64% Don't Want Trump to be President Again

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Well, the objections to Biden are obvious and universal. My main objection to Trump again is that:
  1. I don't see how he can win when the same problems in our elections exist and all just keeps getting denied and swept under the rug.
  2. I don't see Trump fixing or changing anything about him or his message that would make him more appealing to blacks and independants much less any democrats, or make anyone think he has grown, learned and improved anything since his time in office.
  3. I don't see that the GOP has fixed anything that they would support him any better much less help him assemble a better cabinet of people.
  4. I expect that in office, it would just be another replay of libtard 2.0, with nothing but obstruction, fighting and continuous lawsuits from the democrats again.
  5. I don't see that the GOP has fixed itself to any better be able to present and move agendas for getting things done.
The net effect of all of this is that I think the fix is already in for Biden, I think it would be a miracle for Trump to win with all of the bad mojo the left has laid at his feet which neither he nor the GOP have been effective to dispel, which I suspect will leave voters with a lose-lose conflict of which they dislike less: more of the past two horrible years of fascist globalism from Joe or another four years of total chaos and fighting in Washington against Trump combined with social unrest and riots by the fascist left in the streets. Shame as given the chance he deserves, I think Trump would again be a GREAT president and leader for the country.

I'm most disappointed that he and DeSantis aren't buddies and won't be pairing up as a team.

Maybe all of America ought to just stay home and no one vote, demanding a reset until we get wholesale better candidates.
And 71% of the Republicans want Trump to run again. "Independents" on the other hand, are an odd mixture of left-leaning, center-leaning, and right-leaning voters which accounts for about one third of the total number of US voters. Remove the left and spineless middle-leaning independents from the poll, and the number of those not wanting Trump elected drops dramatically.

Curious that missing from the poll is the question "Do you want Biden to be President again?"
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Quoting Opinion Polls and Fact Checkers is meaningless in these times.

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll out Tuesday that finds two-thirds of Republicans would still vote for Trump even if he is found guilty of a crime.

Above even claims to be Marist, as per OP . Probably same poll.

All part of Project Chaos and designed to knock you off balance . Do not be Gullible . OP?

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