67% of Public Support Obama's Executive Action On Guns

Or you could say that supporters of Barry Hussein's use of an unconstitutional decree rather than the law found a couple of low information Americans who agree. Thank God the Country isn't run by polling data.
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.


A CNN poll.. A left wing organization polling left wing people, by their own admission, in both parties trying to give Obama legitimacy... (over 90% were left leaning).. and yet they fail to disclose it in their article...

Nothing more than left wing propaganda..
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.

The one thing they left out is that a large majority of Americans birve that Obama should not be allowed to skirt congress on this issue.
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.

I don't care if 100% favor more gun control, our rights aren't controlled by opinion polls.
And you don't understand the 2d Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the right own guns and that right can't be infringed. I understand it completely.
Democrats...Do you even have a clue why the right to keep and bear arms was put into the Constitution?

IF you read the federalist papers you will find out that those guns are to keep the government from gaining to much power or control and to keep the government from infringing on our Inalienable Rights. Those rights not granted by government (Granted by God) which also can not be taken away by government.

Seems to me that a whole lot of people need a basic Constitutional class on what the founding fathers escaped from in Europe and the feudal systems they sought to leave behind. Without arms, ( or those controlled by the federal government) they have removed your ability to fight off a tyrannical government. This is why the founding fathers placed the unambiguous words "The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed". These words CLEARLY set out that the government has no right to regulate it.. EVER! This includes munitions, access to guns or ammunition, or the types of guns or anything which might impede our right to protect ourselves from tyranny. (this is called "bearing arms" and regulating any of it is unconstitutional).

The point was to make an armed populace no standing army could overcome. WE THE PEOPLE. And that makes liberals and Socialists who thrive on taking away rights nervous... AS THEY SHOULD BE!

"Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence".-- Thomas Jefferson
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wow, a poll on CNN says people dont want guns.
lets get the results of an equally worded poll from the NRA site and see what we get
The Supreme Court ultimately determines whether acts of government are un-Constitutional, and manifest as an unwarranted, illegal restriction of citizens' rights, including executive orders by the CE.

And until such time as the Supreme Court makes such a ruling, acts of government are presumed to be Constitutional (see US v. Morrison).

Errant, subjective partisan opinions from the right that a given EO or firearm regulatory measure is 'un-Constitutional' are just that: subjective, partisan, and wrong.

The Supreme Court isn't the only body that can determine unconstiionality.

We don't need the supreme court to know that the president can't use an executive order to change the law.
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A couple of years ago, the people of California voted by a large margin to protect marriage. That law was then struck down by the courts. Why? Because in this country and in any country that cares about freedom, a majority cannot simply vote away the rights of the minority.

Just because a poll says that most Americans support it, doesn't mean that Obama's useless gun control EOs are right.
The Supreme Court ultimately determines whether acts of government are un-Constitutional, and manifest as an unwarranted, illegal restriction of citizens' rights, including executive orders by the CE.

And until such time as the Supreme Court makes such a ruling, acts of government are presumed to be Constitutional (see US v. Morrison).

Errant, subjective partisan opinions from the right that a given EO or firearm regulatory measure is 'un-Constitutional' are just that: subjective, partisan, and wrong.

The Supreme Court is the only body that can determine unconstiionality.

We don't need the supreme court to know that the president can't use an executive order to change the law.
That pesky "Separation of Powers" Clause... It shows the presidents actions unconstitutional. NO COURT RULING NECESSARY! The Constitution say's he does not posses these powers.
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CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world
The whole wide world? Can't wait to tell mommy!

Any poll that is NOT about racial issues yet divides along racial lines belongs in the garbage.

Fuck CNN
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world

CNN is so biased that they dont even try to hide the fact the poll is garbage. They expect low information voters to buy it hook line and sinker... Lots of sucker fish out there. Seems they are fighting MSDNC for the rights to be the liberal/socialist mouth piece of the democrat party.
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.

I don't care if 100% favor more gun control, our rights aren't controlled by opinion polls.
No one ever said they were.

But your rights are subject to reasonable restrictions by government, consistent with Constitutional jurisprudence, including that of the Second Amendment.

And firearm regulatory measures advocated by the president have thus far been upheld as Constitutional, or presumed to be Constitutional absent being subject to judicial review.

That's why murder is illegal. Armed robbery is illegal. While I have the right to own a gun, I don't have the right to murder, or rob someone. There's your reasonable restriction.
Just a couple among so many.
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.

I don't care if 100% favor more gun control, our rights aren't controlled by opinion polls.
And you don't understand the 2d Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the right own guns and that right can't be infringed. I understand it completely.
What you think "infringe" means is not in fact what it means.
It means restrict, or limit.
It means unlawful restriction, not all restriction. :lol:
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world
The whole wide world? Can't wait to tell mommy!

Any poll that is NOT about racial issues yet divides along racial lines belongs in the garbage.

Fuck CNN
fock extremist =fuck fox news
The topic is that 2 of 3 support sensible gun control.

You don't.

I don't care if 100% favor more gun control, our rights aren't controlled by opinion polls.
And you don't understand the 2d Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment gives us the right own guns and that right can't be infringed. I understand it completely.
Obviously not.

The Second Amendment right is no different than any other right, it is subject to reasonable restrictions by government, where firearm regulatory measures determined to be Constitutional by the courts in no way manifest as an 'infringement.'
Obama wants unreasonable restrictions.
In your head, yes.
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world
The whole wide world? Can't wait to tell mommy!

Any poll that is NOT about racial issues yet divides along racial lines belongs in the garbage.

Fuck CNN
fock extremist =fuck fox news
Who said anything about Fox?

Take your medicine twitt
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world

I guess. for those who like to be mislead and not live in reality
As I read through this thread I see why America is in the predicament we are. IGNORANCE of the founding documents and how our form of government was made and why it was made.

Liberal School Systems FAILURE or it was intentional, so as to have ignorant people who do not know what it is they are taking from them. I believe it is the later and the only way to combat this ignorance is to teach people the truth.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." -- Thomas Jefferson

The founding fathers understood what ignorance breeds and they warned us..
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