7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

Do you believe in god (s) or not? From what little sense I can make of your posts, you are saying that the bible is a book of parables about HUMAN failings and human imperfections, is that right? That you don't believe in the concept of an actual "physical" devil or Satan. Am I correct? I mean, trying to decipher one of your posts is like trying to decipher a riddle.

Simply put, yes I believe in God, yes the bible with its angels and demons is a book of parables about the heights and depths of human potential and a clear teaching about how to get the most out of life, avoid evil, and by doing so attain permanent existence.. I also believe that Satan, the talking serpent in the bible, is just a figurative depiction of an actual physical human being, a deceitful low-life always on the prowl for the gullible, exactly like the big bad wolf in the fairy tale represents a person and was never about any imaginary mythological creature..

I'm sorry that you have been having trouble deciphering what I have said.

Forgive me if I find that astonishing.
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How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Perhaps I can offer an answer to your query?

Let me start with your basic phraseology: "How do you create..."

It's obvious that you are approaching this as if Creation were done by "you" or a person like yourself. God is not a person. The capabilities of an omnipotent super-being is obviously going to be able to do much more than you could ever think possible. So to answer your question, God can do it because God is God.

Secondly, there seems to be a copious misunderstanding with regard to time. God is the keeper of time since it is His creation. He can spin time backwards, forwards, make it stand still or change the speed any way He pleases... again, because God is God.

Finally, there is often a misconception when it comes to the Biblical creation story. Skeptics like to scrutinize it as though it's supposed to be a documentary accounting of the timeline and events. But that was never the intent or purpose. Consider this; The story is not told from the perspective of an individual witnessing the events because the only one there was God. It is clearly presented in the assumed perspective of God. The purpose was never to describe the detailed timeline. Ancient stories are often told in a way that invokes the imagination. So this detailed timeline you are attempting to hold the Bible accountable to is merely a device of the storyteller to compel the imagination. The only intent and purpose is to convey that God is the Creator and He created everything.

One of the more fascinating things I learned in religious studies is regarding the Hebrew translation. The word "day" translates to "yom." In Hebrew, this word has multiple meanings in context. To illustrate what I mean, let's take the actual word "day" and examine a different context. If I said, "Mohammed Ali was a great boxer in his day!" Am I stating that for only one day, Mohammed Ali was a great boxer? Or do I mean something entirely different? The same argument can be made for "yom." In Hebrew, it could mean an era of time. Indeed, in ancient Hebrew transcripts it is found to be used in describing anything from an actual day to generations. So we don't know the Bible means a literal "day" in the story. And again, the purpose and intent is not to accurately document the timeline but to tell a compelling story of God's Creation.
No source. It just magically appeared. I don't believe the religious creation myths anyways.
If you are referring to the Bible, I just don't have any faith in it that you do.

And yet you believe in the concept of a physical event that literally defies physics. The Big Bang. That our entire universe... billions of galaxies filled with billions of stars and planets... was once concentrated into a space the size of a pin head. (Singularity) Never mind the work of Heisenberg and his Uncertainty Principle, which negates any possibility of a Singularity because we can never know the location of an atom's components.

Not only do you believe such an event happened, you believe physical nature (which didn't yet exist) made it happen. And not only that, but it made it happen from nothingness. Furthermore, whatever caused it to happen, you don't believe there was a fundamental reason or purpose behind the happening.

I'm sorry, but I don't have the faith to believe all of that. It's more rational in my mind that some force beyond physical nature was the ultimate Creator of physical nature and the creation had a purpose and reason. Otherwise, it makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Do you believe in god (s) or not? From what little sense I can make of your posts, you are saying that the bible is a book of parables about HUMAN failings and human imperfections, is that right? That you don't believe in the concept of an actual "physical" devil or Satan. Am I correct? I mean, trying to decipher one of your posts is like trying to decipher a riddle.

Simply put, yes I believe in God, yes the bible with its angels and demons is a book of parables about the heights and depths of human potential and a clear teaching about how to get the most out of life, avoid evil, and by doing so attain permanent existence.. I also believe that Satan, the talking serpent in the bible, is just a figurative depiction of an actual physical human being, a deceitful low-life always on the prowl for the gullible, exactly like the big bad wolf in the fairy tale represents a person and was never about any imaginary mythological creature..

I'm sorry that you have been having trouble deciphering what I have said.

Forgive me if I find that astonishing.

I'm not the only one who has had troubles deciphering your mumbo jumbo talk about serpents. It's you, not everybody else. You are not good at delivering your point. You are not clear and concise.
Yes, seven days makes sense when they just tell you that a day means a billion years in ancient speak. Whew, what a long day! Christ, put an end to this day already. I wonder who decided when that "day" was finally over? :D The gods must be crazy.

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