65% of Americans oppose Birthright Citizenship for the children of illegal aliens


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
New High: 65% Oppose Automatic Citizenship for Children Born Here to Illegal Immigrants


Friday, November 18, 2011

Voters oppose more strongly than ever granting automatic U.S. citizenship to a child born to an illegal immigrant in this country.
Now, nearly two-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (65%) say if a woman enters the United States as an illegal alien and gives birth to a child here, that child should not automatically become a U.S. citizen.

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Doesn't matter. The Congress won't do anything about it and they're too afraid of the President anyway.
This attitude is an inevitable byproduct of the growth of the welfare state. The more we come to depend on the state for our well-being, the more we'll resent having to share it with others.
I'm not a rightie by any stretch of the imagination but I agree w/ the 65%.
This attitude is an inevitable byproduct of the growth of the welfare state. The more we come to depend on the state for our well-being, the more we'll resent having to share it with others.

This attitude is an inevitable byproduct of the growth of the welfare state.

In my opinion, I don’t believe that’s true at all. The facts about the illegal aliens in the U.S. have been covered up and hidden from the American people for a long time. It’s gotten so bad and out of hand that it’s now hard to hide how bad the illegal aliens are for the United States of America.

The growth of the welfare state is because 20 million illegal aliens are allowed to take advantage of the U.S. social services. The American people are getting sick and tired of paying for people who are foreign invaders and who don’t belong in this country.
You can go back to the time when we all started as cells and crawled out of the ocean if you want to. Then use the excuse, “We’re all illegal invaders to earth.”

The truth of the matter is that America is a sovereign nation which means this is our land and our rules and the illegal aliens need to ask PERMISSION and have proper documentation and go through proper procedures in order to enter into America and take up legal residency!

Instead, they sneak and crawl into the country like sewer rats in trunks of cars, through tunnels and by foot in the dead of night through our deserts on the Southern border. Then they have the audacity to say, that the Americans are the dishonorable ones. We have had enough of this dishonesty from the pro-illegal alien’s supporters and our corrupt politicians and it’s time to change that! We must demand our politicians enforce the immigration laws already on the books and stop changing the laws to favor the illegal aliens ASAP!

The more we come to depend on the state for our well-being, the more we'll resent having to share it with others.

You are so disingenuous it’s typical of someone who’s trying to get something for nothing! The illegal alien criminals have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar what else could they say? It’s like the uninvited illegal aliens are blaming the host of the party for not have the right kind of hors d'oeuvres and not enough of them, because their expecting their uninvited illegal aliens relatives as company.

Americans are the most generous people in the world and they have shown that through their personal charitable contributions to causes that they believe in not only in the U.S. but worldwide. The American government has issued more foreign aid to countries that need food and for natural disaster relieve faster than any other nation in the world. We consistently provide for countries on a yearly basis to help their people. For you to say we are greedy as a nation and resentful is just a flat out lie! What a jerk you are!

When we Americans make charitable contributions it’s though choice. It’s not because we’re forced to. The arm twisting pro-illegal alien supporters and their organization try to make the Americans feel guilty and squeeze as much money as, they can, out of our government.

The illegal aliens don’t belong in this country in the first place they’re lucky to get a dime from us! The pro-illegal alien supporters scream racists if they feel they didn’t get their fair share. Again, the illegal alien don’t belong in America and need to be deported!

When a group of people like the illegal aliens come into our country and just take anything they want, anytime they want and then demand that we give them more is just plain rude and they all need a kick in the pants.

Then to top it off, they over run the schools, bankrupt the hospitals, drain the social services, burglarize and rape and murder our citizenry. Then they say, we’re the bad guys for pointing out their crimes and not giving them more public assistance in their language.

The illegal aliens demand amnesty and open borders to our faces and scream that this is their land and they’re here to take it back. Well if that doesn’t beat all to Hell.

The Americans don’t like to be taken advantage of. Their rebellion has nothing to do with sharing with others it has everything to do with their dislike for the illegal aliens being disrespectful of America and the American people.

We did NOT invite the illegal aliens to America. Nor, were the illegals dragged in chains to this country. Yet, they use the Civil Rights as their defense. They righteously demand amnesty and more social benefits and demand that we educate their illegal alien lousy stinkin' kids from K-12 for free! Then they turn around and call us racists for not educating their college age illegal alien kids for free. There are plenty of American kids who would love to have help with funds to attend a university. We are neglecting our own and picking up the tab for the illegal aliens children! That’s just NOT right in anybody’s book!

The illegal aliens are using up all the minority education funding meant for American minorities and not minorities who are illegal aliens from some 3rd world shit hole of a country who are not legally in the United States. We need to End Birthright Citizenship and close the Southern border ASAP before the government teat goes dry!

The illegal alien demand Open Borders so that the rest of their foreign illegal alien countrymen can invade America to rape, rob and pillage until there’s nothing left.

If we let them have their way, we will end up being a 3rd world melting pot of worthless crap! TO HELL WITH THAT!

We need to start Mass Deportation of these ungrateful house guests ASAP! Let’s see how they like those big fat apples. The illegal aliens need to go back to their own countries of origin and protest to their own governments, and change things in their own countries for the better of their own people.

The American taxpayers are tired of being the host to a bunch of 3rd world parasites and their children! Screw them all send them and their illegal alien children packing ASAP!
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65% of Americans oppose Birthright Citizenship for the children of illegal aliens

Fortunately we’re a Constitutional Republic, subject to the rule of law, not the tyranny of the majority.

The 14th Amendment codifies the doctrine of inalienable rights: when one manifests himself as a person in the territory of the United States, his inalienable rights are protected – and those born here are citizens accordingly, regardless their parents’ status:

What The Constitution Says

[Opponents of citizenship at birth face] an uphill battle. For more than a century, courts have held that citizenship is granted to anyone born within the territory of the United States.

The 14th Amendment, which was ratified in the wake of the Civil War, overturned the Dred Scott decision, clarifying that the children of former slaves were citizens and entitled to constitutional protections: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Since then, courts have made it clear that this applies to the children of American Indians and Chinese guest workers, among other groups. The principle of birthright citizenship has never been successfully challenged, according to immigration lawyers.

Citizenship-By-Birth Faces Challenges : NPR

The status of the parents is consequently irrelevant, as the focus of the Amendment is on the person born, not the parents. It is the newborn baby whose rights are protected and upon whom citizenship conferred, since he’s obviously known no other country and has no ‘allegiance’ to any other nation – indeed: he is very much an American.

Last, and just as important, we do not want politicians and bureaucrats determining who is and who is not a citizen; that was the tragic disaster of Dred Scott and the purpose of the 14th Amendment to right that wrong.
... Americans are the most generous people in the world and they have shown that through their personal charitable contributions to causes that they believe in not only in the U.S. but worldwide. The American government has issued more foreign aid to countries that need food and for natural disaster relieve faster than any other nation in the world. We consistently provide for countries on a yearly basis to help their people. For you to say we are greedy as a nation and resentful is just a flat out lie! What a jerk you are!

??? Were you responding to my post with this ridiculous rant? I don't know quite what to say. You're accusing me of a lot of stuff I didn't even say and then calling me a jerk. I'd prefer to respond with something rational, but you don't really give me anything to work with. You got anything besides foolish shadowboxing?
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In 2007, legal and illegal aliens cost the federal government more than $346 BILLION dollars and the U.S. taxpayers paid more than $ 9,000. For each immigrant in the country!

The National Policy Institute "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."


Based on studies by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Heritage Foundation, households headed by less-educated illegal aliens use $40 billion more in public services each year than they pay in taxes.

U.S. households headed by illegal aliens used $26.3 billion in government services during 2002, but paid $16 billion in taxes, an annual cost to taxpayers of $10 billion. It's reasonable to expect those costs to continue to soar if action is not taken to turn the tide.
This sock puppet is as tiresome as the Preius asshole that was banned recently.
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65% of Americans oppose Birthright Citizenship for the children of illegal aliens

Fortunately we’re a Constitutional Republic, subject to the rule of law, not the tyranny of the majority.

The 14th Amendment codifies the doctrine of inalienable rights: when one manifests himself as a person in the territory of the United States, his inalienable rights are protected – and those born here are citizens accordingly, regardless their parents’ status:

What The Constitution Says

[Opponents of citizenship at birth face] an uphill battle. For more than a century, courts have held that citizenship is granted to anyone born within the territory of the United States.

The 14th Amendment, which was ratified in the wake of the Civil War, overturned the Dred Scott decision, clarifying that the children of former slaves were citizens and entitled to constitutional protections: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Since then, courts have made it clear that this applies to the children of American Indians and Chinese guest workers, among other groups. The principle of birthright citizenship has never been successfully challenged, according to immigration lawyers.

Citizenship-By-Birth Faces Challenges : NPR

The status of the parents is consequently irrelevant, as the focus of the Amendment is on the person born, not the parents. It is the newborn baby whose rights are protected and upon whom citizenship conferred, since he’s obviously known no other country and has no ‘allegiance’ to any other nation – indeed: he is very much an American.

Last, and just as important, we do not want politicians and bureaucrats determining who is and who is not a citizen; that was the tragic disaster of Dred Scott and the purpose of the 14th Amendment to right that wrong.

"If a child is born in America to illegal immigrants, that child should not automatically receive U.S. citizenship (a court ruling reinterpreting the Constitution would be required to change the automatic granting of citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.)" LINK

(The Americans better get busy over turning this ruling in the above statement!)

"Something else troubles me about this debate. Why is it compassionate to suggest ways for people who have broken our laws to escape the consequences but cruel to require that they obey our laws in not entering the country illegally in the first place?

Everyone wants a better life for themselves and their children. American citizens mostly seek that better life by conforming to the law. Illegal immigrants should do the same." LINK
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