67% of Public Support Obama's Executive Action On Guns

The government is, of course, the people, one in the same; the people are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on the possession of firearms, through their elected representatives.

And when the people err, and enact measures repugnant to the Second Amendment, the people are likewise at liberty to file suit in Federal court, where such measures are invalidated.

But until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of laws regulating firearms, those laws are presumed to be valid and Constitutional.
You are a far right regressive who thinks he can do what he wants despite the law. Sux to be you. :lol: The OP is that 67-of-public-support-obamas-executive-action-on-guns, meaning you are in the small minority.
Can you tell all of us in this thread, EXACTLY what is this >> "obamas-executive-action-on-guns", that you are talking about ?
No matter what the people want, until we elect leaders who are not bought by special interests (in this particular case the NRA, but there are thousands more), meaningful reform will never happen.
What are you defining "meaningful reform" to be. What would you like to see done ?
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.

A CNN poll? lol, sure.

It says 53% oppose the Presidents policies on guns, but a majority support the change Obama made, not discussing the way Obama made the change, unConstitutionally.

It also says that 57% believe the policy changes will be ineffective.

Thanks CNN for a totally bullshit poll of nonsense.
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.
Liar the topic is the government ignores the Constitution and hopes that public opinion can be turned against it in hopes of being able to ignore more of it. but you're just another leftist assbag that thinks losing more freedoms will make him safer. fucking pussy
You are a far right regressive who thinks he can do what he wants despite the law. Sux to be you. :lol: The OP is that 67-of-public-support-obamas-executive-action-on-guns, meaning you are in the small minority.
jake, you're why we have a Constitution. B/c if people like you had your way, there would be no freedom.
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights

Your problem is that the constitution gives the government the right to regulate guns.

You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it. You DO have to accept it.
The government has no rights.

and no I fucking don't.
Okay. I was talking with my brother about this on Team Speak. What this amounts to is by making individuals and private owners who sell guns at gun shows register for FFL's, they've essentially outlawed gun shows and private sale of firearms between one individual or another. That, and gun shows will become defunct if this EO stays.

Because now, the only people who would be allowed to sell guns there would be the local gun shops. My brother owns two guns, and if I interpret what the EO says, he won't be able to sell anyone a gun without getting a FFL and doing a background on someone.

How unreasonable is that?
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.

Since when does what the people in America won't ever effect what Obama actually does? Obama and the left pick and choose when 'what America wants' actually matters, and when it doesn't.

It was a bullshit poll. They dont specify the details of what the EOs mean, they just ask people if they want more background checks and even the NRA has said that background checks are good, which is bullshit. Background checks are pointless and hinder legal ownership.
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It was a bullshit poll. They dont specify the details of what the EOs mean, they just ask people if they want more background checks and even the NRA has said that background checks are goo, which is bullshit. Background checks are pointless and hinder legal ownership.

And as I said in another thread, it builds a registry. The government need not concern itself with the present and future content of my gun safe. None of their business.

CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights
problem of capitalism:
rna is powefull more than president of united state(commander in chief)
whats rna?
ribonucleic acid
No matter what the people want, until we elect leaders who are not bought by special interests (in this particular case the NRA, but there are thousands more), meaningful reform will never happen.

like Unions? that special interest? the Nra is made up of millions of citizens who make up the membership. so now THEY are called special intersts because they join for the NRA to SPEAK for them
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights

Public opinion is what votes. Let's talk about Bush, the Orwellian 'Patriot Act' and the taking away of rights as well.
You are a far right regressive who thinks he can do what he wants despite the law. Sux to be you. :lol: The OP is that 67-of-public-support-obamas-executive-action-on-guns, meaning you are in the small minority.
Can you tell all of us in this thread, EXACTLY what is this >> "obamas-executive-action-on-guns", that you are talking about ?
You know what the OP means. That 67% support the action. You are in the small minority.
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.
Liar the topic is the government ignores the Constitution and hopes that public opinion can be turned against it in hopes of being able to ignore more of it. but you're just another leftist assbag that thinks losing more freedoms will make him safer. fucking pussy
You are a far right regressive who thinks he can do what he wants despite the law. Sux to be you. :lol: The OP is that 67-of-public-support-obamas-executive-action-on-guns, meaning you are in the small minority.
jake, you're why we have a Constitution. B/c if people like you had your way, there would be no freedom.
You are talking to yourself in the mirror, princess. Your kind are the ones who threaten Americans' freedom.
Okay. I was talking with my brother about this on Team Speak. What this amounts to is by making individuals and private owners who sell guns at gun shows register for FFL's, they've essentially outlawed gun shows and private sale of firearms between one individual or another. That, and gun shows will become defunct if this EO stays.

Because now, the only people who would be allowed to sell guns there would be the local gun shops. My brother owns two guns, and if I interpret what the EO says, he won't be able to sell anyone a gun without getting a FFL and doing a background on someone.

How unreasonable is that?

Gun shows won't be defunct. The people who sell guns at gun shows are licensed gun dealers.

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