7 Cities Announce They No Longer Want Federal Funding

What's happend to your blabbing about "state rights ". You righties are such fakes .

How are states rights being violated here? You don't comply, you don't get federal funds. It's an option.

States rejected Commie Care, but because it was a forced federal program, states were forced to comply with it just like weirdos going into your daughters bathroom and shower in school. If you don't comply, you get your federal funding cutoff, but it's still a choice.

Because you are requiring cities to use their local police and jails as proxy INS agents .

Feds do immigration, not the states .
Then let the Feds do it, get rid of retarded sanctuary cities.
It's not a sanctuary unless the city impedes Federal authorities from doing their job,

you know, kind of like Clive Bundy and his gang did.
Every city in America should reject federal funding.

Hell, America should just be a confederation of independent city states.
Folks need to understand, you can't be a world power if you don't have a strong central government. Confederation of independent States sounds great on paper, but all it means is that each state gets pushed around by foreign nations and then laughed at when their weak central government sticks up for them.

This is a particular pet peeve of mine. Folks don't understand the cost of the things they want. Do you want to have the World's strongest and most advanced military? That costs money to build, research and train. A LOT of money. So that requires a strong tax beaurcracy to collect those taxes and a strong beaurcracy to oversee the expenditures and make sure the government isn't ripped off. All of that leads to big government.

Do you want a small government? A small government can't effectively collect taxes or oversee expenditures meaning you won't have enough money for a strong military and what money you have will be lost ot graft or waste.

After WWII the American public made a very conscious decision that they wanted to be a major world power and gave up isolationism. The consequence of that is the large Federal Government we now have. And it was a good decision! The way the world works now isolationsim is doomed to failure.

Rant over, go back to talking about immigration.
Every city in America should reject federal funding.

Hell, America should just be a confederation of independent city states.
Folks need to understand, you can't be a world power if you don't have a strong central government. Confederation of independent States sounds great on paper, but all it means is that each state gets pushed around by foreign nations and then laughed at when their weak central government sticks up for them.

This is a particular pet peeve of mine. Folks don't understand the cost of the things they want. Do you want to have the World's strongest and most advanced military? That costs money to build, research and train. A LOT of money. So that requires a strong tax beaurcracy to collect those taxes and a strong beaurcracy to oversee the expenditures and make sure the government isn't ripped off. All of that leads to big government.

Do you want a small government? A small government can't effectively collect taxes or oversee expenditures meaning you won't have enough money for a strong military and what money you have will be lost ot graft or waste.

After WWII the American public made a very conscious decision that they wanted to be a major world power and gave up isolationism. The consequence of that is the large Federal Government we now have. And it was a good decision! The way the world works now isolationsim is doomed to failure.

Rant over, go back to talking about immigration.

What the federal government was to do for the people is listed in the US Constitution. That's because if we just stuck to those things only, we would not be in debt, still a world power, and still a small government.

Unfortunately we expanded on what the founders envisioned. Now the people depend on the federal government for every little thing. From housing to food, from medical care to child care, from birth until death.
Great! The savings can go to reducing the debt.
Every penny saved is going towards building the WALL. Ironic.
This way Mexico does ultimately end up paying for the WALL.
Watch what happens when Congress passes a law that revokes the business license of any business that is caught hiring illegals. And the business owner nor any member of their family can not apply for another business license for ten years.
It's coming friends.
No way are Repuplicans going to slap down business

They would rather hunt down poor immigrants
Hide a family of them in your attic and have one of them write a diary about their plight.

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