63 Banks On the Verge Of Collapse.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
So much for this strong economy the Democrats claim we're experiencing. Globally nations, and banks are selling off US Tresuries at an alarming rate. Both to prevent their own insolvency, and/or to cash in while the US Dollar still has some perceived value. Not to mention the US getting a trillion dollars deeper in debt every 100 days.

"The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has placed 63 lenders on its 'Problem Bank List,' signaling financial, operational, or managerial weaknesses that could lead to insolvency. These banks hold a combined total of $82.1 billion in assets, marking a concerning trend in the financial sector."

We had this exact same thread about a month ago.

None have collapsed since...

Any country that is 35 trillion in debt does not have a strong economy. Our politicians have been robbing our country for decades and we're finally starting to hemorrhage. The end will come unless people like the freedom caucus actually start doing what they're saying. Cut spending and shrink government. As far as these banks go, they're confident our government assholes will bail them out. Bad situation caused by politicians. MAGA
Any country that is 35 trillion in debt does not have a strong economy. Our politicians have been robbing our country for decades and we're finally starting to hemorrhage. The end will come unless people like the freedom caucus actually start doing what they're saying. Cut spending and shrink government. As far as these banks go, they're confident our government assholes will bail them out. Bad situation caused by politicians. MAGA

We might need to claw back their ill gotten gains
Yeah after the Failed LawFare a False Flag October Surprise is a near certainty, because Biden got 81,000,000 actual votes from real people in 2020 and is the most popular President EVAHHHHHHHHHHHHhh
Any country that is 35 trillion in debt does not have a strong economy. Our politicians have been robbing our country for decades and we're finally starting to hemorrhage. The end will come unless people like the freedom caucus actually start doing what they're saying. Cut spending and shrink government. As far as these banks go, they're confident our government assholes will bail them out. Bad situation caused by politicians. MAGA

As long as we keep voting Dems and Repubs back into office, nothing will change, that includes your MAGA god. He spent money like a drunken sailor on shore leave even before COVID
So much for this strong economy the Democrats claim we're experiencing. Globally nations, and banks are selling off US Tresuries at an alarming rate. Both to prevent their own insolvency, and/or to cash in while the US Dollar still has some perceived value. Not to mention the US getting a trillion dollars deeper in debt every 100 days.

"The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has placed 63 lenders on its 'Problem Bank List,' signaling financial, operational, or managerial weaknesses that could lead to insolvency. These banks hold a combined total of $82.1 billion in assets, marking a concerning trend in the financial sector."

Looks like an opportunity for stronger banks to buy out the weaker banks.
So much for this strong economy the Democrats claim we're experiencing. Globally nations, and banks are selling off US Tresuries at an alarming rate. Both to prevent their own insolvency, and/or to cash in while the US Dollar still has some perceived value. Not to mention the US getting a trillion dollars deeper in debt every 100 days.

"The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has placed 63 lenders on its 'Problem Bank List,' signaling financial, operational, or managerial weaknesses that could lead to insolvency. These banks hold a combined total of $82.1 billion in assets, marking a concerning trend in the financial sector."

Ya gotta let Trump win before these banks collapse

I'm confident Biden will prop them up till then.
It's obviously not Earth, or maybe you're counting the pandemic, which is the same as lying.

Prior to the pandemic Trump came close to doubling the deficit handed him.

He submitted the 4 largest budget request in the history of the country up to that point.

Was Trump not the POTUS during the pandemic? His fucked up handling of it made it far worse than it needed to be.

It was his CDC that stopped all evictions and foreclosures. It was him that sent out free checks to most of the population (he even sent a letter along lettings everyone know it was him) . It was him that argued for even more free money be sent than the Dems wanted to send.

COVID was the one and only crisis Trump had to deal with, his first 3 years were as easy as any president's in history.

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