637 times cnn and 471 times msnbc since Sunday morning.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Better than that, OS, I think Trump deliberately does it like someone sticking his head into a chicken coop wearing a fox mask knowing that all of the Leftard hens will come clucking out in full flight in a frenzy and run out into the street all by themselves and get run over.

Every time Trump triggers the Left, they show the nation and the world what total communist anti-American f*cked in the head asshats they really are.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.
That is how many times those two pathetic leftist propaganda networks have proclaimed Trump as racist for his non racist Tweets.

That's a LOT of lying, but they have that Epstein thing looming, they HAVE to craft a false narrative to distract from it.

They are SURE America is dumb enough to fall for it...

Say, just who was Jeffrey’s party boy...

Who indeed, Herr Himmler..

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

That you lying fucks think you can somehow paint this as a Trump scandal is truly hilarious.

There is no evidence that Barry Obama was involved in this, but then how could he not be? His being gay did keep him away from the girls, though.
Barry ?
No balls to call him an uppity nger mr zero college white boy?

Quickest move to play the race card, EVAH!!!! How is calling Obama Barry...which is what he called himself for a good part of his life...any different than referring to George W. Bush as "Dubya"? I refer to Barack as Barry all the time. Did you want of accuse me of being a "zero college white boy" as well? :)

No reason to accuse, you earned it.

Zero college white boy
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!
Plain that President Trump keeps feeding them one-liners intended to raise their blood pressure and ensure their moving on to a live beyond..........

But could they stand the heat?
That is how many times those two pathetic leftist propaganda networks have proclaimed Trump as racist for his non racist Tweets.

Not enough. That's obvious since you and others like you are still in denial.

More than enough for anyone with an IQ over 63, or my dog. Leaves you out.

Denial has no correlation to someone's IQ; though your post ^^^ makes me wonder.

Apparently it does. There is a 100% correlation between the denial of the Left and the fantasy bubble of idiot delusion they live in.
That's a LOT of lying, but they have that Epstein thing looming, they HAVE to craft a false narrative to distract from it.

They are SURE America is dumb enough to fall for it...

Say, just who was Jeffrey’s party boy...

Who indeed, Herr Himmler..

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

That you lying fucks think you can somehow paint this as a Trump scandal is truly hilarious.

There is no evidence that Barry Obama was involved in this, but then how could he not be? His being gay did keep him away from the girls, though.
Barry ?
No balls to call him an uppity nger mr zero college white boy?

Quickest move to play the race card, EVAH!!!! How is calling Obama Barry...which is what he called himself for a good part of his life...any different than referring to George W. Bush as "Dubya"? I refer to Barack as Barry all the time. Did you want of accuse me of being a "zero college white boy" as well? :)

No reason to accuse, you earned it.

Zero college white boy

History degree from the University of Massachusetts.
MBA from Boston University.

Care to try again?
So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....
When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

You apparently have forgotten the federal judge who he attacked racially because of a ruling that went against his side.

Gonzalez Curiel
No, I haven't forgotten but try again

Why would I need to try again. I just presented you with the answer. Now can you conserva-spin it away?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!

Why are you deflecting with dubious opinion and not critically looking at your racist president?

Did the Clinton’s defend bug torch white boys screaming the Jews will not replace them or something about blood and soil?
That's a LOT of lying, but they have that Epstein thing looming, they HAVE to craft a false narrative to distract from it.

They are SURE America is dumb enough to fall for it...

Say, just who was Jeffrey’s party boy...

Who indeed, Herr Himmler..

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

That you lying fucks think you can somehow paint this as a Trump scandal is truly hilarious.

There is no evidence that Barry Obama was involved in this, but then how could he not be? His being gay did keep him away from the girls, though.
Barry ?
No balls to call him an uppity nger mr zero college white boy?

Quickest move to play the race card, EVAH!!!! How is calling Obama Barry...which is what he called himself for a good part of his life...any different than referring to George W. Bush as "Dubya"? I refer to Barack as Barry all the time. Did you want of accuse me of being a "zero college white boy" as well? :)

No reason to accuse, you earned it.

Zero college white boy

Why do you Tards always knock a college education? You must really think college is a bad thing because you always accuse anyone who speaks common sense of not having any! It's as if you think college makes people SMART, when all it does is train a person for a career they choose. Of course, in the last 10-20 years, colleges have added liberal brainwashing, so you must be pretty young or actually work for a college yourself tarding out the new initiates.
Say, just who was Jeffrey’s party boy...

Who indeed, Herr Himmler..

{After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos.}

Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction

That you lying fucks think you can somehow paint this as a Trump scandal is truly hilarious.

There is no evidence that Barry Obama was involved in this, but then how could he not be? His being gay did keep him away from the girls, though.
Barry ?
No balls to call him an uppity nger mr zero college white boy?

Quickest move to play the race card, EVAH!!!! How is calling Obama Barry...which is what he called himself for a good part of his life...any different than referring to George W. Bush as "Dubya"? I refer to Barack as Barry all the time. Did you want of accuse me of being a "zero college white boy" as well? :)

No reason to accuse, you earned it.

Zero college white boy

Why do you Tards always knock a college education? You must really think college is a bad thing because you always accuse anyone who speaks common sense of not having any! It's as if you think college makes people SMART, when all it does is train a person for a career they choose. Of course, in the last 10-20 years, colleges have added liberal brainwashing, so you must be pretty young or actually work for a college yourself tarding out the new initiates.

Another zero college white boy
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!

Just where does a dumbass statement like that come from?
So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....
When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

You apparently have forgotten the federal judge who he attacked racially because of a ruling that went against his side.

Gonzalez Curiel
No, I haven't forgotten but try again

Why would I need to try again. I just presented you with the answer. Now can you conserva-spin it away?
Saying he wouldn't be partial during an immigration hearing because he was Mexican is not racist

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