637 times cnn and 471 times msnbc since Sunday morning.

So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....
When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

You apparently have forgotten the federal judge who he attacked racially because of a ruling that went against his side.

Gonzalez Curiel
No, I haven't forgotten but try again

Why would I need to try again. I just presented you with the answer. Now can you conserva-spin it away?
Saying he wouldn't be partial during an immigration hearing because he was Mexican is not racist

Dude, it’s the definition of racial bias to accuse someone of acting a certain way just because of their race.

It’s why racist Donny grifter surrounds himself with white guys.

President Trump Addresses Largest Gathering of Young Black Conservatives at White House

LMAO! More proof sandy Rose is a whore.

Hell, I would think any group of African-Americans more than two would have full filled that low bar.
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....

When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

Maybe you ought to research what Hannity or Limbaugh or Ingraham tells you, and not echo their lies or trumps.

Wow that is classic left wing bigot demagoguery.
President Trump condemned their anti-American bigotry and far left radicalism not their race.

LMAO! More proof sandy Rose is a whore.

Hell, I would think any group of African-Americans more than two would have full filled that low bar.
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
The response was expected but shocked he didn't use uncle tom lol
So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....

When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

Maybe you ought to research what Hannity or Limbaugh or Ingraham tells you, and not echo their lies or trumps.

Wow that is classic left wing bigot demagoguery.
President Trump condemned their anti-American bigotry and far left radicalism not their race.

So true.

LMAO! More proof sandy Rose is a whore.

Hell, I would think any group of African-Americans more than two would have full filled that low bar.
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
The response was expected but shocked he didn't use uncle tom lol

Don’t have to, you guys are out in the open for all to see.
When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

You apparently have forgotten the federal judge who he attacked racially because of a ruling that went against his side.

Gonzalez Curiel
No, I haven't forgotten but try again

Why would I need to try again. I just presented you with the answer. Now can you conserva-spin it away?
Saying he wouldn't be partial during an immigration hearing because he was Mexican is not racist

Dude, it’s the definition of racial bias to accuse someone of acting a certain way just because of their race.

It’s why racist Donny grifter surrounds himself with white guys.
it's not racist to point out a conflict of interest. WE'VE ALREADY WITNESSED how the leftist courts work.

LMAO! More proof sandy Rose is a whore.

Hell, I would think any group of African-Americans more than two would have full filled that low bar.
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
The response was expected but shocked he didn't use uncle tom lol

Don’t have to, you guys are out in the open for all to see.
did the baby get his wittle feelings hurt? Are you pissed that the president is trying to make a way off the democrat plantation for all black Americans?
LMAO! More proof sandy Rose is a whore.

Hell, I would think any group of African-Americans more than two would have full filled that low bar.
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
The response was expected but shocked he didn't use uncle tom lol

Don’t have to, you guys are out in the open for all to see.
did the baby get his wittle feelings hurt? Are you pissed that the president is trying to make a way off the democrat plantation for all black Americans?
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Trump U?
No U?
So working with young black Americans to make things better for all black Americans is a bad thing? Racist much?

You see?
The response was expected but shocked he didn't use uncle tom lol

Don’t have to, you guys are out in the open for all to see.
did the baby get his wittle feelings hurt? Are you pissed that the president is trying to make a way off the democrat plantation for all black Americans?
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Trump U?
No U?
So you-uns was taught by the democrat slave master? lol
So no conservative in this thread can cite when racist donny grifter told a white person to leave the country and fix their ethnic country of origin....
When did the president directly attack a person of color based solely on their race?

Maybe you ought to research what Hannity or Limbaugh or Ingraham tells you, and not echo their lies or trumps.

Pretty pathetic show, Cry Watcher, pretty frickin' bad when you are lecturing others on being told what to think EVEN AS YOU PLAY this pathetic MSNBC video of Trump snippets and alleged quotes so vague and innocuous that THE HOST HAD TO INTERPRET THEM and tell you the viewer what to think about them! HaHa

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!

Why are you deflecting with dubious opinion and not critically looking at your racist president?

Did the Clinton’s defend bug torch white boys screaming the Jews will not replace them or something about blood and soil?

Deflecting? I pointed out that Clinton policies put more African Americans in prison than any other two people in the history of the United States and you blather some nonsense about "bug torch white boys"? Trump has consistently stated that he opposes white supremacy groups and what they stand for. You brought up that nonsense because you don't know quite how to defend what Bill and Hillary Clinton did to several generations of black Americans!
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

They keep repeating that charge because they know if they do it enough...some low informational types will swear that it's a fact! Why? Well...because everyone SAYS it...of course!

Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!

Just where does a dumbass statement like that come from?

Let me guess...you're so incredibly ignorant that you don't know the history of the Clinton Administration when it came to black incarceration? You might want to research that topic before you make a bigger ass of yourself than you already have, Otto!
Were there salty tears when discovering that neither UMASS nor BU offer refunds?

Why would I want a refund from either institution? I received a great education from both UMass and BU! Unlike, Otto...I seem to be aware of things like the 1994 Crime Bill that Bill Clinton signed with the complete support of his wife Hillary. My guess is that Otto is clueless on the entire subject. Ask him what a "Super Predator" is!
Did you see the Roger Ayles doc?
Exactly what he said.
Fox should shout what their people already believe.
Screw trying to present all sides

Donald Trump is not a racist. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. He's not politically correct. He says things that make the PC crowd soil their undies in righteous OUTRAGE but it's not racism. There are "shit hole" countries. Pretending that there aren't is a waste of my time. Pretending that someone who says there ARE shit hole countries has to be a racist is also a waste of my time. To be quite blunt...I think there are a lot of people out there who feel exactly like I do when it comes to this whole political correctness thing. We're sick of it being used to beat people up who aren't racist...or sexist...or any other "ist"!

Racist Donny grifter has a long history of racial animus.

He’s still perpetuating his lie that the Central Park 5 are guilty even after DNA evidence exonerated them. Why? Because they’re black.

The ONE African-American in his cabinet is in charge of..... yup HUD. Instead of something he knows like maybe medical shit.

What's amusing, Otto is that you accuse Trump of being a racist and hating blacks...while I'm guessing you were more than willing to vote for Hillary Clinton...one half of the political couple that were responsible for the incarceration of more African Americans than any two people in the history of the United States!

Why are you deflecting with dubious opinion and not critically looking at your racist president?

Did the Clinton’s defend bug torch white boys screaming the Jews will not replace them or something about blood and soil?

Deflecting? I pointed out that Clinton policies put more African Americans in prison than any other two people in the history of the United States and you blather some nonsense about "bug torch white boys"? Trump has consistently stated that he opposes white supremacy groups and what they stand for. You brought up that nonsense because you don't know quite how to defend what Bill and Hillary Clinton did to several generations of black Americans!

Seems that once again you're simply wrong.


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