6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
LOL! For Pete's sake, what does infertility have to do with marriage?

Simple: you've claimed the sole purpose of marriage is procreation.

NOOooooew... Not me. Not only have I never made that claim... I have never said anything that could potential lend to such an absurd inference.

Well that was easy! We'll toss that 'procreation' argument on the midden heap where it belongs. As even you won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
... We'll toss that 'procreation' argument on the midden heap where it belongs. As even you won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

You mean the basis for the marriage standard? You're going to throw the basis of marriage in the trash heap?


Well folks... there ya have it, from the demon herself! The Left is seeking to toss Marriage into the cultural trash heap!

Skylar is the "Gruber" of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality.
You mean the basis for the marriage standard? You're going to throw the basis of marriage in the trash heap?

Who said that procreation is the basis of marriage? Not you. You've completely abandoned the argument., treating it like meaningless trash.

Just like you did the commandments of God. When asked what God commands you to do to gays......you deny God yet again.

So much for the 'duty of a Christian'. Apparently you and Peter just love the sound of crowing cocks.
You mean the basis for the marriage standard? You're going to throw the basis of marriage in the trash heap?

Who said that procreation is the basis of marriage? Not you.

True. Nature said it. I just noted it.

Procreation is the purpose of marriage... meaning that marriage came as a result of the needs central to procreation.

Look Skylar, this is all very simple stuff. But it is becoming clear that as simple as it is, it is also well beyond your limited intellectual means.

And there's no shame in that. At least for me... you, well, you're a homosexual, 'shame' is your entire life!

Wow~ that went south quick, didn't it?
True. Nature said it. I just noted it.

Nature doesn't say a thing. You do, claiming to speak for nature. And you can't give us a single logical reason why 'nature' would mandate marriage be one man and one woman. After all, you've wiped your ass with the 'procreation is the purpose of marriage'.

Sigh....appeals to authority. They're so easy to refute.
Just like you did the commandments of God. When asked what God commands you to do to gays......you deny God yet again.

LOL! What in the hell are you drinkin' tonight Skylar?

What does God require me to do to the sexually abnormal... exactly?
Oh, and since you've abandoned your 'objective God' and now deny him, does that you mean you don't consider God a relevant factor in discussing marriage?

The cock has cried once......and you denied him.

The cock has cried twice....and you denied him.

The cock has cried thrice and.......whatcha gonna do, buddy?
MIght want to do some research on the SCOTUS. There are two ways that a SCOTUS precedent becomes inactive. One the SCOTUS directly setting aside a prior judge. The second is doctrinal changes that render a prior ruling inapplicable anymore. As noted in the Circuit Court rulings by the 10th, 9th, 7th, and 4th Circuit Courts - that while the SCOTUS has not directly set aside Baker (from 1971) there have been a number of doctrinal changes that have occured which have changed the legal landscape... If it was as you said, all the court need to do was accept the case, reiterate the Baker position - and this would be all done with. But they didn't, they let the Circuit Court ruling stand.

Judge Sutton did some research...did they let Sutton's ruling recently stand?
Just like you did the commandments of God. When asked what God commands you to do to gays......you deny God yet again.

LOL! What in the hell are you drinkin' tonight Skylar?

What does God require me to do to the sexually abnormal... exactly?

I have no idea. I'm not the one citing an 'objective God' and his commandments. That would be you. And it looks like God, very much like your procreation arguement.....have met the dirty side of your ass. As you've tossed them down the privy hole with all your other discarded claims.

Dude, is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Don't they look so happy?

I'll tell you what they look like...a man and a woman. Pretty standard...closeted heterosexuality...
LOL! So Nature doesn't say that if you jump off a 100' Cliff and flap your arms like a bird, that you'll pay a serious penalty for disobeying god's law?

'Nature' doesn't speak. You do, claiming to speak for nature. And even you can't tell us what possible relevance 'nature' would have with defining marriage as only one man and one woman. As you're not claiming that procreation is a purpose of marriage, nor ever have.

So much for 'nature'. What else have you got?
What does God require me to do to the sexually abnormal... exactly?

I have no idea.

Well... to be honest, that's not surprising. You rarely do. But your concession is again... DULY noted and summarily accepted.

Laughing....and now you're back to your 'declaration of victory' schtick.

You can't give us a valid reason for your 'one man one woman' standard. While I can give you very good reasons for why same sex marriage should be legally recognized: marriage is a fundamental right. And if you're going to deny that right to gays and lesbians, you'll need a very good reason.

And you don't have one.
True. Nature said it. I just noted it.

Nature doesn't speak.

It doesn't?

LOL! So Nature doesn't say that if you jump off a 100' Cliff and flap your arms like a bird, that you'll pay a serious penalty for disobeying god's law?

I'm pretty sure it does.

But hey... to be fair we should test it. Any 100' cliffs near you?
True. Nature said it. I just noted it.

Nature doesn't speak.

It doesn't?

LOL! So Nature doesn't say that if you jump off a 100' Cliff and flap your arms like a bird, that you'll pay a serious penalty for disobeying god's law?

I'm pretty sure it does.

But hey... to be fair we should test it. Any 100' cliffs near you?

Nope. Not a word. And you can give us no reason why marriage should only be one man and one woman. Your argument has collapsed so completely, you won't even discuss marriage anymore. With your argument having degenerated to......gravity.

Can you see why gay marriage bans haven't been faring well in the courts?

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