7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

I have the photo evidence!

I bet that turtle has back problems
Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeah, Then they had the audacity to make the official religion of the empire a defiant demonstration of hatred for the Jewish God and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus, not to mention the many elements and branches of Judaism that they destroyed and the documents they redacted allowing only some neutered version to persist..the very same school of thought that disputed with Jesus and screwed up your mind.

Those bastards!

Jesus must have really pissed them off.
Nah! They just liked pussy.

Hmmm. you seem to like to insert the word pussy in strange places..

What gives? Not getting any?
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeah, Then they had the audacity to make the official religion of the empire a defiant demonstration of hatred for the Jewish God and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus, not to mention the many elements and branches of Judaism that they destroyed and the documents they redacted allowing only some neutered version to persist..the very same school of thought that disputed with Jesus and screwed up your mind.

Those bastards!

Jesus must have really pissed them off.
Nah! They just liked pussy.

Hmmm. you seem to like to insert the word pussy in strange places..

What gives? Not getting any?

He's making light of your response and turning it to humor in the same way ChrisL just did.

The "Nah" gives it away.

About pussy? Just calm down or clam up.
Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...

I found the NT to be a walk in the park with regards to understanding the concepts. I read it at least three times to be sure that I had the concepts between what Jesus said and what others said... divided. This says more about my focus, than the complexity of the book. That removed the discrepancies between the two scriptures and I didn't read the NT to find reasons to disavow it, simply understand it from those shoes.

Did you know that Satan is only mentioned a few times in the entire Tanakh and that it is over three times the size of the NT and larger than both the Q'uran and NT put together. How many times do you think Satan is mentioned in the NT? It's a major component. The battle external... not internal.

To break down the main component of differentiation.

There is a battle over control of the material world in the NT. There is a fight between two sides of heaven.

There is none of this in the Genesis Account. From the beginning it is choice that takes man out, not the opposing inclination which is created by the creator of all.
"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeah, Then they had the audacity to make the official religion of the empire a defiant demonstration of hatred for the Jewish God and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus, not to mention the many elements and branches of Judaism that they destroyed and the documents they redacted allowing only some neutered version to persist..the very same school of thought that disputed with Jesus and screwed up your mind.

Those bastards!

Jesus must have really pissed them off.
Nah! They just liked pussy.

Hmmm. you seem to like to insert the word pussy in strange places..

What gives? Not getting any?

He's making light of your response and turning it to humor in the same way ChrisL just did.

The "Nah" gives it away.

About pussy? Just calm down or clam up.

lol,, thanks, but I already knew that he was making light of my response, hence my response.

but, seriously, he does fluctuate regularly between an orthodox super jew and a vulgarian from time to time like an untimely smelly fart that he can't hold in while making distinguished pretensions in mixed company...

Its not like I didn't notice him walk away with something of great value slipped into his pocket.

He could have said thank you but instead he brought up the pussy remarks.

I guess some people just have no class.
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Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...

I found the NT to be a walk in the park with regards to understanding the concepts. I read it at least three times to be sure that I had the concepts between what Jesus said and what others said... divided. This says more about my focus, than the complexity of the book. That removed the discrepancies between the two scriptures and I didn't read the NT to find reasons to disavow it, simply understand it from those shoes.

Did you know that Satan is only mentioned a few times in the entire Tanakh and that it is over three times the size of the NT and larger than both the Q'uran and NT put together. How many times do you think Satan is mentioned in the NT? It's a major component. The battle external... not internal.

To break down the main component of differentiation.

There is a battle over control of the material world in the NT. There is a fight between two sides of heaven.

There is none of this in the Genesis Account. From the beginning it is choice that takes man out, not the opposing inclination which is created by the creator of all.

The very first time I heard the story of Adam and Eve during religious instruction in the second grade and the talking serpent was introduced I immediately understood the story to be like every other fairy tale with talking animals. A story for children with a hidden moral teaching, the talking serpent, Satan, a metaphor for a despicable type of deceitful human being. Fortunately at the same time I was being taught about metaphors and how to parse out the moral teaching of fairy tales and fables in public school.

Everyone has an evil inclination, an internal struggle, but you are right that the struggle with satan is external.
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The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.
Only in the sense that one must remove all lies of the devil, any devil, from their mind.

Once that is done the conflict is external, with Satan himself.

I agree partly. All? Any? There are only two inclinations. Turn the light on or turn it off. Fuzzy logic need not apply. I ask for G-d to heal me. That's because I already have the sickness of choice without the wisdom to understand the length of the paths.

The struggle is to minimize the extent of susceptibility. This is why Mother Theresa would move away from the reporters who wanted her to talk and bring them to the people she wanted to save.

It's character, that's important. The character is driven by two forces.

We choose.
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.

ok. :happy-1:

ahem, so what do you and your extensions believe the identity of the talking serpent to be? an metaphor for an internal evil inclination or a metaphor for a type of real person on earth depicted as a mythological being in paradise?

According to genesis this enemy is external, the teaching kind of simple.......

Some people are egocentric actors and lying frauds, Don't be gullible, Beware, if you lose your mind by believing in the lies of liars you might never get it back..
The struggle with the internal evil inclination is the ha-Satan... that has us choose where we go.

How many of you are there?

Us as in man. It's a belief system and no one else has to believe it but me... when discussing me... but my belief extends far beyond me.

ok. :happy-1:

ahem, so what do you and your extensions believe the identity of the talking serpent to be? an metaphor for an internal evil inclination or a metaphor for a type of real person on earth depicted as a mythological being in paradise?

According to genesis this enemy is external, the teaching kind of simple.......

Some people are egocentric actors and lying frauds, Don't be gullible, Beware, if you lose your mind by believing in lies you might never get it back..

Thank you for your concern. Have a happy holiday season.

And yes, the serpent is all around us, winding a path... that is supposed to be there.
And yes, the serpent is all around us, winding a path..

sounds like y'all are in quite the dilemma.

you do have my condolences.

The voice of the Lord makes the wilderness writhe in travail; the Lord makes the wilderness writhe.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Hi TNHarley
"Day" in this context means
"Age" or epoch, such as Bronze Age or Age of Aquarius. Sometimes "1000 years" is used to mean "a long time period." Some ppl take "1000" literally as a millennium exactly, and some read it as a general block of time or stage in history. Same with "Day" which some ppl still take literally, but most ppl I know take it symbolically, in part because of the science we know now as you cited.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Hi TNHarley
"Day" in this context means
"Age" or epoch, such as Bronze Age or Age of Aquarius. Sometimes "1000 years" is used to mean "a long time period." Some ppl take "1000" literally as a millennium exactly, and some read it as a general block of time or stage in history. Same with "Day" which some ppl still take literally, but most ppl I know take it symbolically, in part because of the science we know now as you cited.
I am not stuck on time. My problem was timeline. Order of events.
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:
People are not serpents. Serpents are snakes. There are some good people who still make mistakes and can still do bad things, there are some people who are not so good. It has a lot to do with your environment and how you were raised and nothing to do with "serpents" or gods. :rolleyes:

lol... the talking serpent is a character in what amounts to a fairy tale that represents a type of person that exists in real life, actual reality.

I can't believe anyone over the age of 8 doesn't realize this especially at a time in this world where living talking serpents, as many species as religions, are coiled up everywhere in all levels of society like a plague, collecting the gullible like possessions to play with in their comfy house in hell..

I remember even you describing an encounter with a one when you were young who was brazenly murdering entire families in front of your eyes in broad daylight with a matzo laced with deadly poison ..

Have you forgotten? Are you blind? Do you not realize the danger you were in or how close you were to being abandoned to a terrible fate?
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