70% blame the GOP

No it isn't.
Why can businesses plus thousands of others have a break and get a one year delay but the rest of us can't?

Okay...if you feel that's a legitimate claim then win elections and put it through in a regular legislative way. You don't force your opinions through by choking off funding to the government.
Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

if anyone thinks this poll by the Washington Post/ABC poll, a 100% liberal bunch of hacks has any validity you must be getting food stamps and an Obozophone !! :up:
I believe the poll.

Heck, my son is a conservative but has been entrenched in work...and the only news he sees are "yahoo" and CNN alerts he gets on his phone/email.

He had no idea that the House presented a budget asking ONLY FOR A ONE YEAR DEALY in the individual mandate.

All he read about was that the GOP refused to do anything unless Obama repealed the ACA.
Again, What is the GOP offering in this "negotiation"?

When you can't answer, you'll hopefully realize who is to blame for this whole mess.

What is Obama offering in this negotiation?

The GOP is offering to discuss funding for obamacare in a separate bill from the continuing resolution to fund the rest of the government.
Obama offers nothing.
No it isn't.
Why can businesses plus thousands of others have a break and get a one year delay but the rest of us can't?

Okay...if you feel that's a legitimate claim then win elections and put it through in a regular legislative way. You don't force your opinions through by choking off funding to the government.

you are not paying attention.

It is the budget.

You can not prepare a budget unless you discuss what will be in the budget.

The GOP said "we cant prepare a budget with the ACA as it is right now. With the delay you enacted for the corporations and the special interest groups, it will be way too top heavy. Lets delay it completely so the budget would make sense"

Jeez......I really need to know where you get your info from.
All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

They "asked" (lol) for a 1 year delay and offered nothing but funding the government in return. It was literally "Delay ACA or we don't fund the government"

That's pretty much black and white blackmail.
Where do you get your information?

The debate about the budget came into play.
A large part of the budget included the ACA.
The GOP did not see it as feasible to have the ACA enacted and be able to put together a budget that made sense.

So they said "lets delay the ACA, prepare a budget without it and revisit the ACA during the year. Lets see how the economy is doing; see if we can get unemployment down, and then see if the economy can withstand the government controlling 1/6 of it"

Not really so outrageous.


Once again...if it's YOUR OPINION that ACA will cause all this massive destruction and terror...then WIN ELECTIONS and GET VOTES to repeal/delay/defund it....like you could've in 2012.

What you CAN'T do is just force YOUR OPINION through by shutting down the government and holding everyone hostage to your demands.

If the democrats did any similar action to this you'd agree in a heartbeat.
Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

The shutdown didn't affect the races in 1996. R's gained seats in the Senate and only lost 3 in the House.

Maintained a majority in both.

So you keep saying. :D
Again, What is the GOP offering in this "negotiation"?

When you can't answer, you'll hopefully realize who is to blame for this whole mess.

I did answer. I responded to the question with a very direct answer.

Is there a reason you ignored it?

You're kidding, right?

Read what you wrote again.

Nothing in your response lays out what the GOP is offering in this negotiation.

Please try again.
No it isn't.
Why can businesses plus thousands of others have a break and get a one year delay but the rest of us can't?

Okay...if you feel that's a legitimate claim then win elections and put it through in a regular legislative way. You don't force your opinions through by choking off funding to the government.

you are not paying attention.

It is the budget.

You can not prepare a budget unless you discuss what will be in the budget.

The GOP said "we cant prepare a budget with the ACA as it is right now. With the delay you enacted for the corporations and the special interest groups, it will be way too top heavy. Lets delay it completely so the budget would make sense"

Jeez......I really need to know where you get your info from.

I didn't post any "info" I just stated common sense.

If what you're saying is true then the GOP wouldn't be moving the target from defund to delay everything to delay the mandate to delay the medical device tax.

They aren't trying to "fix the budget" with ACA because...as we can see...ACA is mandatory spending and isn't even part of the discretionary spending that comes up in budget talks. ACA is 80% funded through medicare and medicaid...so what you're posting is nonsense.
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All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

They "asked" (lol) for a 1 year delay and offered nothing but funding the government in return. It was literally "Delay ACA or we don't fund the government"

That's pretty much black and white blackmail.
Where do you get your information?The debate about the budget came into play.
A large part of the budget included the ACA.
The GOP did not see it as feasible to have the ACA enacted and be able to put together a budget that made sense.

So they said "lets delay the ACA, prepare a budget without it and revisit the ACA during the year. Lets see how the economy is doing; see if we can get unemployment down, and then see if the economy can withstand the government controlling 1/6 of it"

Not really so outrageous.

Your info is wrong.

I watched c-span and what really happened not what the news is saying.

First they passed a budget that did not include funding for the New Health Care.
Then they offered to delay it for one year.

What really happened.

Friday, 9/20/13 - The House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution that would fully fund the government (including things that Republicans don't like) while at the same time defunding Obamacare.
Result: House Republicans compromised on spending that they would like to see cut in exchange for defunding Obamacare.

Friday, 9/27/13 - The Senate stripped the defunding language out of the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise.

Saturday, 9/28/13 - The House of Representatives added two amendments to the Senate revised Continuing Resolution to delay Obamacare for one year (far from what they were originally willing to agree to) and repeal the medical device tax.
Result: House Republicans compromised away from defunding to delaying Obamacare for one year.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate stripped the two amendments from the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise one inch on Obamacare.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House of Representatives responded by adding language to the Continuing Resolution to delay the individual mandate for a year and to take away the health care subsidies Members of Congress and their staffs received from the Office of Personnel Management ruling earlier this year. Which by the way is illegal.
Result: House Republicans compromised away from delaying Obamacare for one year to delaying the individual mandate for a year and requiring that Congress live under Obamacare just like the rest of the American people.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The Senate voted to table the House passed continuing resolution.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats refused to compromise.

Monday, 9/30/13 - The House appointed conferees and sent a message to the Senate requesting a conference meeting to resolve their differences.
Result: House Republicans were still willing to compromise and reach a solution.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - Midnight - No deal is reached and a temporary shutdown begins.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 - The Senate votes to table the House's request for a conference to resolve differences.
Result: Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats refused to compromise.
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Stop with the childish spin.

They were elected to do something about the ACA....it was a platform they ran on.

Ironically, the ACA was barley discussed by the Obama campaign...and yet people on the left say "he was re-elected BECUASE of the ACA"....

But when the GOP candidates ran on doing something about the ACA, people like you say they were NOT elected to do something about it.

Bizzaro world.

What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Actually, you are dead wrong about what I think.

The budget and the debt limit are two items that are ALWAYS to be debated.

I expect both parties to debate and negotiate.

If the tables were turned I would feel the same way.

You will be hard pressed trying to find a posting of mine that knocks the intentions of the "opposing" party.

I personally, appreciate debate and believe it is why we are the great nation we are.

I am not partisan. I live by an ideology. You do not need to live by my ideology....and I don't expect you to. I respect your ideology, whatever it may be...for I am a conservative and what you do with your life is strictly your business...as long as you don't force it on me.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to enjoy parts of your ideology. I very well may. That's why I like honest debate without spin. So I can learn and understand. But let it be my decision.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. Neither are for me.....but they work for others. I respect that. Just don't force me to abort my child and don't force me to pay for you to abort your child.

The time for "honest debate" was during budget negotiations...you know, the ones the GOP refused to assign members to. The House republicans put off assigning budget committees so they could use the October 1st deadline to "force" a repeal of the ACA. It's called extortion in polite circles.
Okay...if you feel that's a legitimate claim then win elections and put it through in a regular legislative way. You don't force your opinions through by choking off funding to the government.

you are not paying attention.

It is the budget.

You can not prepare a budget unless you discuss what will be in the budget.

The GOP said "we cant prepare a budget with the ACA as it is right now. With the delay you enacted for the corporations and the special interest groups, it will be way too top heavy. Lets delay it completely so the budget would make sense"

Jeez......I really need to know where you get your info from.

I didn't post any "info" I just stated common sense.

If what you're saying is true then the GOP wouldn't be moving the target from defund to delay everything to delay the mandate to delay the medical device tax.

They aren't trying to "fix the budget" with ACA because...as we can see...ACA is mandatory spending and isn't even part of the discretionary spending that comes up in budget talks.

it was either going to come up in the budget talks or come up in the debt limit talks. SO they brought it up sooner than later.

And yes, they went from defunding to delaying.

That is negotiating.

You find fault in that?
Republicans warned us, threatened us, blackmailed us and lied to us and then they voted to shut down the government. People who watch fux don't know who voted for it.

Those who have made the tiny effort to EDUCATE themselves know that it was Rs who voted to shut down the govt.
it was either going to come up in the budget talks or come up in the debt limit talks. SO they brought it up sooner than later.

And yes, they went from defunding to delaying.

That is negotiating.

You find fault in that?

They went from "let me burn your house down" to "let me set your car on fire"

That isn't negotiating, that's lowering your demands. Negotiating would be "let's delay the sequester cuts and delay ACA" or something of that nature.
What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Actually, you are dead wrong about what I think.

The budget and the debt limit are two items that are ALWAYS to be debated.

I expect both parties to debate and negotiate.

If the tables were turned I would feel the same way.

You will be hard pressed trying to find a posting of mine that knocks the intentions of the "opposing" party.

I personally, appreciate debate and believe it is why we are the great nation we are.

I am not partisan. I live by an ideology. You do not need to live by my ideology....and I don't expect you to. I respect your ideology, whatever it may be...for I am a conservative and what you do with your life is strictly your business...as long as you don't force it on me.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to enjoy parts of your ideology. I very well may. That's why I like honest debate without spin. So I can learn and understand. But let it be my decision.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. Neither are for me.....but they work for others. I respect that. Just don't force me to abort my child and don't force me to pay for you to abort your child.

The time for "honest debate" was during budget negotiations...you know, the ones the GOP refused to assign members to. The House republicans put off assigning budget committees so they could use the October 1st deadline to "force" a repeal of the ACA. It's called extortion in polite circles.

They did not try to force repeal.
They attempted repeal...saw they couldn't get it...so they negotiated and asked for a 1 year delay.

They knew 17 days later there will be the debt limit negotiations.

Stop with the spin.

It gets us nowhere.

We have issues. 17 trillion in debt.

The time has come to stop with the spending and find less expensive solutions.

Not enact another very expensive one.

Did you know that here in NY there is a primary race taking place for "City Advocate"

There are two highly talented and experienced democrats in the race. If I were a NYC resident, I would be hard pressed to decide who to vote for. I like them both.

The irony?

There is no republican running against them. Whoever wins the primary will win the position.

But the bigger irony?

The election will cost the taxpayer 13 Million.

Why is that ironic?

The annual budget for the advocate is 2 million a year.

SO the public is paying 17 million in taxes for 4 million in services (13 million for the election, and 2 million for 2 years for the term of the advocate)

Time has come to realize that government is not necessarily the answer.
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it was either going to come up in the budget talks or come up in the debt limit talks. SO they brought it up sooner than later.

And yes, they went from defunding to delaying.

That is negotiating.

You find fault in that?

They went from "let me burn your house down" to "let me set your car on fire"

That isn't negotiating, that's lowering your demands. Negotiating would be "let's delay the sequester cuts and delay ACA" or something of that nature.

The fact that you said that (what I put in bold) shows me that you do not feel strong in your position for you need to exaggerate the scenario.

You may be a smart poster....I don't doubt that.....But you do not have a talent for debating. You just revealed your insecurity.....although you likely don't realize it.

At a podium?

I would have left you speechless after using that analogy.

Learn from this criticism.
What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Mitt Romney lost largely because of liberal MSM lies about him, and a demo propaganda campaign machine that was more sophisticated than the repubs, coupled with 'low information voters' that follow like sheep, and pull a lever for the sticker.

Hey another delusional asshole chimes in. Yea dude it was all on the main stream media. Sure it was. You tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to allow you to continue to support the terrorists know as the Republican party.

It was the media it was the media we aren't in Kansas no more toto. It was the media.
Just chant along with me; mitt robme didn't suck as a candidate, the media was mean to him.

Try that 5 million times. You may come to believe it.
If the GOP really wanted to "negotiate" they'd be saying something like "let's give our health care plan a try first"

but...oh yeah, slight problem with that, lol!
What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Actually, you are dead wrong about what I think.

The budget and the debt limit are two items that are ALWAYS to be debated.

I expect both parties to debate and negotiate.

If the tables were turned I would feel the same way.

You will be hard pressed trying to find a posting of mine that knocks the intentions of the "opposing" party.

I personally, appreciate debate and believe it is why we are the great nation we are.

I am not partisan. I live by an ideology. You do not need to live by my ideology....and I don't expect you to. I respect your ideology, whatever it may be...for I am a conservative and what you do with your life is strictly your business...as long as you don't force it on me.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to enjoy parts of your ideology. I very well may. That's why I like honest debate without spin. So I can learn and understand. But let it be my decision.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. Neither are for me.....but they work for others. I respect that. Just don't force me to abort my child and don't force me to pay for you to abort your child.

The time for "honest debate" was during budget negotiations...you know, the ones the GOP refused to assign members to. The House republicans put off assigning budget committees so they could use the October 1st deadline to "force" a repeal of the ACA. It's called extortion in polite circles.

Why in the FUCK would Republicans send negotiators to negotiate something that dimocraps said they WOULD NOT NEGOTIATE?

dimocrap scum, "We ABSOLUTELY refuse to negotiate obamacare and the debt ceiling."

Obama: I Won't Negotiate with GOP 'Extremists'

Republicans, "Then what's the point. That's what we're interested in negotiating."

You people really are being led around by the nose and you're too stupid to realize it.
What is childish is the GOP's temper tantrum over not being able to repeal the ACA legislatively.

Do you truly support the minority party forcing through threat of shutdown or default what they cannot pass legislatively? Will you support it when it's the Democrats doing it to a Republican President? No, of course you wouldn't. You'd be screaming bloody murder about how they were circumventing our system of government.

The election cycle wasn't that long ago...do you really not recall Mittens running on "Repeal and replace"? He did...and lost in an electoral landslide.

There is a way to repeal the ACA...holding the country hostage isn't it.

Mitt Romney lost largely because of liberal MSM lies about him, and a demo propaganda campaign machine that was more sophisticated than the repubs, coupled with 'low information voters' that follow like sheep, and pull a lever for the sticker.

Hey another delusional asshole chimes in. Yea dude it was all on the main stream media. Sure it was. You tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to allow you to continue to support the terrorists know as the Republican party.

It was the media it was the media we aren't in Kansas no more toto. It was the media.
Just chant along with me; mitt robme didn't suck as a candidate, the media was mean to him.

Try that 5 million times. You may come to believe it.


You referred to the GOP as terrorists?

I had friends lose their lives to terrorists.

It is shameful that you so easily use that word.
So just answer this...if ACA is so horrible and evil and destructive as the GOP says it is...

WHY can't they win elections and just get it repealed through legislative process? Why do they have to resort to hostage taking?

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