so they can all kill themselves.

Europe should now have its eyes opened to the mess they have made for themselves and their citizens.

Hope they boot the fuckers out.

Here's what will happen. It will mimic America's flood of Hispanic illegal immigrants...many of whom are gang members, drug dealers, rapists, outright low life criminals.

They will try to deport them....and liberals will whine.
They will identify criminal acts...libs will whine about racism.
They will begin deportations....libs will whine you're "breaking up families"
Libs will fight against it every step of the way.

Liberals have 1 goal. Turn the West into something far less white, far less Christian and far less wealthy.
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

amazing that socialists have ruined Europe in such short time
well, Fascism another product of the left did the same thing
in short time, as well
62% of Germans now say too many refugees, the numbers keep rising....what happened New Years Eve in Köln with the savages on the molesting and sexually assaulting rampage has changed everything.

Only 16% of fools say the refugee numbers are okay and 18% of Traitors want more of the savages.

This poll is from Bild, one of the worst propaganda pieces of garbage, so, if Bild is saying this, then you know Traitor Merkel and the Traitors following her are in trouble now.

Men = 60%, Women = 63%

View attachment 60472


German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

New research by YouGov in Germany for the Bild newspaper reveals a sharp hardening of attitudes to immigration following the attacks in Cologne.

On November 20 a slim majority of 53% said the number of asylum seekers in Germany was already too high, however 42% said the current numbers were acceptable (22%) or that Germany could even accept more (21%). Now however, fully 62% say the number of asylum seekers is too high, while only one in three say the current numbers are acceptable (16%) or could be higher (18%).


German women are now more likely than men to say the number of asylum seekers in Germany is already too high (63% and 60% respectively) – which had not previously been the case – and the hardening of women's attitudes by 12 points is the main driver for Germany's now-strong resistance to immigration.

Here's the full article:

YouGov | German attitudes to immigration harden following Cologne attacks

Good to see Lucy !

Thank you, I knew we'd get there, it's a shame it took something like the Köln New Years Eve thing to bring us to this point.

I just hope the pressure stays on Merkel and her cronies, and it's relentless !
The Muslims in Germany causing all this chaos better read some history on Germany we do know from the past what they can do to those they consider undesirable. I'm not suggesting they would, could or should return to the actions of the Nazis but if I was Muslim in Germany watching my fellow Muslims cause all this turmoil it would be in the back of my mind.

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