'7 Biggest Biden / Democrat Bloopers of 2022'

Wow, if this was the best you have, no wonder you did so poorly in November.

87000 more IRS agents? Awesome. Let's get those tax cheats to pay their fair share.

And I work in Supply Chain. Compared to where we were in early 2021, with the barges stacked up at the ports, getting stuff through is pretty easy now. So Pete must be doing something right.
A clueless and biased view of a far left do nothing. The only time Buttagege does something right is when he does nothing. FJB
'I was raised in a Jewish Puerto Rican Community and am part Italian because my wife is Italian' didn't make it into the top 5 2022 Biden Bloopers?

:uhh: WTF?!

Yes. Disingenuous: To misrepresent or be insincere.

For example: Saying the borders are open when we have manned border checkpoints is disengenius.

Are you caught up now?

Saying the entire border is closed when you know that it is only impenetrable in a few spots is twice as disingenuous.

And when you can't even spell "disingenuous", we really have to wonder if you know the meaning of the word.


Saying the entire border is closed when you know that it is only impenetrable in a few spots is twice as disingenuous.

I never said the entire border was closed. I said it wasn't open.

And when you can't even spell "disingenuous", we really have to wonder if you know the meaning of the word.

Thanks for your selective grammar check.

I posted the meaning so if your still wondering I can't help you.

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