7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

The Sheva(7) Ages(days)
Stages of Processions:
1)Dinosaur age, leaving us with Fossil Fuel to help out latter stages needing fuel for Industrial age and Travel for Infrastructure.
2)then evolving man
Hunter / Gatherers - Prior to 5,000 BC (about a million years)
3)Agricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC (about 5,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of theearth.
4) Age of Trade: - 500 BC to 1730 AD (about 2,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of wealth and knowledge. From thisage came technology, 'modern' concepts of math, scientific method,medicine, warfare.
5)Industrial Age: 1730 AD - 1950 AD (about 200 years) The rise and fall of great Captains of Industry, railroads, shipping,air transport, conquering of physical frontiers, modern military warmachines, major empires rise and fall on a global scale: Trade still very important, but now, seen as a means to delivery the greatest number of goods to the greatest number of people for thegreatest profit. Agriculture still very important, but not seen as theprimary engine of the economy... Hunter gatherers almost disappearing.
6) Information Age: 1950 to 1999 (about 50 years) Witness the rise of abandoned old industrial buildings by the rives of the major cities. Industry, Trade, Agriculture are still in the foundation of our economy, but are dominated by the frenetic application of information systems technologies to make these products better, cheaper and deliver them more effectively. Also leads to networking ideas and next age of molecular manifacturing.
7)The Day of rest is the Messianic Age with molecular manufacturing and biotech where everything progressed into this promise fulfilled in perfection.

Now go back to other riddles where Jonah (Said to represent Israel) spends 3days(ages) in the belly of the whale (Rome swallowed Israel).
Remember:in ancient slang Rome is called Seas and it's Army called Ships, so they would not know they were being spoken of during revolts. Slang used in the Jonah story refer to the Ship (Roman army) in the Sea(Rome).

Then there is the mythology of Baal resurrecting in 3 days.
Baal is the father the church never mentions the name,
Jesus claims to be Baal's son the morning star in mythology in Rev 22:16.
They are father & son as one (in the same mythology)=same exact prexisting 3 day resurrection story, even the circle sun cross is a prexisting Baal cross, the figure in the NT is hanged on a tree-not a cross.

Therefore the mythology of 3 days are 3 ages Baal resurrects as his new image called Jesus (aka the morning star).
Baal and Asherah (Mother Mary) goes back to 5000 or more BC where the age(day)
1) is Hunter / Gatherers - then the next age (day)
2) theAgricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of the earth.
Then the
3rd day(age) Age of Trade: he Baal resurrected as the Jesus mythology.
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How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?

I started a thread on my views of creation, any comment on that?
lol...The Bible has been translated into english by people who speak hebrew, even Jews. Anyway, knowing hebrew doesn't help in the least if you don't have a clue what that the subjects are about.

In the vision of ezekiel he describes the Ophanim as being covered with eyes, even according to the hebrew bible in english. The word for eyes in hebrew,'ayin, also denotes colors.

Unless you saw what the prophet describes you would never know that the ophanim were covered in many colors not many eyes even if it says so in hebrew..

You've studied Kosher law in Hebrew? Does the word ruminate have the same implications as in english?

What about Jackass?

You are an idiot in any language.
You are also stating explicitly that anyone who followed the law before Paul's NT had no idea what they were doing.
So I guess the verses in the NT that state the OT is not an allegory are...proof that you are correct and the NT is fiction?
You two shouldn't fight.
I think the Adams Rib thing might be about cloning.

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh is just a figurative expression like, 'right hand man' or something....
I was referring to God taking a rib from Adam and creating Eve.

Not likely. Everyone living outside of Eden was a wild animal.

Eve being created by God from adams rib means that God took some women living in the dust of the earth and formed her into a living being like adam, using the same bone, structure or teaching that formed him, so that she could become his equal as a companion and helper.
That makes sense too.
Christians are free to believe from 7 day Young Earth literalism to an understanding that is figurative and metaphorical, the latter being what the great majority of American Christians think.
In other words a great majority of Christians don't think that the bible is true. :lmao:
Taz, neither are Shakespeare's plays, but it doesn't mean they don't contain a lot of truth.
I am not surprised that you have zero idea what I'm posting...you don't even understand what you're posting.

I reckon so. What is important to you is not important to me....and vice versa. Still, if you ask me the "right questions", we may have the beginnings of an actual conversation.
You have to start by studying the meanings of each verse starting from the first verse.
If you can disprove a word, phrase or verse starting from verse 1 we can have a discussion.
Christians are free to believe from 7 day Young Earth literalism to an understanding that is figurative and metaphorical, the latter being what the great majority of American Christians think.
In other words a great majority of Christians don't think that the bible is true. :lmao:
Taz, neither are Shakespeare's plays, but it doesn't mean they don't contain a lot of truth.
You're comparing the bible to books of fiction. Well... OK! :biggrin:
Maybe someone that knows some original hebrew text can explain? Perhaps it got "lost" in translation? Indeependent Ropey
Because the English is completely incorrect.
The Hebrew words are Boker (clarity, capable of being examined, NOT morning) and Erev (mixture, confusion, not capable of being examined), NOT evening.

My thanks to the Catholic dunces who translated the Hebrew into other languages.
Has there ever been a translation using the words as they were used then?
Yes. Look up Vic Alexander, Aramaic Bible. He went over there and learned the language Christ spoke most of the time and wrote his Translation down. Look for videos too.
You have to start by studying the meanings of each verse starting from the first verse.If you can disprove a word, phrase or verse starting from verse 1 we can have a discussion.

You have me there. If you are referring to the Bible, I just don't have any faith in it that you do. While I respect that many consider it Holy, I see it more as an anthology of religious stories and parables, not necessarily meant to be taken literally but figuratively. For example, the topic here; Creation in 7 Days.

If by a "day" one means a 24 hour period of time as we measure it, I'd say anything is possible in a magical universe.
They why create a physical world?
The physical world is the exercise portal to the non-physical world.

I don't know...

Entertainment? Is there anything funnier than some of the shit people say and do?

I doubt angels fall down stairs or are as witty as George Carlin was.

Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, blindness caused by the specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
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Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.
Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.
Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeah, Then they had the audacity to make the official religion of the empire a defiant demonstration of hatred for the Jewish God and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus, not to mention the many elements and branches of Judaism that they destroyed and the documents they redacted allowing only some neutered version of Judaism to persist..the very same school of thought that disputed with Jesus and screwed up your mind.

Those bastards!

Jesus must have really pissed them off.
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You have to start by studying the meanings of each verse starting from the first verse.If you can disprove a word, phrase or verse starting from verse 1 we can have a discussion.

You have me there. If you are referring to the Bible, I just don't have any faith in it that you do. While I respect that many consider it Holy, I see it more as an anthology of religious stories and parables, not necessarily meant to be taken literally but figuratively. For example, the topic here; Creation in 7 Days.

If by a "day" one means a 24 hour period of time as we measure it, I'd say anything is possible in a magical universe.
"day" is a christian interpretation. The original text means "beginning and end" or something similar. Not even close to "day"
Nope. Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God's law, thus proving that it was too difficult to live by.

Try actually reading the NT as opposed to getting your talking points from that Jews for Jesus Leading to Atheism site.
Yes, I know the site you are getting your nonsense from because occasionally I run into self-hating Jews who use your selected site.

Jesus was arguing that the Rabbis were perverting God law? lol...How is that any different than what I said except that I made it more specific and clear. It wasn't about them making the law too difficult it was about their blindness to the deeper implications and hidden subjects, specious falsehoods perpetuated by the talmud specifically, what Jesus called the traditions of men, making the fulfillment of the promise of life for compliance with the Law impossible because they were teaching the people to follow the Law in the wrong way.

Jesus didn't deny doing the things that made the rabbis think that he was obviously an unrepentant sinner, he just didn't agree with the way they interpreted the law or that any of what they accused him of doing was sinful, yet he claimed to always do exactly as God commands, and accused the rabbis, well known for their strict adherence to the law, sinners, actors, and lying frauds.

The only way to resolve that contradiction is if Jesus found another more rational way to understand and comply with the law that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life, here and now, by revealing light of the law and wisdom of God in giving the law in the first place..

And no sherlock. I am not a christian, a self-hating Jew for Jesus, Muslim or Atheist. Neither do I get my information from any website.

I get my manna from Heaven directly from the source.
Try reading before I waste my time on your ignorance.
You're not stupid, you just haven't read the NT.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

If you don't look and look and keep on looking, you will never find it.

You read the NT 6 times? lol.... keep trying...
I love how the Romans ripped off well documented Jewish midrashim and gemaras to try and sound philosophical while they were murdering millions for gold, silver, jewels and pussy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Yeah, Then they had the audacity to make the official religion of the empire a defiant demonstration of hatred for the Jewish God and a desecration of the teachings of Jesus, not to mention the many elements and branches of Judaism that they destroyed and the documents they redacted allowing only some neutered version to persist..the very same school of thought that disputed with Jesus and screwed up your mind.

Those bastards!

Jesus must have really pissed them off.
Nah! They just liked pussy.
I have the photo evidence!

You have to start by studying the meanings of each verse starting from the first verse.If you can disprove a word, phrase or verse starting from verse 1 we can have a discussion.

You have me there. If you are referring to the Bible, I just don't have any faith in it that you do. While I respect that many consider it Holy, I see it more as an anthology of religious stories and parables, not necessarily meant to be taken literally but figuratively. For example, the topic here; Creation in 7 Days.

If by a "day" one means a 24 hour period of time as we measure it, I'd say anything is possible in a magical universe.
"day" is a christian interpretation. The original text means "beginning and end" or something similar. Not even close to "day"
The Hebrew word Yome infers a complete cycle of obvious waning light through breaking light.
It's not nearly as simple as the average person thinks.

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