70% blame the GOP

Only a partisan fool would think that holding our government hostage and putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work to try and get what you want because you couldn't do it the legal, legislative way is somehow an ethical tactic and doesn't put the blame squarely on your shoulders.
This is where the dimocrap Drama Club lets what they want interfere with their perception of reality.

As usual.

Republicans are in a win-win situation.

If they cave and allow obamacare to continue on its merry path of destruction (have any of you read the horror stories on the rates yet?)... We win.

If we hold out and let the Country get near to default and the Markets Crash and millions of people lose their jobs and we go into another recession.....

We win.

This time next year, nobody will even know who John Boehner or Ted Cruz are. But they'll know who the Stuttering Clusterfuck is every time they go to the Unemployment Office and they'll know that he's a dimocrap.

If we compromise and get the one-year delay while allowing those who want to sign up for obamacare to sign-up.... But eliminate the more onerous parts of obamacare...

We win again.

There is NOTHING dimocraps can do to come out of this looking like winners.

Know why? Because, like the dimocrap party itself, obamacare is an abortion. A horrible nightmare. A mess.

And people who have to pay for it? People who aren't being subsidized? People who have to pay the full freight?

They're getting FUCKED big time, in a big way.

You WILL see what I'm talking about in the near future.

Mark my words. You'll see.
They are using the hammer of the economy as a means toward the end....of improving the economy.

they represent a large group of people who believe what they believe. And as a result they won the house.

It would be irresponsible to not represent their constituents as they promised.

We have a divided government. That is a good thing.

What makes it a bad thing?

When one side refuses to negotiate.

Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.
What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Mitt Romney lost largely because of liberal MSM lies about him, and a demo propaganda campaign machine that was more sophisticated than the repubs, coupled with 'low information voters' that follow like sheep, and pull a lever for the sticker.
they represent a large group of people who believe what they believe. And as a result they won the house.

It would be irresponsible to not represent their constituents as they promised.

We have a divided government. That is a good thing.

What makes it a bad thing?

When one side refuses to negotiate.

Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

Again, we know what they are asking for. But what are the republicans offering? That's the question.
Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

They "asked" (lol) for a 1 year delay and offered nothing but funding the government in return. It was literally "Delay ACA or we don't fund the government"

That's pretty much black and white blackmail.
The GOP was elected to wreck the economy if they couldn't get things they wanted done legislatively? Where was that in their campaign fliers?

Stop with the childish spin.

They were elected to do something about the ACA....it was a platform they ran on.

Ironically, the ACA was barley discussed by the Obama campaign...and yet people on the left say "he was re-elected BECUASE of the ACA"....

But when the GOP candidates ran on doing something about the ACA, people like you say they were NOT elected to do something about it.

Bizzaro world.

What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Actually, you are dead wrong about what I think.

The budget and the debt limit are two items that are ALWAYS to be debated.

I expect both parties to debate and negotiate.

If the tables were turned I would feel the same way.

You will be hard pressed trying to find a posting of mine that knocks the intentions of the "opposing" party.

I personally, appreciate debate and believe it is why we are the great nation we are.

I am not partisan. I live by an ideology. You do not need to live by my ideology....and I don't expect you to. I respect your ideology, whatever it may be...for I am a conservative and what you do with your life is strictly your business...as long as you don't force it on me.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to enjoy parts of your ideology. I very well may. That's why I like honest debate without spin. So I can learn and understand. But let it be my decision.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. Neither are for me.....but they work for others. I respect that. Just don't force me to abort my child and don't force me to pay for you to abort your child.
Only a partisan fool would think that holding our government hostage and putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work to try and get what you want because you couldn't do it the legal, legislative way is somehow an ethical tactic and doesn't put the blame squarely on your shoulders.

That is exactly what the liberals did in the 70's.
Guess what - Nixon, Ford and Carter talked with them and did negotiations with them. They did not say I will refuse to talk to them because they shut the Government down to get their way.
President Obama would not even negotiate by offering a 6 month delay for Obama Care.
There is nothing wrong with delaying it for one year while people can sign up for it and start using it and then get the data on how well it is or isn't working and where things need to be changed.
dimocraps always interpret the polls the way they want to.

Sure, Republicans are going to take the heat initially. We knew that going in. No surprise there.

But a Republican isn't president, a dimocrap is. And ultimately, it is up to the president to make the two sides come together for the good of the Country and....

That ain't happening...

CNN Shutdown Poll: Plenty of blame to go around ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

And while a CNN/ORC International survey also indicates that slightly more people are angry at Republicans than Democrats or President Barack Obama for the shutdown, it is clear that both sides are taking a hit.

The poll, conducted over the weekend, was released on Monday, nearly one week into the partial shutdown over a push by tea party backed GOP lawmakers trying to dismantle or defund Obama's signature health care reform law.

According to the poll, 63% of those questioned say they are angry at the Republicans for the way they have handled the shutdown.

"But the Democrats are not getting off scot-free. Fifty-seven percent of Americans are also angry at the way the Democrats are dealing with the shutdown. And a 53% majority say they are also angry at President Obama," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "It looks like there is more than enough blame to go around and both parties are being hurt by the shutdown."
Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

They "asked" (lol) for a 1 year delay and offered nothing but funding the government in return. It was literally "Delay ACA or we don't fund the government"

That's pretty much black and white blackmail.
Where do you get your information?

The debate about the budget came into play.
A large part of the budget included the ACA.
The GOP did not see it as feasible to have the ACA enacted and be able to put together a budget that made sense.

So they said "lets delay the ACA, prepare a budget without it and revisit the ACA during the year. Lets see how the economy is doing; see if we can get unemployment down, and then see if the economy can withstand the government controlling 1/6 of it"

Not really so outrageous.
Again, we know what they are asking for. But what are the republicans offering? That's the question.

To allow the demo's in DC to continue spending.

Oh wow! That's so generous....

in return for giving the GOP what they want, the GOP will allow the nation to survive!

Hmmm...kinda reminds me of some episodes off COPS but...I'm sure they mean well.
Again, we know what they are asking for. But what are the republicans offering? That's the question.

To allow the demo's in DC to continue spending.

Oh wow! That's so generous....

in return for giving the GOP what they want, the GOP will allow the nation to survive!

Hmmm...kinda reminds me of some episodes off COPS but...I'm sure they mean well.

yeah...the GOP saying "we already spend more than we take in and now the ACA will cause an even MORE$ lopsided balance sheet" is ridiculous to be brought up during a debate on preparing a budget.

Man...I suggest you stop listening to spin and truly learn what is really going on.
Oh wow! That's so generous....

in return for giving the GOP what they want, the GOP will allow the nation to survive!

Hmmm...kinda reminds me of some episodes off COPS but...I'm sure they mean well.

So, where is it written that the Sentate, and POTUS if in the majority get to tell the minority that they don't have any rights?
Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

They "asked" (lol) for a 1 year delay and offered nothing but funding the government in return. It was literally "Delay ACA or we don't fund the government"

That's pretty much black and white blackmail.

No it isn't.
Why can businesses plus thousands of others have a break and get a one year delay but the rest of us can't?
Don't hold your breath JH.

He doesn't want to know what really going on.

He'd rather blame anything and everything on the GOP. That way he doesn't have to admitt that the Dems and the POTUS are acting like idiots and don't seem to care about anything but their agenda.
Again, What is the GOP offering in this "negotiation"?

When you can't answer, you'll hopefully realize who is to blame for this whole mess.
Something for the left to chew on.....

You and your wife are sitting down preparing a household budget.

Last year you took in less than you spent.

So this year you need to cut back.

So you say..."I need to fire the landscaper. He does a good job, but we just cant afford it anymore"

And your wife responds with..."how heartless of you. He is married with 2 kids. He has to feed them. How dare you impose misery on him for you won financial needs. I don't want to discuss it...and as a matter of fact, I hear his brother is married and ALSO needs to make money so I am going to hire him to paint our house."

You see....sometimes it is foolish to make decisions...even if those decisions may hurt.
Again, What is the GOP offering in this "negotiation"?

When you can't answer, you'll hopefully realize who is to blame for this whole mess.

I did answer. I responded to the question with a very direct answer.

Is there a reason you ignored it?
Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

if anyone thinks this poll by the Washington Post/ABC poll, a 100% liberal bunch of hacks has any validity you must be getting food stamps and an Obozophone !! :up:

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