62% Think Trump Committed a Crime

But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

that poll is bullshit, you libs will find out next november.
Your bogus poll means 62% of the people ignore the fact that the DOJ is politically corrupted. The corruption starts at the top guy Merrick Garland down to the state level as in DA Bragg and Georgia DA Willis.
Look at how the questions were couched....It's abviously a moonbat poll, made for moonbats, with an obviously slanted sampling model.
The first path will be to show that Congress had a slush fund to pay off the many "stormy daniels" they solicited and paid off over the years.
On Monday night, BuzzFeed broke the story that Michigan Rep. John Conyers paid a former staffer thousands of dollars in a settlement in 2015 after sexually harassing her and other women in his office and then firing her for refusing his advances.

He likely isn’t the only member of Congress to settle a harassment case. Since 1997, Congress has paid at least $15 million to settle complaints about sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act under the umbrella of the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) of 1995.

The payments made to Rep. Conyers’s alleged victim came out of his taxpayer-funded office budget. Generally, though, these payments aren’t made by members of Congress or their offices. They’re made by a special section of the Department of the Treasury established under Section 415 of the CAA — and ultimately by the American taxpayer
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

The real number is much higher. Some of that 38% wouldn't admit he committed a crime if Trump stole their car while they were in the backseat.
But Trump totally owned them with his mugshot, though, so it's perfectly okay. Oh, and somehow Republicans are now going to win the black vote.

Anyone feel free to explain the path to 270 with this public sentiment.

62% Think Trump Committed a Crime​

Like Russia collusion?

You guys can’t even be original.
Says the unoriginal dweeb who barfed up "CULT 45!". :lmao:

Fucking moron.

What gets me is the OP and Coyote think that right-leaning members won't bother to check their sources.

I bet they hate when they run across the likes of me. ;)

Navigator Research is a left-of-center polling and public opinion research organization. The group is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a funding and fiscal sponsorship organization managed by the Washington, D.C.-based consultancy Arabella Advisors.

Democratic-aligned pollsters Jeffrey Pollock and Nick Gourevitch of Global Strategy Group and Margie Omero of GBA Strategies lead the project. 1 The polling outfit releases public opinion polling related to President Donald Trump and tests messages to attack him and other Republicans. The organization is backed by a selection of left-of-center activists and organizations that advise it.

In short, it's leftist central.

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