62% Think Trump Committed a Crime

The problem with your hypothesis is that there is no "Trump wins."

America will choose an 82 two year old crypt keeper over a blustering ass bag facing 90 indictments for trying to install himself dictator.
How do you think that race would look if your Crypt Keeper Messiah hadn’t weaponized his DOJ to take out his #1 opponent?
I still don't think Trump will be in the 2024 presidential race. This January 6th committee will refer criminal charges on Trump to the doj, who will likely indict Trump, and work to get a conviction making Trump ineligible to run.

Even if they can't get a conviction, they will have him tied up in legal battles that he won't have time to run.

Where did you think this was all headed?

What if Pence or Pelosi or any other Lawmaker was killed by Trump Supporters in the Capitol on that day, plus knowing as a minimum that Trump sat in the lunch room near the Oval Office resisting continuous requests to call his mob off on Twitter until he heard news of that sort; would you have considered your opinion that the J6 committee was a politically motivated witch hunt just same.

"A legal expert has walked back his prediction that former President Donald Trump would evade trial in the federal election subversion case, saying this week’s developments are making him look “gloriously wrong.”

Elie Mystal, an attorney and legal reporter for The Nation, said he had read a transcript of U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision on Monday to set a trial date of March 4.

“I am starting to worry that I am going to need to file an official notice of ‘I was wrong’ with the relevant authorities,” he wrote in a thread on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday.

“My position has been that Trump will not be brought to trial before the RNC, at which point he’ll be named as their nominee and trying him becomes nearly impossible before the election. BUT, Chutkan is doing the thing I thought no judge would: treating Trump as a normal citizen.”


What if Pence or Pelosi or any other Lawmaker was killed by Trump Supporters in the Capitol on that day, plus knowing as a minimum that Trump sat in the lunch room near the Oval Office resisting continuous requests to call his mob off on Twitter until he heard news of that sort; would you have considered your opinion that the J6 committee was a politically motivated witch hunt just same.

Do you believe the federal government can force national reciprocity on the states?

If a woman is hit by a drunk driver and loses her pregnancy because of it, is that murder?
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

In a criminal trial, it takes 100% of jurors to convict (fed and most states).

Plus 50% of people are below average.
The conservative cult of the 1950s has run its course.

It's over. All their hate and rage is turning into a need for retribution and revenge that will turn on them.

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