6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
What does God require me to do to the sexually abnormal... exactly?

I have no idea.

Well... to be honest, that's not surprising. You rarely do. But your concession is again... DULY noted and summarily accepted.
You can't give us a valid reason for your 'one man one woman' standard.

The reason is, as you'e been informed several hundred times, is: THAT IS HOW NATURE DESIGNED THE SPECIES... wherein one male joins with one female.

Now you MUST realize, eventually, that your obtuse rejection of nature's laws does not a valid contest make.

Again... to test that principle: Go find a cliff or an building that provides a drop of at least 100'... Nature says that if you jump off the edge, you'll suffer the consequences of failing to recognize its law.

WARNING: The fall is a BLAST! But the sudden stop is a Mouthy, Vindictive Female (or feminized male of the same unenviable trait)!
The reason is, as you'e been informed several hundred times, is: THAT IS HOW NATURE DESIGNED THE SPECIES... wherein one male joins with one female.

And what relevance does that have with marriage? Remember, procreatoin is off the table. So......you're going to need a reason WHY a marraige can't be male and male or female and female. After all 'nature' designed males too. And 'nature' designed females. Since nature designed them both, why can't same sex couples marry?

Explain it to us. Just try not to step on any of the paint while you're in the corner.
True. Nature said it. I just noted it.

Nature doesn't speak.

It doesn't?

LOL! So Nature doesn't say that if you jump off a 100' Cliff and flap your arms like a bird, that you'll pay a serious penalty for disobeying god's law?

I'm pretty sure it does.

But hey... to be fair we should test it. Any 100' cliffs near you?

Ahh that's too bad.

Can you see why gay marriage bans haven't been faring well in the courts?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
The reason is, as you'e been informed several hundred times, is: THAT IS HOW NATURE DESIGNED THE SPECIES... wherein one male joins with one female.

And what relevance does that have with marriage?

You want to know the relevance of the circumstance which provided for origins of marriage, to marriage?


Now folks, is it any surprise that a people who cannot understand THAT SIMPLE EQUATION are so eager to toss marriage onto the trash heap of the culture?

I guess that should be about enough, in terms of why we must begin the discussion on the last day that we allow homosexuals to vote... .

These little threads have provided more than enough information to provide the understanding that they're not with us... their intentions are deviant, dishonest and dishonorable.

In just 6 short years, we've come from a sustainable nation to one wherein illegal aliens are considered citizens and to where it is perfectly normal for a man to marry another man.

There's a purpose for sovereignty and these idiots are demonstrating precisely why it is cultural suicide to tolerate foreign ideas hostile to the principles on which one's nation, rests!
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Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Because that is how the species is designed.

Nature designed men. Why can't men and men make a marriage? Nature designed women. Why can't women and women be married?

You have yet to provide us with anything that a man and woman can bring to a marriage that a man and a man cannot. There's simply no reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry someone of the same gender.

And since marriage is a right, you'll need a very, very good reason to deny gays and lesbians that right. And you have none at all.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Because that is how the species is designed.

Nature designed men. Why can't men and men make a marriage? Nature designed women. Why can't women and women be married?

Because, nature designed one man to join with one women... thus: marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

What does it matter to marriage? What possible relevance does coitus have since you've taken procreation off the table as the purpose of marriage?
And since marriage is a right, you'll need a very, very good reason to deny gays and lesbians that right. And you have none at all.

Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And since it is the duty of every free sovereign to defend the viability of their culture, there can be no right to destroy the nucleus element of their culture, as a means to find the legitimacy that can only be acquired from turning from the deviancy that drives you to seek legitimacy. (That means that while you desperately seek legitimacy through marriage, and while marriage is legitimacy... you cannot find legitimacy in marriage because you're illegitimacy does not rest in your inability to marry those you 'love'. Your illegitimacy rests in WHO YOU "LOVE".)

Left-think... it's a wicked circle.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Where are gays not alllowed to marry? You make this claim over and over and yet fail to back it up.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Where are gays not alllowed to marry? You make this claim over and over and yet fail to back it up.

I know, right?

She pretends, to the point of demonstrating delusion that homosexuals are in ANY WAY being precluded from marriage, when no homosexual has ever been denied a license to marry on the basis that they're a sexual deviant.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Where are gays not alllowed to marry? You make this claim over and over and yet fail to back it up.

I know, right?

She pretends, to the point of demonstrating delusion that homosexuals are in ANY WAY being precluded from marriage, when no homosexual has ever been denied a license to marry on the basis that they're a sexual deviant.

So now you're claiming that same sex marriage has always been legal?

Well that was easy.
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying? Can I take it from your stark refusal to answer the question that you can't think of any way that it does?
Marriage is ONLY a right, where the exercise of such does not usurp the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And how does a gay couple marrying in any way prevent you from marrying?

You can't even give us a reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry. Let alone a way this impacts you or prevents you from exercise your right to marry.
Where are gays not alllowed to marry? You make this claim over and over and yet fail to back it up.

I know, right?

She pretends, to the point of demonstrating delusion that homosexuals are in ANY WAY being precluded from marriage, when no homosexual has ever been denied a license to marry on the basis that they're a sexual deviant.

So now you're claiming that same sex marriage has always been legal?

Well that was easy.
Who claimed that?
for starters, no homosexual has ever been denied a marriage license and many of them have them.
Second, no homosexual couple has ever been prosecuted for engaging in whatever ceremony they want.
So that looks like two strikes against your statement. The fact that this has been pounded many times over and you still choose to repeat lies speaks to your inability to learn.
Who claimed that?
for starters, no homosexual has ever been denied a marriage license and many of them have them.
Second, no homosexual couple has ever been prosecuted for engaging in whatever ceremony they want.
So that looks like two strikes against your statement. The fact that this has been pounded many times over and you still choose to repeat lies speaks to your inability to learn.

The Ideological Left rests entirely upon relativism. Therefore, being void of objectivity, it has no means to recognize truth. As a result, the adherents to such are incapable of telling the truth, as the truth inevitably runs counter to their subjective needs.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

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