7 States Sue over Contraception Mandate. It's not just the Catholics, OBUMMER!

Can you name the laws that Church owned BUSINESSES are currently allowed to violate without consequence or penalty?

The American with Disabilities Act.

Catholic hospitals and universities can ignore the Americans with Disabilities act? Seriously?

Can you link to that, please?

Again? Didn't you read it the first 200 times I posted it?

Bloomberg Law - Document - Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. v. EEOC, 132 S. Ct. 694 (2012), Court Opinion
The American with Disabilities Act.

Catholic hospitals and universities can ignore the Americans with Disabilities act? Seriously?

Can you link to that, please?

Again? Didn't you read it the first 200 times I posted it?

Bloomberg Law - Document - Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. v. EEOC, 132 S. Ct. 694 (2012), Court Opinion

The Lutheran Church is not a Catholic Hospital.
Catholic hospitals and universities can ignore the Americans with Disabilities act? Seriously?

Can you link to that, please?

Again? Didn't you read it the first 200 times I posted it?

Bloomberg Law - Document - Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. v. EEOC, 132 S. Ct. 694 (2012), Court Opinion

Those are not businesses.

A private school isn't a business? I will remember that the next time you want to regulate them.

By the way, if it isn't a business why was the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission trying to enforce employment law and that ADA against them?

A private school isn't a business? I will remember that the next time you want to regulate them.

By the way, if it isn't a business why was the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission trying to enforce employment law and that ADA against them?
the teacher was considered a Minister of the Church....gvt can't mess with that....
Catholic hospitals and universities can ignore the Americans with Disabilities act? Seriously?

Can you link to that, please?

Again? Didn't you read it the first 200 times I posted it?

Bloomberg Law - Document - Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & Sch. v. EEOC, 132 S. Ct. 694 (2012), Court Opinion

The Lutheran Church is not a Catholic Hospital.
However it is an entity protected by the First Amendment.
You can't, but thanks for proving how stupid you are.

Well, you're right, I can't. Because we have laws.

Which you knuckleheads would overturn, given the chance.

No, you can't because you can still pay the doctor for medical care even if you do not have an insurance from your employer. Your problem isn't getting health care, it is that you want someone else to pay for it.

No, my problem is when I was hired, I was hired on the PROMISE that health insurance was part of the deal.

Now, I'm a bit sensitive to this issue, because on my last job, they let go of a bunch of people, myself included, when they ran up too many medical bills. Didn't matter about their job performance or how long they had been there, if you ran up X amount of medical bills, you got laid off.

Frankly, employer supplied health insurance is a horrible idea, but if that's what people are going to insist on, then you'd damned well better have rules that make people keep their commitments.

Or we should just do what every other sensible country does and have a single payer system and universal coverage.
A single payer health care system has proven to be less costly per individual, have better overall results, longevity, infant mortality, ect., and cover all citizens. What it does not do is make billionaires out of people good at denying health care to those that have payed into the system for decades.

A Universal Health Care System in this nation, funded by taxpayers, would eliminate the competitive advantage that big corporations have over small businesses in competeing for the best employees. It would give the working person a greater choice in jobs, and vastly decrease the stress during the time between jobs.

But all these benefits are for the average American Citizen and not the 1%, so the 'Conservatives' are totally against Universal Health Care. We must, in November, remove all of these 'Conservatives' that we can from any government office, state or federal, so that we can get on with rebuilding this nation.
A single payer health care system has proven to be less costly per individual, have better overall results, longevity, infant mortality, ect., and cover all citizens. What it does not do is make billionaires out of people good at denying health care to those that have payed into the system for decades.

A Universal Health Care System in this nation, funded by taxpayers, would eliminate the competitive advantage that big corporations have over small businesses in competeing for the best employees. It would give the working person a greater choice in jobs, and vastly decrease the stress during the time between jobs.

But all these benefits are for the average American Citizen and not the 1%, so the 'Conservatives' are totally against Universal Health Care. We must, in November, remove all of these 'Conservatives' that we can from any government office, state or federal, so that we can get on with rebuilding this nation.

That middle part is a good point. I know I've turned down jobs because the companies were too small and had laughable health insurance plans. The current system does favor larger companies.
Well, you're right, I can't. Because we have laws.

Which you knuckleheads would overturn, given the chance.

No, you can't because you can still pay the doctor for medical care even if you do not have an insurance from your employer. Your problem isn't getting health care, it is that you want someone else to pay for it.

No, my problem is when I was hired, I was hired on the PROMISE that health insurance was part of the deal.

Now, I'm a bit sensitive to this issue, because on my last job, they let go of a bunch of people, myself included, when they ran up too many medical bills. Didn't matter about their job performance or how long they had been there, if you ran up X amount of medical bills, you got laid off.

Frankly, employer supplied health insurance is a horrible idea, but if that's what people are going to insist on, then you'd damned well better have rules that make people keep their commitments.

Or we should just do what every other sensible country does and have a single payer system and universal coverage.

Are you not getting health insurance? Have you ever heard of looking for another job?

Wait, you are the idiot that thinks that once you go to work for a company they own you, don't you. They can promise to send you to the moon, and when you find out they lied, there is nothing you can do about it.
A single payer health care system has proven to be less costly per individual, have better overall results, longevity, infant mortality, ect., and cover all citizens. What it does not do is make billionaires out of people good at denying health care to those that have payed into the system for decades.

A Universal Health Care System in this nation, funded by taxpayers, would eliminate the competitive advantage that big corporations have over small businesses in competeing for the best employees. It would give the working person a greater choice in jobs, and vastly decrease the stress during the time between jobs.

But all these benefits are for the average American Citizen and not the 1%, so the 'Conservatives' are totally against Universal Health Care. We must, in November, remove all of these 'Conservatives' that we can from any government office, state or federal, so that we can get on with rebuilding this nation.

Just because single payer health plans can hide their costs in other government programs does not make them less expensive per capita. I will also point out that, if they actually did produce better results, no one would ever come here to get health care, they would always go to a country that has a single payer system. I guess that proves you are full of shit.

Almost forgot, it really is to bad that small companies like Facebook cannot compete with large corporations like Exxon for good workers. People always want impersonal working conditions over flexible hours and the potential to make millions.
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A single payer health care system has proven to be less costly per individual, have better overall results, longevity, infant mortality, ect., and cover all citizens. What it does not do is make billionaires out of people good at denying health care to those that have payed into the system for decades.

A Universal Health Care System in this nation, funded by taxpayers, would eliminate the competitive advantage that big corporations have over small businesses in competeing for the best employees. It would give the working person a greater choice in jobs, and vastly decrease the stress during the time between jobs.

But all these benefits are for the average American Citizen and not the 1%, so the 'Conservatives' are totally against Universal Health Care. We must, in November, remove all of these 'Conservatives' that we can from any government office, state or federal, so that we can get on with rebuilding this nation.

That middle part is a good point. I know I've turned down jobs because the companies were too small and had laughable health insurance plans. The current system does favor larger companies.

You turned down a job at Facebook because the company was too small and the health insurance was laughable? I bet you feel really stupid right now, don't you?
Simple enough solution.

Universal Health Care. Get employers out of the picture altogether.

The notion I could be denied medical treatment because my employer is a religious fanatic is kind of frightening.

Hey, let's do it according to Darwin: no healthcare for anyone that can't pay for it. Survival of the fitest/evolution on parade done scientifically!
Simple enough solution.

Universal Health Care. Get employers out of the picture altogether.

The notion I could be denied medical treatment because my employer is a religious fanatic is kind of frightening.

Hey, let's do it according to Darwin: no healthcare for anyone that can't pay for it. Survival of the fitest/evolution on parade done scientifically!
hmmmm, sounds like you'd love it to be that way, those with money can have their medical needs taken care of and those without the means...well, they are crud out of luck..... that's sad Logical, very sad....
Simple enough solution.

Universal Health Care. Get employers out of the picture altogether.

The notion I could be denied medical treatment because my employer is a religious fanatic is kind of frightening.

Hey, let's do it according to Darwin: no healthcare for anyone that can't pay for it. Survival of the fitest/evolution on parade done scientifically!
hmmmm, sounds like you'd love it to be that way, those with money can have their medical needs taken care of and those without the means...well, they are crud out of luck..... that's sad Logical, very sad....

Whats truly needy anymore? When 52k a year qualifies for tanf (3 children)
Hey, let's do it according to Darwin: no healthcare for anyone that can't pay for it. Survival of the fitest/evolution on parade done scientifically!
hmmmm, sounds like you'd love it to be that way, those with money can have their medical needs taken care of and those without the means...well, they are crud out of luck..... that's sad Logical, very sad....

Whats truly needy anymore? When 52k a year qualifies for tanf (3 children)
proof...link please. showing that someone earning $52k a year with 3 children qualifies for TANF....
Are you not getting health insurance? Have you ever heard of looking for another job?

Wait, you are the idiot that thinks that once you go to work for a company they own you, don't you. They can promise to send you to the moon, and when you find out they lied, there is nothing you can do about it.

Until we get this country back to realizing its the workers and consumers who made it what it is, not the parasites.

The point was, that you missed is I held up my end of the bargain. I came to work, did my job, and so on. Everything I promised to do, I did.

They promised health care. Until I actually needed health care. And first the insurance company fought me every step of the way. Had to delay one operation for a month because the manager couldn't let me off for one day for an out-patient procedure.

Getting rid of employer-provided health insurance would be great for no other reason than it will limit the power they have over our lives.

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