7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict But Why?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Mitch McConnell voted to acquit....but you couldn't tell that by the way he trashed Trump in a speech earlier. I'm sure the rest of these degenerates felt the same way McConnell did....but for some strange reason they all felt the need to go along with the Democrats, even though it was clear as day that there was nothing to the charges. The vote only went according to the prejudices of the Senators involved. The evidence had absolutely nothing to do with the way they voted:

"Is it their own moral narcissism as Roger Simon suspects, a misplaced sense of their own moral righteousness? It can’t be because their constituents wanted them to vote guilty. They will likely each be censured in their home states for their betrayal.​
Is it their own insecurity re: their membership in the swamp? Is it money? Were they somehow paid for their guilty votes? That would surprise no one.​
We’ve long known that Romney’s hatred for Trump ate his brain, destroyed any core values he ever had, if he had them. Murkowski has never been a reliable conservative nor has Susan Collins. They are both Democrats in their heart of hearts. Cassidy was a Democrat all his life until 2006, so he too is a fake republican.​
As for Toomey and Burr? Pick any of the above suggestions but the most obvious answer is they are both moral narcissists. They each probably think they are securing some sort of positive legacy, but their names will be infamous. How could they get things so wrong?​
They live in the bubbles of their own making. They each seem to believe they are superior to their colleagues who voted not guilty when in fact they are just garden variety arrogant pretenders. They’re political hacks without a shred of decency. "​

"The nonsense that took place over these past days of a pretend impeachment, the absurd hyperbole spewed by the “managers,” their blatant refusal to acknowledge their own party’s actual calls for violence in opposition to Trump over the last four years, most especially throughout the summer as BLM and Antifa did billions of dollars in damage to numerous cities with impunity, was an historical disgrace.

Their constant reference to our Constitution is a joke; they have no reverence for our founding document, none at all. Those seven treasonous faux Republicans voted with the pro-violence, anti-law-enforcement crowd. President Trump, as everyone knows well, was and remains a fervent supporter of our police while the left was calling for their defunding if not their dissolution. It is safe to say that the 75 – 80m Trump supporters now have as much contempt for those seven collaborators as they do for the Biden administration as it so diligently works to undo all the good Trump accomplished in four short years. They are all of a piece with the left, one that is elitist at its core without a shred of concern for the American people."

“A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within... for the traitor appears not to be a traitor... he rots the soul of a nation.. .he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.” Cicero
Mitch McConnell voted to acquit....but you couldn't tell that by the way he trashed Trump in a speech earlier. I'm sure the rest of these degenerates felt the same way McConnell did....but for some strange reason they all felt the need to go along with the Democrats, even though it was clear as day that there was nothing to the charges. The vote only went according to the prejudices of the Senators involved. The evidence had absolutely nothing to do with the way they voted:

"Is it their own moral narcissism as Roger Simon suspects, a misplaced sense of their own moral righteousness? It can’t be because their constituents wanted them to vote guilty. They will likely each be censured in their home states for their betrayal.​
Is it their own insecurity re: their membership in the swamp? Is it money? Were they somehow paid for their guilty votes? That would surprise no one.​
We’ve long known that Romney’s hatred for Trump ate his brain, destroyed any core values he ever had, if he had them. Murkowski has never been a reliable conservative nor has Susan Collins. They are both Democrats in their heart of hearts. Cassidy was a Democrat all his life until 2006, so he too is a fake republican.​
As for Toomey and Burr? Pick any of the above suggestions but the most obvious answer is they are both moral narcissists. They each probably think they are securing some sort of positive legacy, but their names will be infamous. How could they get things so wrong?​
They live in the bubbles of their own making. They each seem to believe they are superior to their colleagues who voted not guilty when in fact they are just garden variety arrogant pretenders. They’re political hacks without a shred of decency. "​

Well McConnell just tries to play it both ways. No real comittment, just your run of the mill politician, except he makes a fortune off the position.
Honestly, I'm kind of confused by what went down Saturday. I caught the morning updates but then tuned out for the rest of the day until evening. Last thing I knew they had just taken a vote to allow a witness... then Trumps lawyer was threatening to call more witnesses and they were then talking about this process stretching out for weeks.
I turn the news on later and its all over.... what the hell happened with the witnesses? did the Democrats back down? I havnt seen much else about that sequence
Mitch McConnell voted to acquit....but you couldn't tell that by the way he trashed Trump in a speech earlier. I'm sure the rest of these degenerates felt the same way McConnell did....but for some strange reason they all felt the need to go along with the Democrats, even though it was clear as day that there was nothing to the charges. The vote only went according to the prejudices of the Senators involved. The evidence had absolutely nothing to do with the way they voted:

"Is it their own moral narcissism as Roger Simon suspects, a misplaced sense of their own moral righteousness? It can’t be because their constituents wanted them to vote guilty. They will likely each be censured in their home states for their betrayal.​
Is it their own insecurity re: their membership in the swamp? Is it money? Were they somehow paid for their guilty votes? That would surprise no one.​
We’ve long known that Romney’s hatred for Trump ate his brain, destroyed any core values he ever had, if he had them. Murkowski has never been a reliable conservative nor has Susan Collins. They are both Democrats in their heart of hearts. Cassidy was a Democrat all his life until 2006, so he too is a fake republican.​
As for Toomey and Burr? Pick any of the above suggestions but the most obvious answer is they are both moral narcissists. They each probably think they are securing some sort of positive legacy, but their names will be infamous. How could they get things so wrong?​
They live in the bubbles of their own making. They each seem to believe they are superior to their colleagues who voted not guilty when in fact they are just garden variety arrogant pretenders. They’re political hacks without a shred of decency. "​

Toomey and Burr have something in common that flew over your hood.

--- They're both retiring.

That means they don't have any need to suck up to an orange mobster. DUH?

As for "turncoats" --- you seem to think this was some kind of "what's your political party" poll.
It ain't. That you, or your link, A Merkin Stinker, can't think beyond the level of Simpleton speaks volumes.
Honestly, I'm kind of confused by what went down Saturday. I caught the morning updates but then tuned out for the rest of the day until evening. Last thing I knew they had just taken a vote to allow a witness... then Trumps lawyer was threatening to call more witnesses and they were then talking about this process stretching out for weeks.
I turn the news on later and its all over.... what the hell happened with the witnesses? did the Democrats back down? I havnt seen much else about that sequence
Yes.....they backed down.
They're used to bullying people and them caving.....Trump's lawyers wouldn't cave.....so they dropped it.
Mitch McConnell voted to acquit....but you couldn't tell that by the way he trashed Trump in a speech earlier. I'm sure the rest of these degenerates felt the same way McConnell did....but for some strange reason they all felt the need to go along with the Democrats, even though it was clear as day that there was nothing to the charges. The vote only went according to the prejudices of the Senators involved. The evidence had absolutely nothing to do with the way they voted:

"Is it their own moral narcissism as Roger Simon suspects, a misplaced sense of their own moral righteousness? It can’t be because their constituents wanted them to vote guilty. They will likely each be censured in their home states for their betrayal.​
Is it their own insecurity re: their membership in the swamp? Is it money? Were they somehow paid for their guilty votes? That would surprise no one.​
We’ve long known that Romney’s hatred for Trump ate his brain, destroyed any core values he ever had, if he had them. Murkowski has never been a reliable conservative nor has Susan Collins. They are both Democrats in their heart of hearts. Cassidy was a Democrat all his life until 2006, so he too is a fake republican.​
As for Toomey and Burr? Pick any of the above suggestions but the most obvious answer is they are both moral narcissists. They each probably think they are securing some sort of positive legacy, but their names will be infamous. How could they get things so wrong?​
They live in the bubbles of their own making. They each seem to believe they are superior to their colleagues who voted not guilty when in fact they are just garden variety arrogant pretenders. They’re political hacks without a shred of decency. "​

You zeroed the targets, narcissism & RINOism are the breakfast of the self serving!

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