6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Well that toasts your 'usurp the means of another ' argument. As even you can't show us how gay marriage would in any way impact your ability to get married in any way.

As for marriage being the joining of one man and one woman, in 32 of 50 states is also the joining of a man and a man or the joining of a woman and a woman.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Where are gays not alllowed to marry? You make this claim over and over and yet fail to back it up.

I know, right?

She pretends, to the point of demonstrating delusion that homosexuals are in ANY WAY being precluded from marriage, when no homosexual has ever been denied a license to marry on the basis that they're a sexual deviant.

So now you're claiming that same sex marriage has always been legal?

Well that was easy.
Who claimed that?
for starters, no homosexual has ever been denied a marriage license and many of them have them.
Second, no homosexual couple has ever been prosecuted for engaging in whatever ceremony they want.
So that looks like two strikes against your statement. The fact that this has been pounded many times over and you still choose to repeat lies speaks to your inability to learn.

Who has said anything about gays being prosecuted for engaging in whatever ceremony they want? You just refuted a claim no one has made. There's a word for that: strawman.

And since you've just admitted that same sex unions haven't always been legal, then its clear you comprehend the nature of the legal battle that gays have fought and won in 32 of 50 states.

So what else have you got?
Who claimed that?
for starters, no homosexual has ever been denied a marriage license and many of them have them.
Second, no homosexual couple has ever been prosecuted for engaging in whatever ceremony they want.
So that looks like two strikes against your statement. The fact that this has been pounded many times over and you still choose to repeat lies speaks to your inability to learn.

The Ideological Left rests entirely upon relativism. Therefore, being void of objectivity, it has no means to recognize truth. As a result, the adherents to such are incapable of telling the truth, as the truth inevitably runs counter to their subjective needs.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'objectivity'. Or 'truth'.

You can't even give us a valid reason why gays and lesbians can't marry. Don't you think you should have such a reason if you're going to oppose same sex marraige?
Well that toasts your 'usurp the means of another ' argument.

Did it?

Yup. As you can show us no way in which your right to marry is impacted or prevented by a gay marrying.

Marriage is a right. If you're going to deny that right you're going to need a very good reason. And you don't have one.

And you felt so certain of that, that you were careful to NOT cite my ''usurp the means of another' argument.
Because it didn't in define any way in which your right to marry was prevented by gay marriage. Nor can you cite one....as their isn't any.

Its not like marriage is a finite resource, and you're gonna head down to the courthouse to find that the gays got the last of the marriage. There is plenty for you too. And your marriage is just as valid the day before gays were allowed to marry in your state as it was the day after.

Your right to marriage is completely unimpeded.

(Again folks, recognize that the relativist has no concern for the truth, or even the demonstration that they are lying... and this is because they've no use for the truth. And that is because the truth runs counter to their subjective needs.)

More accurately, I don't accept your subjective beliefs and personal opinion as 'objective' or 'truth'.

What else do you have? You can't even give us a reason why gays and lesbians shouldn't be allowed to get married.
And now physical threats of violence. Someone not dealing well with reality, I see. The true colors of anti-gay marriage folks are really starting to come through.

Violence is the natural consequence of two opposing forces, wherein reasonable compromise has proven to be impossible. Do some research, maybe google: "WAR: What is it good for?" (Answer: Solving problems that the absence of war could not solve.)

But hey, with 1% of the population being inflicted with the perversion and another 5% supporting it, I'd say you ladies should continue to make asses of yourself.

Your behavior being outlawed for most of human history is probably only the result of short-sited bigots trying to keep the color-coordinated down... and its very unlikely that it is because you're unmitigated assholes who are incapable of knowing when to shut up.

More power to ya... It is my sincere hope that you take it to the SCOTUS and they rule that everyone must endorse sexual deviancy or ELSE! I'm sure everything will work itself out.

Pure Bat Guano crazy.....

there is no decipherer that can makes sense of all that crazy.
And now physical threats of violence. Someone not dealing well with reality, I see. The true colors of anti-gay marriage folks are really starting to come through.

Violence is the natural consequence of two opposing forces, wherein reasonable compromise has proven to be impossible. Do some research, maybe google: "WAR: What is it good for?" (Answer: Solving problems that the absence of war could not solve.)

But hey, with 1% of the population being inflicted with the perversion and another 5% supporting it, I'd say you ladies should continue to make asses of yourself.

Your behavior being outlawed for most of human history is probably only the result of short-sited bigots trying to keep the color-coordinated down... and its very unlikely that it is because you're unmitigated assholes who are incapable of knowing when to shut up.

More power to ya... It is my sincere hope that you take it to the SCOTUS and they rule that everyone must endorse sexual deviancy or ELSE! I'm sure everything will work itself out.

Pure Bat Guano crazy.....

there is no decipherer that can makes sense of all that crazy.

Well that toasts your 'usurp the means of another ' argument.

Did it?

And you felt so certain of that, that you were careful to NOT cite my ''usurp the means of another' argument.

(Again folks, recognize that the relativist has no concern for the truth, or even the demonstration that they are lying... and this is because they've no use for the truth. And that is because the truth runs counter to their subjective needs.

Now ask yourself, if you can see any negative consequences that have returned to ALL OF US, due specifically TO: the disregard for truth, by the greater collective of THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT!

It's not just this crank... its not just the collective comprised of the cranks on this board... the same behavior that we see these people demonstrating, is the behavior that Gruber admitted to... which produced the 3000 page boondoggle that has cost good, hardworking people their health insurance, their peace of mind and their trust in their government... .

What you're witnessing here is the perversion of human reasoning... and it is THE SAME perversion of human reasoning which has spent the last 6 years running this country into the ground.

It is the same perversion that sets up US Gun manufacturers for illegal sales to Drug Cartels... It is the same perversion that sets up US Ambassadors and Embassy Personnel for murder...
It is the same perversion that sets up the IRS to use its police powers against the rights of US Citizens to assemble.
It is the same perversion that IMPORTS EBOLA INTO THE US.
It is the same perversion that promotes race riots in Ferguson MO.
And it is the same perversion that demands that free people must celebrate sexual deviancy OR ELSE!)

Bat guano crazy.......just bat guano craziness........
Well that toasts your 'usurp the means of another ' argument.

Did it?

And you felt so certain of that, that you were careful to NOT cite my ''usurp the means of another' argument.

(Again folks, recognize that the relativist has no concern for the truth, or even the demonstration that they are lying... and this is because they've no use for the truth. And that is because the truth runs counter to their subjective needs.

Now ask yourself, if you can see any negative consequences that have returned to ALL OF US, due specifically TO: the disregard for truth, by the greater collective of THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT!

It's not just this crank... its not just the collective comprised of the cranks on this board... the same behavior that we see these people demonstrating, is the behavior that Gruber admitted to... which produced the 3000 page boondoggle that has cost good, hardworking people their health insurance, their peace of mind and their trust in their government... .

What you're witnessing here is the perversion of human reasoning... and it is THE SAME perversion of human reasoning which has spent the last 6 years running this country into the ground.

It is the same perversion that sets up US Gun manufacturers for illegal sales to Drug Cartels... It is the same perversion that sets up US Ambassadors and Embassy Personnel for murder...
It is the same perversion that sets up the IRS to use its police powers against the rights of US Citizens to assemble.
It is the same perversion that IMPORTS EBOLA INTO THE US.
It is the same perversion that promotes race riots in Ferguson MO.
And it is the same perversion that demands that free people must celebrate sexual deviancy OR ELSE!)

Wow.....Ebola. Gun manufacturing. Race riots. Gruber.

But not a single mention of marriage. Why the complete abandonment of the topic of gay marriage....or marriage in any capacity?
More accurately, I reject the idea that your personal opinion and subjective beliefs define 'reality'.
OH! And FWIW: Belief in God and the recognition of God's supreme authority is not only OBJECTIVE, it's the epitome of objectivity. (FYI: That means that it doesn't GET any more objective than THAT!)

And what does 'belief in God' have to do with gay marriage?
I wonder how Justice Kennedy would feel if doctors taking orders from the "CQR" methods at the APA diagnosed HIM as an 11-year old boy with "gender identity disorder" instead of "my gender doesn't matter" disorder and impanted a female hormone chip in his arm suppressing the development of his deep voice, facial hair, broad shoulders and testical/penis growth "to prepare him better to decide to become a girl"...?? :eek-52:

If anecdotal examples of child abuse by any person of a particular sexual orientation were enough to invalidate the marriages of ALL people of that same orientation...

.....then straights are so completely fucked.

Yeah.....can we just roll out Honey Boo Boo and her mom wanting to date a child sex offender?

Hey, if there's one bad apple, an entire sexual orientation can't get married. That's Silo's reasoning.

And we haven't even gotten to the 'Son's of Guns' guy molesting both his daughters. Looks like straights are completely fucked.
It is less worthy if you are looking at the yardstick of "worthiness" as "that arrangement that best suits children within marriages". Incentivizing a situation where a child will miss one of its blood parents 100% of the time in a "marriage" is not in that child's best interest.

So if a childless couple adopts....they can't marry? Or if an interfile couple adopts......they can't marry? After all, in both circumstances the State is 'Incentivizing a situation where a child will miss one of its blood parents 100% of the time in a "marriage" is not in that child's best interest.'

If not, why not?
Well that toasts your 'usurp the means of another ' argument.

Did it?

And you felt so certain of that, that you were careful to NOT cite my ''usurp the means of another' argument.

(Again folks, recognize that the relativist has no concern for the truth, or even the demonstration that they are lying... and this is because they've no use for the truth. And that is because the truth runs counter to their subjective needs.

Now ask yourself, if you can see any negative consequences that have returned to ALL OF US, due specifically TO: the disregard for truth, by the greater collective of THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT!

It's not just this crank... its not just the collective comprised of the cranks on this board... the same behavior that we see these people demonstrating, is the behavior that Gruber admitted to... which produced the 3000 page boondoggle that has cost good, hardworking people their health insurance, their peace of mind and their trust in their government... .

What you're witnessing here is the perversion of human reasoning... and it is THE SAME perversion of human reasoning which has spent the last 6 years running this country into the ground.

It is the same perversion that sets up US Gun manufacturers for illegal sales to Drug Cartels... It is the same perversion that sets up US Ambassadors and Embassy Personnel for murder...
It is the same perversion that sets up the IRS to use its police powers against the rights of US Citizens to assemble.
It is the same perversion that IMPORTS EBOLA INTO THE US.
It is the same perversion that promotes race riots in Ferguson MO.
And it is the same perversion that demands that free people must celebrate sexual deviancy OR ELSE!)
Wow.....Ebola. Gun manufacturing. Race riots. Gruber.

Notice how the relativist had no concern for the deceit intrinsic to "Ebola, Fast and Furious, the Ferguson Race Riots and Gruber's confessions that obamacare was based entirely upon lies"; which is no concern that their government, failed to be truthful.

And what was my position?

"Relativists have no concern for truth...as truth does not serve their subjective needs."

LOL! ... yup.

And of course: Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

I'm having a discussion about gay marriage. Not ebola. Or gun manufacturers. Or race riots. Or any of the red herrings you're tossing up.

When you're ready to rejoin the conversation, feel free. But if all you've got is spamming the same reply regardless of what is said, then you're done.
In answer to the poll, of course not.

Marriage is not the business of government, local or national.

If its between consenting adults and harms no one, MYOB.
So why do those same consenting adults suddenly need a piece of paper from government to be legitimate?

Why hasnt this thread been merged with the other on the same topic?

Unfortunately, because of issues like child custody, child support and inheritance, government will always be involved in marriage. Of course, all these issues stem from the facts of reproduction, so it's difficult to understand why it should have anything to do with gays whatsoever.

Seriously- that is a horribly flawed argument.

Gay couples have children the same way that millions of Americans have children- they adopt children, they use invitro fertilization, they use surrogacy- the same methods couples who are infertile use- gay couples use.

Gay couples have children- thousands- and thousands of children.

And where gay couples do not have marriage rights- that causes complications with everything you mentioned- child custody, child support, and inheritance.

Oh- by the way- the biggest issue for inheritance is not with children- it is with spouses.

Which was the issue behind Windsor.

Exactly! And now the adoption laws are coming in line with the marriage laws.

Utah Supreme Court lifts same-sex adoption stay

The Utah Supreme Court on Thursday lifted a stay which had barred from completion four pending adoptions of children by their same-sex parents.

The action clears the way for the Utah Department of Health to issue birth certificates that list the same-sex parents as the children’s legal parents. It will also restart countless other adoptions that were left in limbo by Utah’s contention that the cases should be on hold until it was clear that gay marriage would be legal in the Beehive state.

"The families involved are obviously relieved and thrilled," said Laura Milliken Gray, an attorney who represented one of the four families, and who also had six other adoptions in process when the stay was put in place.

Utah Supreme Court lifts same-sex adoption stay The Salt Lake Tribune

Its about time.

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