7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

from memory-----as I recall-----the sun and the moon get created
before plants and animal life. The moon is a LIGHT-----in the heavens-------it is not described as producing its own energy----
it is----if I remember correctly----kinda described as a "light" sorta delineating night. It's a POEM, idiot. The first word is---well translated as "in the beginning" could be "to start with..." or "at the start" or "first" or "GO" on the monopoly board. Water and dry land seem to get created
earlier than do the sun and the moon-----if I remember correctly---BODIES OF WATER. (??) ----can't happen without a sun-------It's a POEM. Could have all happened before Sir Isaac newton was born
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

from memory-----as I recall-----the sun and the moon get created
before plants and animal life. The moon is a LIGHT-----in the heavens-------it is not described as producing its own energy----
it is----if I remember correctly----kinda described as a "light" sorta delineating night. It's a POEM, idiot. The first word is---well translated as "in the beginning" could be "to start with..." or "at the start" or "first" or "GO" on the monopoly board. Water and dry land seem to get created
earlier than do the sun and the moon-----if I remember correctly---BODIES OF WATER. (??) ----can't happen without a sun-------It's a POEM. Could have all happened before Sir Isaac newton was born
its so cute when you call other people idiots
God needed somewhere to hang out, so he made the Garden of Eden. Then he wanted Adam to stay there with him, but when Adam banged the girl, god was mad and tossed them both out. Sounds pretty gay to me.

And don't know why it took 7 days, I had guys build me a double garage in 3.
lol...The Bible has been translated into english by people who speak hebrew, even Jews. Anyway, knowing hebrew doesn't help in the least if you don't have a clue what that the subjects are about.

In the vision of ezekiel he describes the Ophanim as being covered with eyes, even according to the hebrew bible in english. The word for eyes in hebrew,'ayin, also denotes colors.

Unless you saw what the prophet describes you would never know that the ophanim were covered in many colors not many eyes even if it says so in hebrew..

You've studied Kosher law in Hebrew? Does the word ruminate have the same implications as in english?

What about Jackass?

You are an idiot in any language.
You are also stating explicitly that anyone who followed the law before Paul's NT had no idea what they were doing.
So I guess the verses in the NT that state the OT is not an allegory are...proof that you are correct and the NT is fiction?
You two shouldn't fight.
I think the Adams Rib thing might be about cloning.

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh is just a figurative expression like, 'right hand man' or something....
I was referring to God taking a rib from Adam and creating Eve.

Not likely. Everyone living outside of Eden was a wild animal.

Eve being created by God from adams rib means that God took some women living in the dust of the earth and formed her into a living being like adam, using the same bone, structure or teaching that formed him, so that she could become his equal as a companion and helper.
Actually Eve (Chavah) is not a physical female as a "helper" or a 'help mate' as some males have referred her spirit as spiritual being. That has been altered by male humans. She is the spiritual host to 'help meet' the portion in a human with breath-life. A portion that is there for the adam-human to help it meet the holy spiritual within it.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...

How so?

He didn't become like God at all even if his eyes were opened, knowing good and evil.

He was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull, the sweat of his brow, thinking, producing nothing...

A terrible fate.
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People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

But this was no ordinary serpent, it was a talking serpent.

You don't see many of them around anymore. They must have gone extinct.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

But this was no ordinary serpent, it was a talking serpent.

You don't see many of them around anymore. They must have gone extinct.

You have to know where to look.

There still are those who lurk in the shadows, caves and the crevices in the rocks, trying to lure the gullible with the promise of eternal life, becoming like Jesus, a mangod, and ruling the earth forever if they would only set aside the commands of God and worship a lifeless matzo made by human hands.

The exact same frickin lie that got Adam and Eve, becoming like God, still works like a charm.
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Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey

This is one reason as to why the very name of G-d is ineffable... to the Jew. Remember that this book is 2000 years older than Jews in historical terms.

Elohim - Creator ... created first in mind and then created the physical in sound/deed.

In the beginning doesn't mean at an exact moment. It was not creation in and of itself.

It was the entire creation. G-d, being one, contains everything so he divided an area, quite like a programmer would design a sandbox today.

And in there, the deeds were done. I'm trying to modernize it a bit ...
Fair enough.
I actually think the hebrew word is "yom" which just means beginning and end? Maybe "day" and it being in order is just translation?
This is why i paged you lol
I like the "Let their be light" part.

I'm hoping you're not an English teacher. :eek: If so, Ms. Brooks you ain't!
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People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

But this was no ordinary serpent, it was a talking serpent.

You don't see many of them around anymore. They must have gone extinct.

All serpents go extinct around me. I've killed something in between 20-30 snakes.

I've let a few black racers, Brown and Orange Mangos go.

All others= dead.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

Good question~

I once asked this to a christian man who is a scientist. When God made the world in 7 days, we really do not know how long those days actually are. A day could be a billion years during this time the dinosaurs could have roamed.
We as humans made the calendar and days, by studying the moons and seasons.

People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...

How so?

He didn't become like God at all even if his eyes were opened, knowing good and evil.

He was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull, the sweat of his brow, thinking, producing nothing...

A terrible fate.
Maybe you consider your life to be a terrible fate, but I find mine to be rather nice.

Yes, Adam did the right thing. better to live the truth as a free person than in a delusion as a slave.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...

How so?

He didn't become like God at all even if his eyes were opened, knowing good and evil.

He was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull, the sweat of his brow, thinking, producing nothing...

A terrible fate.
Maybe you consider your life to be a terrible fate, but I find mine to be rather nice.

Yes, Adam did the right thing. better to live the truth as a free person than in a delusion as a slave.

LOL...No, For me its more like living in paradise where God is. I have never eaten the forbidden fruit.

Adam did the right thing? His brain produced thorns and thistles for the rest of his life completely naked, defenseless, east of Eden where the wild beats of the field are..He was better off as a dumb animal.....

He was cast out of Eden before he reached out his hand to take and eat the fruit of the tree of life.

What good is knowing good and evil if you can't understand any of it and don't have a clue about what to do to increase good or avoid evil because your brain doesn't work?

A terrible fate, but not mine....
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...

How so?

He didn't become like God at all even if his eyes were opened, knowing good and evil.

He was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull, the sweat of his brow, thinking, producing nothing...

A terrible fate.
Maybe you consider your life to be a terrible fate, but I find mine to be rather nice.

Yes, Adam did the right thing. better to live the truth as a free person than in a delusion as a slave.

LOL...No, For me its more like living in paradise where God is. I have never eaten the forbidden fruit.

Adam did the right thing? His brain produced thorns and thistles for the rest of his life completely naked, defenseless, east of Eden where the wild beats of the field are..He was better off as a dumb animal.....

He was cast out of Eden before he reached out his hand to take and eat the fruit of the tree of life.

What good is knowing good and evil if you can't understand any of it and don't have a clue about what to do to increase good or avoid evil because your brain doesn't work?

A terrible fate, but not mine....
He absolutely did the right thing. The pursuit of knowledge is noble and good, and a much finer thing than serving an evil deity like the god of the Bible. "right/wrong" here is not judged by what is personally best for Adam. IN fact, that's the worst standard imaginable.
lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
But the serpent was right, and God was wrong....Adam should have eaten the apple...

How so?

He didn't become like God at all even if his eyes were opened, knowing good and evil.

He was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull, the sweat of his brow, thinking, producing nothing...

A terrible fate.
Maybe you consider your life to be a terrible fate, but I find mine to be rather nice.

Yes, Adam did the right thing. better to live the truth as a free person than in a delusion as a slave.

LOL...No, For me its more like living in paradise where God is. I have never eaten the forbidden fruit.

Adam did the right thing? His brain produced thorns and thistles for the rest of his life completely naked, defenseless, east of Eden where the wild beats of the field are..He was better off as a dumb animal.....

He was cast out of Eden before he reached out his hand to take and eat the fruit of the tree of life.

What good is knowing good and evil if you can't understand any of it and don't have a clue about what to do to increase good or avoid evil because your brain doesn't work?

A terrible fate, but not mine....
He absolutely did the right thing. The pursuit of knowledge is noble and good, and a much finer thing than serving an evil deity like the god of the Bible. "right/wrong" here is not judged by what is personally best for Adam. IN fact, that's the worst standard imaginable.

Of course the pursuit of knowledge is noble and good but thats not the fruit that was eaten. It was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, but Adam did not eat it for growth or any noble pursuit but to be like God and not die.

If a talking serpent convinced you that you could worship the eucharist and not die and then you ate it to receive eternal life, to rule the earth with Jesus, and to live forever you would lose your mind in that very day and live out the rest of your life like a numbskull who prays to a block of wood for protection and guidance and doesn't have enough sense to get out of the rain or put on some clothes.

Easy prey or at the very least an odd sight and the object of ridicule among the wild beasts of the field.

It would have absolutely been better for Adam if he had retained the purity of his mind, never knowing what it is to die and be eaten alive by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird..
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It's God, He can do anything he wants

If God is all knowing, all good, and all powerful.. how is there so much pain and hurt on our planet? If he is all three why doesn't he rid the world of evil?

God is all powerful in the sense that he can do all things that are possible. But there are things that are eternally impossible even for God. For example, God could not create himself out of nothing. God cannot be completely good and completely evil simultaneously. God cannot create from nothing that which is self-existent. In scripture, God has told of one thing that not even he can do:

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

This verse tells us that man is self-existent and that his intelligence has always existed. It tells us that because of the self-existent nature of man's intelligence, it cannot be created or made, not even by God himself.

So, if by nature man's intellect is self-existent, then it could not be created or made but has always existed. Thus God did not have the power to create it perfect since he didn't have the power to create it in the first place. Thus man as an eternal being cannot be created and thus cannot be created perfect. God thus took those intelligences and gave them spirit bodies and became their Father.

Hebrews 12:9
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

Although God could not create us as perfect beings due to our self-existent nature, He did have the power to teach us how to become perfect.

Matthew 5:48
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

In order for us to become like our Father in heaven, we needed to have free will. God is a being of free will. Nobody tells God what to do. He is a being of free will. You cannot become a God by force. At some point you have to have free will and you have to have the character of a being who will want to choose good over evil continually. Thus free will is essential for any being to become like God. Man must learn to choose in and of himself to do good continually. Only then can he become like his Father in heaven.

So, as his spirit children in heaven we learned to use our free will while in his presence. Those who chose to be righteous were given the opportunity to further advance by coming to earth and receiving a body and learning to live by faith to choose in and of themselves to do good. Some rebelled while in his presence and became evil and corrupt.

Revelation 12:7-11
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

This life became a school ground for imperfect beings to learn to become more like God by choosing good over evil and learning to love one another. But because they were imperfect, and because they had free will, some of them would choose evil over good. God realized this before he even created the earth. He choose a Savior who would sacrifice himself so that mankind would have the opportunity to repent of their sins and return unto God. Through Jesus Christ man can receive mercy for his wrong doings and still have a chance at becoming more like God. Unfortunately, some do not choose to repent and take advantage of his love and mercy and thus will be subject to full justice of God for the bad choices they make.

The only way that God could do away with evil in this world would be to take away man's free will to choose in and of himself what kind of being he will be. However, this would also destroy the work of God in allowing man to choose good and become more like God. This earth life is temporary and in the end all that have received a body will rise in the resurrection and live forever. This earth life is not perfect but serves as a school ground for mankind to experience both good and evil so that he will know to prize the good. It is a school of hard knocks but in the end we will all be given immortality. This earth life is your test to see if you will learn to choose goodness over evil.

John 5:29
29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

Jesus has shown us the way and prepared a way whereby we might receive mercy for our short comings. He offers eternal life freely.

Doctrine and Covenants 10:65-66
65 For, behold, I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts;
66 Yea, if they will come, they may, and partake of the waters of life freely.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

You think God operates on a 24-hour basis? Also, the 24 hour clock is here on Earth. Other planets such as Jupiter have 10 hour days. So the term "day" is relative to location. Plus, a "day" in the Bible could have represented an eon in real time.

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