67 days of prayer for Peace on earth and brotherly love


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Yesterday, I was reading a Biblical article that claims that if we pray for Godly things for 67 consecutive days he will grant your wish. I would like to put this to the test and start a thread where others, who love world peace and brotherly love between the nations, can participate in this 67-day endeavor. I don't mind starting.

Dear Father in Heaven please help us encourage peace in the world and brotherly love. Please put in our hearts peace and perseverence so that all mankind will see the light of kindness and appreciation for others dutifully shown in our every thought, word, and deed will encourage peace between all the nations and love for our fellowman. Amen.

I need your help and prayers for peace for all 67 days. Just sign in with a check or something if you can. Thanks.
Peace is derived (or not) through man's actions....Not God's....Or at least that seems to be the track record thus far throughout non-Biblical history.

I've yet to hear of a war that stopped due to divine intervention unless you consider weather events that thwarted invasions and such as divine.....I don't, it was just weather.

Then again I can't speak to biblical times....And in fact neither can anyone else. I don't consider the Bible to be a world history book.

Me, I prefer not to ask God for favors of any kind least I draw undue attention from Him to myself. ;)
It would be well to reflect upon the basis for such a superstition.
The briefest glance at projects that put the Biblical Deity (YHWH) to the test in such a manner universally ended poorly. Similar results are seen in similar contexts religious-wise. A push button god would not even be one.
Yesterday, I was reading a Biblical article that claims that if we pray for Godly things for 67 consecutive days he will grant your wish. I would like to put this to the test and start a thread where others, who love world peace and brotherly love between the nations, can participate in this 67-day endeavor. I don't mind starting.

Dear Father in Heaven please help us encourage peace in the world and brotherly love. Please put in our hearts peace and perseverence so that all mankind will see the light of kindness and appreciation for others dutifully shown in our every thought, word, and deed will encourage peace between all the nations and love for our fellowman. Amen.

I need your help and prayers for peace for all 67 days. Just sign in with a check or something if you can. Thanks.

Sure. Just sign in each of those 67 days with a check. No scam there, is there?
Peace is derived (or not) through man's actions....Not God's....Or at least that seems to be the track record thus far throughout non-Biblical history.

I've yet to hear of a war that stopped due to divine intervention unless you consider weather events that thwarted invasions and such as divine.....I don't, it was just weather.

Then again I can't speak to biblical times....And in fact neither can anyone else. I don't consider the Bible to be a world history book.

Me, I prefer not to ask God for favors of any kind least I draw undue attention from Him to myself. ;)
Your secrets are safe with God who will sustain you through everything if you ask him to. And he will give you peace if you ask him for it. This morning, I asked God to bring all of us closer to initiating peace with each other through brotherly love. Our American ancestors engaged in brotherly love, kindness to each other, and bringing peace to places where there was not peace.

I hope you find joy in the peace of God when you trust him a little more as shown by your "undue attention" We all make mistakes, but you can't hide from God without sooner or later realizing nothing is hidden from God, and the blood of Christ the Lord was shed for you to feel that you are loved and accepted yesterday, today, and in your full life on earth. The peace God can give - It's all good. God's Peace is open to all who call upon his name. This hymn says it a lot better than I ever could:

Come, Peace of God

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