7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

Yes, but you forgot the rest: You can avoid all of these intellectual, real world challenges, if you simply wrap yourself in fantasy, lobotomize yourself, and hide in a bubble made of gawd stuff.

Terrible lesson. It glorifies ignorance and fantasy, while eschewing intellectualism and knowledge. Completely backwards, intellectually, morally , and ethically.

lol...I agree that that is a terrible lesson but, if you think a little more deeply about it, its not based on whats actually written or the intended teaching.

Sounds more like the dogma and specious falsehoods of talking serpents that misrepresent the stories in the Bible, OT and NT ( depending on the species) in order to deceive the gullible to their advantage.

Just like that ever deceitful talking serpent of old.....

And how do we know they are "misrepresenting" the stories, and not just lookong at them differently? That's a problem with religious literature. It's one thing to debate what a story means to you; it's quite another to debate how it is supposed to dictate our lives. I never entered into a debate of the moral undercurrents of a Twain story with the pretense that my eternal well-being depended on the outcome of the debate!

How do we know they are misrepresenting the stories? Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. So far much of our differences have been inconsequential. At least we agree on the nature of reality, the value of scientific study and discoveries , and the absurdity of professing a belief in supernatural or magical gobbledygook..

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth is brought out. I have no problem being proven wrong if the truth is brought out. Everybody would benefit.

so far you have learned that the creation of Heaven and Earth according to the book of Genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals, or human beings whether you like it or not.

You have also been given the basis, firmament, upon which to build an understanding about what the subjects of Heaven and Earth in the story are actually about.

Now put on your thinking cap and get to work.

Thanks for playing along...
"Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. "

On fantastic Biblical tales? Haha....no it isn't .....what a completely ridiculous thing to say. No, sorry, the correct answer is that there is absolutely no way whatsoever to be able to tell who is interpreting some bit of religious bullshit correctly and who isn't. Sectarian strife will never, ever go away, because there is absolutely no way, real or imagined, to tell who is correct about any of it.

Yes, reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation of any fantastical story.

Metaphors, allegories,parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., are all well known literary techniques and teaching tools.

The OT is called the Torah,meaning instruction not history. The gospels mean good news not bullshit.

And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. If it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, you might as well stop disputing with me and go and play golf or something...it will certainly mess up your day when the truth comes to light..

Reality itself inescapably limits the possibilities of what the story could possibly be about. It is impossible that the ascension is about Jesus bodily floating up into the sky literally after he had risen from the dead and Acts 1:11 describing the ascension explicitly says in no uncertain terms that Jesus did not float up into the sky.

Would you like to see how although the disciples were watching and they lost sight of Jesus after he was obscured behind a cloud has nothing whatever to do with clouds in the sky or altitude?

There is something of great value buried and hidden there.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again,"

can you dig it?

Surely the sweat of your brow can produce more than just thorns and thistles.

Maybe? Maybe not.
"And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, "

Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic. And once you do, then anything can be true. So, magic or no, any story can be "conformed to reality". Man claims to talk to houseplants? He's delusional or lying. There, I just conformed his story to reality.

Man put animals on boat and saved the global fauna from great flood? Bullshit....conformed.

That's my point. Of course we can extract all manner of allegory and metaphor to suit ourselves and our own realities. That's my other point. It seems more that we are in agreement than in disagreement.
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lol...I agree that that is a terrible lesson but, if you think a little more deeply about it, its not based on whats actually written or the intended teaching.

Sounds more like the dogma and specious falsehoods of talking serpents that misrepresent the stories in the Bible, OT and NT ( depending on the species) in order to deceive the gullible to their advantage.

Just like that ever deceitful talking serpent of old.....

And how do we know they are "misrepresenting" the stories, and not just lookong at them differently? That's a problem with religious literature. It's one thing to debate what a story means to you; it's quite another to debate how it is supposed to dictate our lives. I never entered into a debate of the moral undercurrents of a Twain story with the pretense that my eternal well-being depended on the outcome of the debate!

How do we know they are misrepresenting the stories? Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. So far much of our differences have been inconsequential. At least we agree on the nature of reality, the value of scientific study and discoveries , and the absurdity of professing a belief in supernatural or magical gobbledygook..

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth is brought out. I have no problem being proven wrong if the truth is brought out. Everybody would benefit.

so far you have learned that the creation of Heaven and Earth according to the book of Genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals, or human beings whether you like it or not.

You have also been given the basis, firmament, upon which to build an understanding about what the subjects of Heaven and Earth in the story are actually about.

Now put on your thinking cap and get to work.

Thanks for playing along...
"Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. "

On fantastic Biblical tales? Haha....no it isn't .....what a completely ridiculous thing to say. No, sorry, the correct answer is that there is absolutely no way whatsoever to be able to tell who is interpreting some bit of religious bullshit correctly and who isn't. Sectarian strife will never, ever go away, because there is absolutely no way, real or imagined, to tell who is correct about any of it.

Yes, reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation of any fantastical story.

Metaphors, allegories,parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., are all well known literary techniques and teaching tools.

The OT is called the Torah,meaning instruction not history. The gospels mean good news not bullshit.

And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. If it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, you might as well stop disputing with me and go and play golf or something...it will certainly mess up your day when the truth comes to light..

Reality itself inescapably limits the possibilities of what the story could possibly be about. It is impossible that the ascension is about Jesus bodily floating up into the sky literally after he had risen from the dead and Acts 1:11 describing the ascension explicitly says in no uncertain terms that Jesus did not float up into the sky.

Would you like to see how although the disciples were watching and they lost sight of Jesus after he was obscured behind a cloud has nothing whatever to do with clouds in the sky or altitude?

There is something of great value buried and hidden there.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again,"

can you dig it?

Surely the sweat of your brow can produce more than just thorns and thistles.

Maybe? Maybe not.
"And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, "

Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic. And once you do, then anything can be true. So, magic or no, any story can be "conformed to reality". Man claims to talk to houseplants? He's delusional or lying. There, I just conformed his story to reality.

Man put animals on boat and saved the global fauna from great flood? Bullshit....conformed.

That's my point. Of course we can extract all manner of allegory and metaphor to suit ourselves and our own realities. That's my other point. It seems more that we are in agreement than in disagreement.

So which one are you, Penn or Teller?
And how do we know they are "misrepresenting" the stories, and not just lookong at them differently? That's a problem with religious literature. It's one thing to debate what a story means to you; it's quite another to debate how it is supposed to dictate our lives. I never entered into a debate of the moral undercurrents of a Twain story with the pretense that my eternal well-being depended on the outcome of the debate!

How do we know they are misrepresenting the stories? Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. So far much of our differences have been inconsequential. At least we agree on the nature of reality, the value of scientific study and discoveries , and the absurdity of professing a belief in supernatural or magical gobbledygook..

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth is brought out. I have no problem being proven wrong if the truth is brought out. Everybody would benefit.

so far you have learned that the creation of Heaven and Earth according to the book of Genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals, or human beings whether you like it or not.

You have also been given the basis, firmament, upon which to build an understanding about what the subjects of Heaven and Earth in the story are actually about.

Now put on your thinking cap and get to work.

Thanks for playing along...
"Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. "

On fantastic Biblical tales? Haha....no it isn't .....what a completely ridiculous thing to say. No, sorry, the correct answer is that there is absolutely no way whatsoever to be able to tell who is interpreting some bit of religious bullshit correctly and who isn't. Sectarian strife will never, ever go away, because there is absolutely no way, real or imagined, to tell who is correct about any of it.

Yes, reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation of any fantastical story.

Metaphors, allegories,parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., are all well known literary techniques and teaching tools.

The OT is called the Torah,meaning instruction not history. The gospels mean good news not bullshit.

And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. If it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, you might as well stop disputing with me and go and play golf or something...it will certainly mess up your day when the truth comes to light..

Reality itself inescapably limits the possibilities of what the story could possibly be about. It is impossible that the ascension is about Jesus bodily floating up into the sky literally after he had risen from the dead and Acts 1:11 describing the ascension explicitly says in no uncertain terms that Jesus did not float up into the sky.

Would you like to see how although the disciples were watching and they lost sight of Jesus after he was obscured behind a cloud has nothing whatever to do with clouds in the sky or altitude?

There is something of great value buried and hidden there.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again,"

can you dig it?

Surely the sweat of your brow can produce more than just thorns and thistles.

Maybe? Maybe not.
"And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, "

Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic. And once you do, then anything can be true. So, magic or no, any story can be "conformed to reality". Man claims to talk to houseplants? He's delusional or lying. There, I just conformed his story to reality.

Man put animals on boat and saved the global fauna from great flood? Bullshit....conformed.

That's my point. Of course we can extract all manner of allegory and metaphor to suit ourselves and our own realities. That's my other point. It seems more that we are in agreement than in disagreement.

So which one are you, Penn or Teller?
Which one gets the ladies?
Penn is married and Teller can't ruin his act by speaking to ladies, besides his bloody tricks make him scarey creepy to woman, so I'm going with- Neither...and that's my final answer.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?

What on earth are you talking about? :cuckoo:

For you to say that there is no such thing as a talking serpent to me is :cuckoo:... The story is like a fairy tale that uses metaphors and analogies just like I'm sure you have heard somewhere in your life people called pigs, snakes,dogs, vultures, worms, rats or jackasses. Like they don't exist. sheesh.

Whats so difficult about making that great leap of intelligence to understand the true subjects of the stories?
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?

What on earth are you talking about? :cuckoo:

For you to say that there is no such thing as a talking serpent to me is :cuckoo:... The story is like a fairy tale that uses metaphors and analogies just like I'm sure you have heard somewhere in your life people called pigs, snakes,dogs, vultures, worms, rats or jackasses. Like they don't exist. sheesh.

Whats so difficult about making that great leap of intelligence to understand the true subjects of the stories?
to understand the true subjects of the stories?"

"The true subjects"... according to you. You really should correctly qualify your assertions.
lol...I agree that that is a terrible lesson but, if you think a little more deeply about it, its not based on whats actually written or the intended teaching.

Sounds more like the dogma and specious falsehoods of talking serpents that misrepresent the stories in the Bible, OT and NT ( depending on the species) in order to deceive the gullible to their advantage.

Just like that ever deceitful talking serpent of old.....

And how do we know they are "misrepresenting" the stories, and not just lookong at them differently? That's a problem with religious literature. It's one thing to debate what a story means to you; it's quite another to debate how it is supposed to dictate our lives. I never entered into a debate of the moral undercurrents of a Twain story with the pretense that my eternal well-being depended on the outcome of the debate!

How do we know they are misrepresenting the stories? Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. So far much of our differences have been inconsequential. At least we agree on the nature of reality, the value of scientific study and discoveries , and the absurdity of professing a belief in supernatural or magical gobbledygook..

When the waters of contention are stirred, the truth is brought out. I have no problem being proven wrong if the truth is brought out. Everybody would benefit.

so far you have learned that the creation of Heaven and Earth according to the book of Genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals, or human beings whether you like it or not.

You have also been given the basis, firmament, upon which to build an understanding about what the subjects of Heaven and Earth in the story are actually about.

Now put on your thinking cap and get to work.

Thanks for playing along...
"Reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation. "

On fantastic Biblical tales? Haha....no it isn't .....what a completely ridiculous thing to say. No, sorry, the correct answer is that there is absolutely no way whatsoever to be able to tell who is interpreting some bit of religious bullshit correctly and who isn't. Sectarian strife will never, ever go away, because there is absolutely no way, real or imagined, to tell who is correct about any of it.

Yes, reality is a reliable and constant constraint on any possible interpretation of any fantastical story.

Metaphors, allegories,parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., are all well known literary techniques and teaching tools.

The OT is called the Torah,meaning instruction not history. The gospels mean good news not bullshit.

And if you can't find a way to interpret a fantastical story like the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven, in a way that conforms to reality doesn't mean that there isn't a way. If it makes you feel better to say its all bullshit than to admit that you haven't figured it out, you might as well stop disputing with me and go and play golf or something...it will certainly mess up your day when the truth comes to light..

Reality itself inescapably limits the possibilities of what the story could possibly be about. It is impossible that the ascension is about Jesus bodily floating up into the sky literally after he had risen from the dead and Acts 1:11 describing the ascension explicitly says in no uncertain terms that Jesus did not float up into the sky.

Would you like to see how although the disciples were watching and they lost sight of Jesus after he was obscured behind a cloud has nothing whatever to do with clouds in the sky or altitude?

There is something of great value buried and hidden there.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again,"

can you dig it?

Surely the sweat of your brow can produce more than just thorns and thistles.

Maybe? Maybe not.

You people are just nuts. Lol. Some day, you will die, decay and become a part of the earth. There is no more evidence of anything other than that happening ever at any time.
neither of us either made or denied any such claim.

We were having a relatively civil discourse and exchange of ideas concerning the subjects of scripture.

Pay attention.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?

What on earth are you talking about? :cuckoo:

For you to say that there is no such thing as a talking serpent to me is :cuckoo:... The story is like a fairy tale that uses metaphors and analogies just like I'm sure you have heard somewhere in your life people called pigs, snakes,dogs, vultures, worms, rats or jackasses. Like they don't exist. sheesh.

Whats so difficult about making that great leap of intelligence to understand the true subjects of the stories?
to understand the true subjects of the stories?"

"The true subjects"... according to you. You really should correctly qualify your assertions.

Sure, what I mean is the true subjects according to the authors intent revealed by the writings themselves.

I just happened to notice what has been there hidden in plain sight for thousands of years.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?

What on earth are you talking about? :cuckoo:

For you to say that there is no such thing as a talking serpent to me is :cuckoo:... The story is like a fairy tale that uses metaphors and analogies just like I'm sure you have heard somewhere in your life people called pigs, snakes,dogs, vultures, worms, rats or jackasses. Like they don't exist. sheesh.

Whats so difficult about making that great leap of intelligence to understand the true subjects of the stories?
to understand the true subjects of the stories?"

"The true subjects"... according to you. You really should correctly qualify your assertions.

Sure, what I mean is the true subjects according to the authors intent revealed by the writings themselves.

I just happened to notice what has been there hidden in plain sight for thousands of years.
"what I mean is the true subjects according to the authors intent revealed by the writings themselves."

Again, according to you. You understand this, right? I don't think you do.
Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

The bodily ascension of Jesus was his life after he renounced 'the work of the devil' false interpretations and degrading religious practices until he was obscured behind the clouds of controversy that were swirling around him. Then he was "taken up" into heaven, a euphemism for him being killed., just as one would expect the subject to be dealt with in a children's story.

There. The resurrection from the dead and the ascension without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
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Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.
Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which opinion cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again, grow a set, and then take a stand.
Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.
Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.

Why not try to falsify one, mine naturally. It is possible to do.

But even though it would be a lot less work, you can't do it.

All the pieces fit perfectly.
Of course I can conform any of those stories to reality....precisely by calling them bullshit. Man came back from the dead and rose to heaven? Bullshit. There, conformed. Otherwise, no, you are not going to reconcile magical resurrection to reality, without introducing magic

Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.

Why not try to falsify one, mine naturally. It is possible to do.

But even though it would be a lot less work, you can't do it.

All the pieces fit perfectly.
Wby would I have to falsify anything? I can just find several other opinions. I have no desire to figure out by what authority you think your opinion is "truth". I can plainly see that any of you can be "right" alt the same time, or all wrong. That's the cool thing about abstract art AND magical nonsense...it can be whatever you want it to be...
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.

ok. :happy-1:

ahem, so what do you and your extensions believe the identity of the talking serpent to be? an metaphor for an internal evil inclination or a metaphor for a type of real person on earth depicted as a mythological being in paradise?

According to genesis this enemy is external, the teaching kind of simple.......

Some people are egocentric actors and lying frauds, Don't be gullible, Beware, if you lose your mind by believing in the lies of liars you might never get it back..
The problem is that Christians see everything like a gangster movie...who's the bad guy and how do we catch and punish him.
God is infinite; God's creations are not.
God gave Adam a command which he passed along to his wife Chava,
Chava took the word of the nachash over the word of her husband.
That's the issue.
Do we trust people who know the truth or do we give in to what looks good at the moment.

Even today, every action we take affects the universe.
Thats where you are wrong.

The subject of the living and the dead and life and death in scripture is not about biological life or death.

Jesus said that the pharisees were like whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves. in other words they were dead. There was no life in them no light no understanding but instead were full of corruption.

Jesus walked out of this tomb and then 'the heavens opened up to him" meaning he understood the subjects that the pharisees could never comprehend by reading the stories in the Bible literally.

There. The resurrection from the dead without introducing magic or adding or subtracting or changing a single word in the story.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.

Why not try to falsify one, mine naturally. It is possible to do.

But even though it would be a lot less work, you can't do it.

All the pieces fit perfectly.
Wby would I have to falsify anything? I can just find several other opinions. I have no desire to figure out by what authority you think your opinion is "truth". I can plainly see that any of you can be "right" alt the same time, or all wrong. That's the cool thing about abstract art AND magical nonsense...it can be whatever you want it to be...

You are being disingenuous.

So far I have shown you how the creation story is not magical nonsense, the talking serpent not some imaginary mythological creature, the resurrection not a fantasy, and how the ascension of Jesus into heaven does not contradict reality.

Now you are acting like you saw and heard nothing,,

as if you were struck with blindness by the finger of God....

or just being a jerk....
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.

ok. :happy-1:

ahem, so what do you and your extensions believe the identity of the talking serpent to be? an metaphor for an internal evil inclination or a metaphor for a type of real person on earth depicted as a mythological being in paradise?

According to genesis this enemy is external, the teaching kind of simple.......

Some people are egocentric actors and lying frauds, Don't be gullible, Beware, if you lose your mind by believing in the lies of liars you might never get it back..
The problem is that Christians see everything like a gangster movie...who's the bad guy and how do we catch and punish him.
God is infinite; God's creations are not.
God gave Adam a command which he passed along to his wife Chava,
Chava took the word of the nachash over the word of her husband.
That's the issue.
Do we trust people who know the truth or do we give in to what looks good at the moment.

Even today, every action we take affects the universe.

Sure thats one of the issues, that she took the word of the nachash over the word of her husband.

But what is the nachash if not a duplicitous human being?

The problem with Christians is that they have been taught to believe from birth that the devil is a preternatural malevolent invisible disembodied entity that tries to undermine their faith.

Consequently every rational thought that might arise in their own mind, any doubt or question about their belief in a three in one edible mangod they perceive to be a life threatening satanic assault from the devil himself.
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.

ok. :happy-1:

ahem, so what do you and your extensions believe the identity of the talking serpent to be? an metaphor for an internal evil inclination or a metaphor for a type of real person on earth depicted as a mythological being in paradise?

According to genesis this enemy is external, the teaching kind of simple.......

Some people are egocentric actors and lying frauds, Don't be gullible, Beware, if you lose your mind by believing in the lies of liars you might never get it back..
The problem is that Christians see everything like a gangster movie...who's the bad guy and how do we catch and punish him.
God is infinite; God's creations are not.
God gave Adam a command which he passed along to his wife Chava,
Chava took the word of the nachash over the word of her husband.
That's the issue.
Do we trust people who know the truth or do we give in to what looks good at the moment.

Even today, every action we take affects the universe.

Sure thats one of the issues, that she took the word of the nachash over the word of her husband.

But what is the nachash if not a duplicitous human being?

The problem with Christians is that they have been taught to believe from birth that the devil is a preternatural malevolent invisible disembodied entity that tries to undermine their faith.

Consequently every rational thought that might arise in their own mind, any doubt or question about their belief in a three in one edible mangod they perceive to be a life threatening satanic assault from the devil himself.

You are very unclear about your positions on religious beliefs. There is a lot of mumbo jumbo and poorly constructed sentences in ALL of your posts. It's almost as if your posts are meant to cause confusion. Why don't you make yourself more clear and just state what you are trying to say in a frank, direct and short and sweet way, while avoiding biblical references.

Do you believe in god (s) or not? From what little sense I can make of your posts, you are saying that the bible is a book of parables about HUMAN failings and human imperfections, is that right? That you don't believe in the concept of an actual "physical" devil or Satan. Am I correct? I mean, trying to decipher one of your posts is like trying to decipher a riddle.
That's a nice opinion. No doubt I could easily find several dissenting opinions. They will probably claim their own opinions as "fact", too. And there will be no way to tell who is correct.

If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.

Why not try to falsify one, mine naturally. It is possible to do.

But even though it would be a lot less work, you can't do it.

All the pieces fit perfectly.
Wby would I have to falsify anything? I can just find several other opinions. I have no desire to figure out by what authority you think your opinion is "truth". I can plainly see that any of you can be "right" alt the same time, or all wrong. That's the cool thing about abstract art AND magical nonsense...it can be whatever you want it to be...

You are being disingenuous.

So far I have shown you how the creation story is not magical nonsense, the talking serpent not some imaginary mythological creature, the resurrection not a fantasy, and how the ascension of Jesus into heaven does not contradict reality.

Now you are acting like you saw and heard nothing,,

as if you were struck with blindness by the finger of God....

or just being a jerk....

He is not being a jerk. He is saying that your interpretation of things is just as "irrelevant" as the next person's interpretation when it comes to your own personal opinions. Get it? That was simple enough, eh?
If you would have a problem determining which option cannot possibly be the truth or correct, you really need to take a ninth grade biology class again....
Whoops, you kind of misspoke, there. Let me correct your error:

I would have to determine that ALL options , besides one (naturally, yours, in your mind) could not possibly be true or correct.

Why not try to falsify one, mine naturally. It is possible to do.

But even though it would be a lot less work, you can't do it.

All the pieces fit perfectly.
Wby would I have to falsify anything? I can just find several other opinions. I have no desire to figure out by what authority you think your opinion is "truth". I can plainly see that any of you can be "right" alt the same time, or all wrong. That's the cool thing about abstract art AND magical nonsense...it can be whatever you want it to be...

You are being disingenuous.

So far I have shown you how the creation story is not magical nonsense, the talking serpent not some imaginary mythological creature, the resurrection not a fantasy, and how the ascension of Jesus into heaven does not contradict reality.

Now you are acting like you saw and heard nothing,,

as if you were struck with blindness by the finger of God....

or just being a jerk....

He is not being a jerk. He is saying that your interpretation of things is just as "irrelevant" as the next person's interpretation when it comes to your own personal opinions. Get it? That was simple enough, eh?

Sure, I understand what you are saying but I just don't agree.

I do not believe that all opinions have equal merit or are equally irrelevannt.

The opinion that the story of the three pigs is a historical document and the opinion that its just a children's story teaching children moral lessons are not in any way equally valid interpretations.

One is true, the other false.

If you can't differentiate between the two, you too are either blind or just another jerk.

get it?

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