6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Well unlike yourself Silhouette, I don't rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo- so i won't speculate at what happens in someone's home.

I mean that would be like me speculating that in your home all people hear are that homosexuals are evil and should be required to wear pink armbands.....

Wow, hyperbole much? Gotta keep manipulating those Justices with your sympathy play eh? :boohoo:

I'm sure that lesbians badmouthing men/males in even subtle ways are in the vast minority. Even though every single dyke I've ever met has had a toxic regard for men that permeates through her pores and every other word she speaks, it's probably just been my bad fortune. Living next to San Francisco as I did, it probably was just a cultural anomoly..

(I always found it odd how one of the two in a pair of dykes always wore men's clothes, hair, talked and walked like a man, acting more mannish than most men I know. And odd how the other gal with her was attracted to her at all? That's another survey CQR won't approve of I'm sure..)

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder".

And frankly, how will we ever know? Your APA refuses to examine facts in preference to audited group-think conclusions. (CQR read here:Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum )

If they surveyed "transgender children"..the reports of the facts of their genesis might conflict with the prefabricated conclusions. And, you know....we can't have that happening. The ruling forces at the APA might have to "audit" those studies and discipline those researchers..

Refusing to study glaring mental issues, doesn't mean they've gone away or never existed..
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Well unlike yourself Silhouette, I don't rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo- so i won't speculate at what happens in someone's home.

I mean that would be like me speculating that in your home all people hear are that homosexuals are evil and should be required to wear pink armbands.....

Wow, hyperbole much? .

LOL....like I said- I wouldn't want to speculate like you do.
LOL....like I said- I wouldn't want to speculate like you do.

You speculate all the time. It's just that the argument that children would be harmed by institutionalizing the deprivation of one of their blood parents in the home 100% of the time isn't a road you want to go down in any way, shape or form, including speculation. Because you know where that road will lead: children's civil rights vs "gay civil rights to marry".. And you know who would win in that contest in front of the Supremes..
Judge Sutton of the 6th federal circuit court of appeals noted that polygamy could not be denied based on the gay arguments. Do you think that this bunch of Supremes will go down in history (courtesy of one man, the swing vote Justice Kennedy) as "the Supreme Court that inadvertently forced legal polygamy upon the 50 states"?

In other words as Judge Kennedy ages into his last years, he will look around at the society devolving rapidly around him and say to himself "I and I alone took that situation out of the control of the states to weigh it and forced it upon my country like a sole dictator. I and I alone will stand to face the reckoning for my singular actions and their effects on humanity itself in this regard".. That is not an exaggeration BTW. It is what the nature of the situation actually is, given the makeup of today's SCOTUS, so polarized along political lines as it is. (Which is forbidden as their job description)

I'm pretty sure they won't want that attached to their names.. I'm pretty sure Judge Kennedy doesn't want to say to himself "I took the power away from the states and forced them to submit to a cult I didn't fully understand at the time...because I had friends who were in it and I felt sorry for them...(or)..I felt sorry for the kids caught up in it...so I didn't want to upset them by prodding their lifestyles further to see where they would take the nation if institutionalized in marriage..."
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It would be a very difficult position to be Justice Kennedy on this question. Imagine having, literally, the fate of humanity via the fundamental change to children in their formative years right in YOUR lap. Just you. The only person on earth. And then having to decide. This is Justice Kennedy's decision and his alone: "Should I get some input on this from the governed, or will I dictate it to them"?

And, I hope he does EXTENSIVE research on the topic instead of just shoots from the hip based on knowing some people who are gay ...or shortsided considerations of children caught up in the gay lifestyles/CULTure vs children into untold generations into the future...
LOL....like I said- I wouldn't want to speculate like you do.

You speculate all the time. It's just that the argument that children would be harmed by institutionalizing the deprivation of one of their blood parents in the home 100% of the time isn't a road you want to go down in any way, shape or form, including speculation. Because you know where that road will lead: children's civil rights vs "gay civil rights to marry".. And you know who would win in that contest in front of the Supremes..

Yeah, but what relevance woulud your baseless speculation and meaningless personal opinion have with the law? You're literally insisting that gays can't be married....because you imagined a conversation that two lesbians had with their son.

Can you see why your argument might not be making much headway, legally or rationally?
It would be a very difficult position to be Justice Kennedy on this question. Imagine having, literally, the fate of humanity via the fundamental change to children in their formative years right in YOUR lap. Just you. The only person on earth. And then having to decide. This is Justice Kennedy's decision and his alone: "Should I get some input on this from the governed, or will I dictate it to them"?

And, I hope he does EXTENSIVE research on the topic instead of just shoots from the hip based on knowing some people who are gay ...or shortsided considerations of children caught up in the gay lifestyles/CULTure vs children into untold generations into the future...

Save of course the 'fate of humanity' doesn't hinge on gay marriage. As children have been raised by those without a biological connection to them for millenia. And humanity has gone on fine.

Your fainting couch is to your left. Just tell us if you have 'the vapors'.
Yeah, but what relevance woulud your baseless speculation and meaningless personal opinion have with the law? You're literally insisting that gays can't be married....because you imagined a conversation that two lesbians had with their son.

Can you see why your argument might not be making much headway, legally or rationally?

The two lesbians in California are drugging their 11 year old son to become a girl. The issue named by the APA's accredited therapists is "gender identity disorder". I offer that because of CQR at the American Psychological Association, not enough research has been done, or it has been done and its results are "not acceptable" to the audit-group-think mandate that has replaced data and numbers there, the child may have been misdiagnosed.

It is conceivable that in a home where two women have rejected men (except one that dresses like, talks like and acts like a man...visit the link below for pictures) so utterly as to marry each other, (well, not legally according to Judge Sutton), that any boy raised in that manifest-rejection environment might deduce with his simple, formative, childlike mind that "boy/male=rejected"..

Now, I've not seen a survey done by the APA where so-called transgendered children were asked in a neutral/non-suggestive format where they came up with the idea that they didn't want to be their gender anymore. And I doubt any of us with the current "audit-group-think" (CQR) structure at the APA (de facto, cult) will see such a survey for as long as the Agenda runs that outfit and yanks its chain (audited...). So I'm suggesting to people's common sense, and more particularly, those who have known lesbians and have heard their near nonstop innuendo or outright beratement and rejection of males in their lives, that it is remotely possible that "Tammy" may have been a creation of their manifest rejection of males in general. The child is presenting with sypmtoms of the "parents" mental issues.. I heartily encourage anyone reading this to visit the link and others on this story, read the articles in depth, look at the photos and meditate within themselves as to ALL possibilities of what could be going on with this boy.....and not just the APA-audit-approved hasty "conclusion":

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder". Not one member of the LGBTQ community has spoken out against this disgusting and abusive practice. The APA and the AMA (who listens to the neo-cult "CQR" APA) both approve of what's going on! Look at the child's face. LOOK AT IT.

Yes, the Court ought to consider the children's welbeing of gay parents. Without a doubt..

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LOL....like I said- I wouldn't want to speculate like you do.

You speculate all the time. It's just that the argument that children would be harmed by institutionalizing the deprivation of one of their blood parents in the home 100% of the time isn't a road you want to go down in any way, shape or form, including speculation.

You are babbling again Silhouette.

Homosexual have been adopting children for years- and are the parents of over 40,000 children in California.
Same gender marriage only ensures that their children can have married parents.
Doesn't have any affect on you wierd 'blood parents' argument.
Yeah, but what relevance woulud your baseless speculation and meaningless personal opinion have with the law? You're literally insisting that gays can't be married....because you imagined a conversation that two lesbians had with their son.

Can you see why your argument might not be making much headway, legally or rationally?

The two lesbians in California are drugging their 11 year old son to become a girl.

Again for you it is all about 'homosexuals'- even when heterosexuals are struggling with the same issue:

A Boy s Life - The Atlantic

Since he could speak, Brandon, now 8, has insisted that he was meant to be a girl. This summer, his parents decided to let him grow up as one. His case, and a rising number of others like it, illuminates a heated scientific debate about the nature of gender—and raises troubling questions about whether the limits of child indulgence have stretched too far.

Tina had no easy explanation for where Brandon’s behavior came from. Gender roles are not very fluid in their no-stoplight town, where Confederate flags line the main street. Boys ride dirt bikes through the woods starting at age 5; local county fairs feature muscle cars for boys and beauty pageants for girls of all ages. In the Army, Tina operated heavy machinery, but she is no tomboy. When she was younger, she wore long flowing dresses to match her long, wavy blond hair; now she wears it in a cute, Renée Zellweger–style bob. Her husband, Bill (Brandon’s stepfather), lays wood floors and builds houses for a living. At a recent meeting with Brandon’s school principal about how to handle the boy, Bill aptly summed up the town philosophy: “The way I was brought up, a boy’s a boy and a girl’s a girl.
It would be a very difficult position to be Justice Kennedy on this question. Imagine having, literally, the fate of humanity via the fundamental change to children in their formative years right in YOUR lap. Just you. The only person on earth. And then having to decide. This is Justice Kennedy's decision and his alone: "Should I get some input on this from the governed, or will I dictate it to them"?

And, I hope he does EXTENSIVE research on the topic instead of just shoots from the hip based on knowing some people who are gay ...or shortsided considerations of children caught up in the gay lifestyles/CULTure vs children into untold generations into the future...

I can only hope he hears your arguments.

Nothing could be more persuasive for marriage equality than your inane homophobic babbling.....
Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:05 p.m. EST Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday bucked a recent trend of pro-gay marriage decisions by upholding state bans or restrictions in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue.
The 2-1 ruling, by the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, is the first ruling by a federal appeals court that upholds bans on same-sex marriage. Gay marriage advocates said they would immediately seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Appeals court upholds gay marriage bans reversing trend - News - 1450 WHTC Holland s News Leader

That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.
A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."
"This court is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court that are directly on point," District Court Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez ruled. "Only the Supreme Court may exercise the prerogative of overruling its own decisions." Puerto Rico judge upholds gay marriage ban


My guess is that the Left's case got away from them, and a change of judges to be empaneled came at a time which prevented them from getting to court in time to ask for the hearing to be rescheduled.

I've no way to prove it, but the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is irrational... thus reasonable people, while tolerant of the individual deviant, are not going to condone the normalization of perverse reasoning, therefore the ONLY means to do so, is to put the hearing of such a case in front of people they KNOW will 'rule' favorably.
Thursday, November 06, 2014 5:05 p.m. EST Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday bucked a recent trend of pro-gay marriage decisions by upholding state bans or restrictions in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue.
The 2-1 ruling, by the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, is the first ruling by a federal appeals court that upholds bans on same-sex marriage. Gay marriage advocates said they would immediately seek U.S. Supreme Court review. Appeals court upholds gay marriage bans reversing trend - News - 1450 WHTC Holland s News Leader

That's not quite true. I hate it when the LGBT machine suppresses the truth..

In Puerto Rico October 22, 2014..

Gay marriage may be sweeping the nation, but in Puerto Rico it remains against the law.
A federal district judge late Tuesday rejected the reasoning used in at least 14 other decisions and said his hands were tied by a 1972 Supreme Court ruling that upheld a Minnesota same-sex marriage ban "for want of a substantial federal question."
"This court is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court that are directly on point," District Court Judge Juan Pérez-Giménez ruled. "Only the Supreme Court may exercise the prerogative of overruling its own decisions." Puerto Rico judge upholds gay marriage ban


My guess is that the Left's case got away from them, and a change of judges to be empaneled came at a time which prevented them from getting to court in time to ask for the hearing to be rescheduled.

I've no way to prove it, but the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is irrational... thus reasonable people, while tolerant of the individual deviant, are not going to condone the normalization of perverse reasoning, therefore the ONLY means to do so, is to put the hearing of such a case in front of people they KNOW will 'rule' favorably.

LOL....between yourself and Silhouette's keen understanding of the law and the legal system, the case for marriage equality improves every day.
My guess is that the Left's case got away from them, and a change of judges to be empaneled came at a time which prevented them from getting to court in time to ask for the hearing to be rescheduled.

I've no way to prove it, but the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is irrational... thus reasonable people, while tolerant of the individual deviant, are not going to condone the normalization of perverse reasoning, therefore the ONLY means to do so, is to put the hearing of such a case in front of people they KNOW will 'rule' favorably.

.....I'm not sure even Kennedy in the end is going to get behind this: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
My guess is that the Left's case got away from them, and a change of judges to be empaneled came at a time which prevented them from getting to court in time to ask for the hearing to be rescheduled.

I've no way to prove it, but the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is irrational... thus reasonable people, while tolerant of the individual deviant, are not going to condone the normalization of perverse reasoning, therefore the ONLY means to do so, is to put the hearing of such a case in front of people they KNOW will 'rule' favorably.

.....I'm not sure even Kennedy in the end is going to get behind this: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah, that is some criminally perverse nonsense, right there.
.....I'm not sure even Kennedy in the end is going to get behind this: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah, your record of pretending to be Kennedy is spectacularly bad. Worse, even if everything you allege is true, if one case of abuse invalidates the right to marriage of an entire sexual orientation...

....then straights are so completely fucked.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
.....I'm not sure even Kennedy in the end is going to get behind this: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah, your record of pretending to be Kennedy is spectacularly bad. Worse, even if everything you allege is true, if one case of abuse invalidates the right to marriage of an entire sexual orientation...

....then straights are so completely fucked.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Yes...as well as two men or two women...in more states than it is reserved for only men and women.
.....I'm not sure even Kennedy in the end is going to get behind this: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah, your record of pretending to be Kennedy is spectacularly bad. Worse, even if everything you allege is true, if one case of abuse invalidates the right to marriage of an entire sexual orientation...

....then straights are so completely fucked.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Yes...as well as two men or two women...in more states than it is reserved for only men and women.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
Yeah, your record of pretending to be Kennedy is spectacularly bad. Worse, even if everything you allege is true, if one case of abuse invalidates the right to marriage of an entire sexual orientation...

....then straights are so completely fucked.

Are you going on record as denouncing what is being done to young Thomas Lobel in California?

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