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7 times Hillary attacks other women

7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.
Women never speak negatively about each other?

You don't know many women do you?

Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.
In this case.....five accusations
Where there is smoke

maybe, maybe not. It now appears that the yearbook signature was forged and the first accuser has been outted as a liar.

Moore may be the biggest slimeball ever to set foot in a court room, but until that is proven he is presumed innocent. Accusations are not proof. There is proof with Franken, Weinstein, Clinton, provide the proof on Moore and prove that his accusers have not been paid to spill stories about 40 years ago. In the USA system of justice the burden of proof is on the accuser.
7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.
Women never speak negatively about each other?

You don't know many women do you?

Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?
If proof comes out that Moore did wrong then he will pay the price. All you have are allegations, you know the kind democrats come up with on every Republican, that can defeat you. I bet when Moore wins, those women will disappear, and live happily ever after. With the money democrats paid them.
Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.

And yet a few posts back you referred to the Clintons as the “Clinton Crime Family”. Despite a complete lack of charges, 17 investigations which found no evidence, no witnesses nothing, a special prosecutor, and $100 million spent. 25+ years Republicans have lead a smear campaign against the Clintons based on lies and rumours.

And now YOU complain about careers being destroyed by accusations and rumours. Your hypocrisy is hysterically funny.

Those investigations found tons of evidence of corruption and illegality. Comey testified to her guilt under oath. Are you brain dead from left wing indoctrination?

the problem is that in today's USA the politically elite are not subject to the same justice and laws that you are I are subject to. Why is that? Why do you condone that?

the current investigations into the Clinton foundation and collusion with Russians on the uranium deal will also lay out their guilt. Will they ever be prosecuted? probably not---------------------------and that sucks for this country. No one should be above the law----------not the Clintons, the Bushes, Trump, Reid, Franken, or anyone else.

Thank you for proving my point.

Comey did NOT testify under oath that the Clintons are guilty. That’s a lie.

There’s was no pay for play on the Uranium deal which has been proven over and over.

But the Clintons and Obama are guilty. Roy Moore is not.

You are a total hypocrite.

actually Comey did testify that Hillary violated federal laws on protection of classified data by using an unsecure private email server. He justified it by saying she was extremely careless and too ignorant to know she was doing it, and did not "intend" to do it. Those are not excuses for breaking the law.

There was a transfer of 140 million from Russian interests to the Clinton foundation just before the uranium deal went down. Was that because those evil Russians suddenly became interested in hunger in Africa? don't be so fricken naïve.

I have said many times that Moore's guilt or innocence is unknown at this time. There is nothing but accusations of things 40 years ago, zero proof. Provide the proof.
Did any of you on the left ever stop to think that the Clinton Presidency probably did more to promote sexual harassment than any other thing in the last forty years? Let's be honest here...what we all learned from Slick Willie is that it's OK to use a position of power to get laid...and if you get called out on it...attack the women you sexually harassed and blame them for what happened! If the President of the United States is doing it and getting away with it...why wouldn't other men in power do the same thing?
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.

And yet a few posts back you referred to the Clintons as the “Clinton Crime Family”. Despite a complete lack of charges, 17 investigations which found no evidence, no witnesses nothing, a special prosecutor, and $100 million spent. 25+ years Republicans have lead a smear campaign against the Clintons based on lies and rumours.

And now YOU complain about careers being destroyed by accusations and rumours. Your hypocrisy is hysterically funny.

Those investigations found tons of evidence of corruption and illegality. Comey testified to her guilt under oath. Are you brain dead from left wing indoctrination?

the problem is that in today's USA the politically elite are not subject to the same justice and laws that you are I are subject to. Why is that? Why do you condone that?

the current investigations into the Clinton foundation and collusion with Russians on the uranium deal will also lay out their guilt. Will they ever be prosecuted? probably not---------------------------and that sucks for this country. No one should be above the law----------not the Clintons, the Bushes, Trump, Reid, Franken, or anyone else.

Thank you for proving my point.

Comey did NOT testify under oath that the Clintons are guilty. That’s a lie.

There’s was no pay for play on the Uranium deal which has been proven over and over.

But the Clintons and Obama are guilty. Roy Moore is not.

You are a total hypocrite.

actually Comey did testify that Hillary violated federal laws on protection of classified data by using an unsecure private email server. He justified it by saying she was extremely careless and too ignorant to know she was doing it, and did not "intend" to do it. Those are not excuses for breaking the law.

There was a transfer of 140 million from Russian interests to the Clinton foundation just before the uranium deal went down. Was that because those evil Russians suddenly became interested in hunger in Africa? don't be so fricken naïve.

I have said many times that Moore's guilt or innocence is unknown at this time. There is nothing but accusations of things 40 years ago, zero proof. Provide the proof.

There was no transfer of funds from Russia before the uranium deal went down. It came 2 years AFTER the deal was approved. And Clinton had no say in its approval. Nobody pays a bribe after the fact.

Try reading the facts of this matter and you will realize that Trump is using this to distract from the really serious issue of his treasonous sellout of American and NATO interests to Putin.
7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

If you were married to a serial adulterer, you’d have a pretty dim view of the low down hose bags who had sex with him too. And well you should.

These women knew he was married and had a child and they didn’t care. Their good time, their ego boost was more important than whatever happened to his family as a result of their have sex with him.

This is not to excuse her husband in all of this. He should keep it in his pants around other women. This won’t stop women from throwing themselves at musicians, athletes or politicians though. Especially political groupies like Lewinsky. To her Bill was just a notch in her lipstick case. Something she could brag about to her friends, and did.

Marla Maples stalked Donald Trump. She joined the church he attended to get close to him. He was married with three kids and she didn’t care. Ivana is still bitter.

Ivana Trump Blasts 'Showgirl' Marla Maples for 'No Class' DWTS Stint -- And for 'Taking Away My Kids' Father'

To me, women who date married men are the lowest of the low. I say this as a woman who was married to a rock musician. Who had woman physically push me out of the way to get next to my husband.

No woman who’s husband screws around on her has a single kind word for the women who knew he was married and didn’t care. Nor should they.

you have it backwards, in the Clinton case the women were pursued and victimized, they did not "ask for it" as in the case of the groupies that pursue your husband.

These women were not “victimized”. Flowers carried on. Years long affair with Clinton. This notion that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist is just bullshit. There is a fiction created by Republicans to demonized Clinton.

There are no allegation of rape other than Broaddrick and she only accused Bill of rape after Ken Starr threatened to jail her for perjury if she didn’t.

Monica most definitely pursued. In her own words she “packed up her knee pads” and went to Washington. Flowers wanted Bill to leave Hillary for her.

Jones did not pursue but then Jones didn’t have sex with Bill either.
Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.

And yet a few posts back you referred to the Clintons as the “Clinton Crime Family”. Despite a complete lack of charges, 17 investigations which found no evidence, no witnesses nothing, a special prosecutor, and $100 million spent. 25+ years Republicans have lead a smear campaign against the Clintons based on lies and rumours.

And now YOU complain about careers being destroyed by accusations and rumours. Your hypocrisy is hysterically funny.

Those investigations found tons of evidence of corruption and illegality. Comey testified to her guilt under oath. Are you brain dead from left wing indoctrination?

the problem is that in today's USA the politically elite are not subject to the same justice and laws that you are I are subject to. Why is that? Why do you condone that?

the current investigations into the Clinton foundation and collusion with Russians on the uranium deal will also lay out their guilt. Will they ever be prosecuted? probably not---------------------------and that sucks for this country. No one should be above the law----------not the Clintons, the Bushes, Trump, Reid, Franken, or anyone else.

Thank you for proving my point.

Comey did NOT testify under oath that the Clintons are guilty. That’s a lie.

There’s was no pay for play on the Uranium deal which has been proven over and over.

But the Clintons and Obama are guilty. Roy Moore is not.

You are a total hypocrite.

I don't know if he's a hypocrite, but he's certainly a loon and a liar.
7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

If you were married to a serial adulterer, you’d have a pretty dim view of the low down hose bags who had sex with him too. And well you should.

These women knew he was married and had a child and they didn’t care. Their good time, their ego boost was more important than whatever happened to his family as a result of their have sex with him.

This is not to excuse her husband in all of this. He should keep it in his pants around other women. This won’t stop women from throwing themselves at musicians, athletes or politicians though. Especially political groupies like Lewinsky. To her Bill was just a notch in her lipstick case. Something she could brag about to her friends, and did.

Marla Maples stalked Donald Trump. She joined the church he attended to get close to him. He was married with three kids and she didn’t care. Ivana is still bitter.

Ivana Trump Blasts 'Showgirl' Marla Maples for 'No Class' DWTS Stint -- And for 'Taking Away My Kids' Father'

To me, women who date married men are the lowest of the low. I say this as a woman who was married to a rock musician. Who had woman physically push me out of the way to get next to my husband.

No woman who’s husband screws around on her has a single kind word for the women who knew he was married and didn’t care. Nor should they.

you have it backwards, in the Clinton case the women were pursued and victimized, they did not "ask for it" as in the case of the groupies that pursue your husband.

These women were not “victimized”. Flowers carried on. Years long affair with Clinton. This notion that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist is just bullshit. There is a fiction created by Republicans to demonized Clinton.

There are no allegation of rape other than Broaddrick and she only accused Bill of rape after Ken Starr threatened to jail her for perjury if she didn’t.

Monica most definitely pursued. In her own words she “packed up her knee pads” and went to Washington. Flowers wanted Bill to leave Hillary for her.

Jones did not pursue but then Jones didn’t have sex with Bill either.
Read an article this morning, which it states there are 4 women are threatening Clinton they will come out with what he did with them, on air f#ck one in early 2000. The report says the were in their teens when it happened. I guess we will see how far your love of Clinton goes.
Women never speak negatively about each other?

You don't know many women do you?

Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.
In this case.....five accusations
Where there is smoke

maybe, maybe not. It now appears that the yearbook signature was forged and the first accuser has been outted as a liar.

Moore may be the biggest slimeball ever to set foot in a court room, but until that is proven he is presumed innocent. Accusations are not proof. There is proof with Franken, Weinstein, Clinton, provide the proof on Moore and prove that his accusers have not been paid to spill stories about 40 years ago. In the USA system of justice the burden of proof is on the accuser.
Yearbook signature is obviously real
7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

'Do as I SAY, not as I DO' - Liberals are exceptions, not the Rule.
-- Liberal 101
yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.

And yet a few posts back you referred to the Clintons as the “Clinton Crime Family”. Despite a complete lack of charges, 17 investigations which found no evidence, no witnesses nothing, a special prosecutor, and $100 million spent. 25+ years Republicans have lead a smear campaign against the Clintons based on lies and rumours.

And now YOU complain about careers being destroyed by accusations and rumours. Your hypocrisy is hysterically funny.

Those investigations found tons of evidence of corruption and illegality. Comey testified to her guilt under oath. Are you brain dead from left wing indoctrination?

the problem is that in today's USA the politically elite are not subject to the same justice and laws that you are I are subject to. Why is that? Why do you condone that?

the current investigations into the Clinton foundation and collusion with Russians on the uranium deal will also lay out their guilt. Will they ever be prosecuted? probably not---------------------------and that sucks for this country. No one should be above the law----------not the Clintons, the Bushes, Trump, Reid, Franken, or anyone else.

Thank you for proving my point.

Comey did NOT testify under oath that the Clintons are guilty. That’s a lie.

There’s was no pay for play on the Uranium deal which has been proven over and over.

But the Clintons and Obama are guilty. Roy Moore is not.

You are a total hypocrite.

actually Comey did testify that Hillary violated federal laws on protection of classified data by using an unsecure private email server. He justified it by saying she was extremely careless and too ignorant to know she was doing it, and did not "intend" to do it. Those are not excuses for breaking the law.

There was a transfer of 140 million from Russian interests to the Clinton foundation just before the uranium deal went down. Was that because those evil Russians suddenly became interested in hunger in Africa? don't be so fricken naïve.

I have said many times that Moore's guilt or innocence is unknown at this time. There is nothing but accusations of things 40 years ago, zero proof. Provide the proof.

There was no transfer of funds from Russia before the uranium deal went down. It came 2 years AFTER the deal was approved. And Clinton had no say in its approval. Nobody pays a bribe after the fact.

Try reading the facts of this matter and you will realize that Trump is using this to distract from the really serious issue of his treasonous sellout of American and NATO interests to Putin.

the Clinton foundation got 145 million from Russian interests, Hillary had to approve the uranium deal, so did Obama. What do you think the Russians wanted in return for 145 million? Don't be so fricken naïve.

Trump has not sold out American interests. He has defended them and made deals that are favorable to americans.

Putin hates the Clintons BUT he knew that he could control them because he had material to blackmail them into doing exactly what he wanted. He could not do that with Trump.

Your Trump-hate has destroyed your few remaining operative brain cells.
Honest intelligent women do not try to slander and destroy women who are the victims of sexual aggression or abuse. With the Clinton crime family, politics takes precedence over all else, nothing matters but political power.

Now that they no longer have that power, its funny watching the media and the dems begin a feeding frenzy on them.
Too fucking funny

Have you read Republican responses to the Roy Moore stuff?

yep, many of them go along with the dems and convict by accusation. That is wrong no matter who and what party is involved.

Do you really want a country where a person can have his life and career destroyed by an accusation? Think about where we are going with this crap. Take off your tin foil democrat hat for a few minutes and actually think rationally.
In this case.....five accusations
Where there is smoke

maybe, maybe not. It now appears that the yearbook signature was forged and the first accuser has been outted as a liar.

Moore may be the biggest slimeball ever to set foot in a court room, but until that is proven he is presumed innocent. Accusations are not proof. There is proof with Franken, Weinstein, Clinton, provide the proof on Moore and prove that his accusers have not been paid to spill stories about 40 years ago. In the USA system of justice the burden of proof is on the accuser.
Yearbook signature is obviously real

wrong again, little dork boy. they copied a signature from a document signed by Moore's assistant whose initials are DA. "Roy Moore, DA" means "Roy Moore signed by DA" his assistant. Allred and her client are lying and should be prosecuted.
7 Times Hillary Clinton Threatened, Smeared and Targeted Women

For the record, Hillary either threatened to demeaned women who came forward to complain about her husbands sexual assaults at least 7 different times.

And through it all, she stuck with him.

It almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?

I hope Hillary speaks more about Trump and women. This should be fun!

1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.”

2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office.

3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case.

4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."

5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape.

6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers.

7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with.

If you were married to a serial adulterer, you’d have a pretty dim view of the low down hose bags who had sex with him too. And well you should.

These women knew he was married and had a child and they didn’t care. Their good time, their ego boost was more important than whatever happened to his family as a result of their have sex with him.

This is not to excuse her husband in all of this. He should keep it in his pants around other women. This won’t stop women from throwing themselves at musicians, athletes or politicians though. Especially political groupies like Lewinsky. To her Bill was just a notch in her lipstick case. Something she could brag about to her friends, and did.

Marla Maples stalked Donald Trump. She joined the church he attended to get close to him. He was married with three kids and she didn’t care. Ivana is still bitter.

Ivana Trump Blasts 'Showgirl' Marla Maples for 'No Class' DWTS Stint -- And for 'Taking Away My Kids' Father'

To me, women who date married men are the lowest of the low. I say this as a woman who was married to a rock musician. Who had woman physically push me out of the way to get next to my husband.

No woman who’s husband screws around on her has a single kind word for the women who knew he was married and didn’t care. Nor should they.

you have it backwards, in the Clinton case the women were pursued and victimized, they did not "ask for it" as in the case of the groupies that pursue your husband.

These women were not “victimized”. Flowers carried on. Years long affair with Clinton. This notion that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist is just bullshit. There is a fiction created by Republicans to demonized Clinton.

There are no allegation of rape other than Broaddrick and she only accused Bill of rape after Ken Starr threatened to jail her for perjury if she didn’t.

Monica most definitely pursued. In her own words she “packed up her knee pads” and went to Washington. Flowers wanted Bill to leave Hillary for her.

Jones did not pursue but then Jones didn’t have sex with Bill either.

you live in fantasy land. I hope you survive when the truth about your wonderful Clintons comes out. Even the dems and the media are now outing them since they no longer have any power.

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