70% blame the GOP

Pea brains?

Jeez. Stop debating like a child.

There were valid proposals but the speaker of the house at the time, Speaker Pelosi, did not allow for a vote on any of them.

I'm getting bored of you. I tried to have an honest debate with you......but you have way too much spin and hyperbole to have any type of honest discussion.

Pea brained and hodge podge......

Sometimes I wonder why people don't want to learn.

Been asked numerous times. Never seen an answer, but you seem to be in the know.

What were these proposals and why were they rejected? Maybe a link to back it up.

Cause I want to know what good, fine proposals were made to improve the health care law and rejected, so I can beat on Democrats.

Of course the health care law should not cause the economic terrorism that Repubs are threatening us with.

And if you are not terrified at losing tens of thousands of dollars in investments, then you don't have any money to begin with.

That ( no money) would explain why you don't think it "terrorism". You got nothing to lose anyway.

Jim Demint had a great proposal.

My financial situation is really none of your concern...although you seem to want to address it.

My greatest fear in regard to my finances is not having as much to leave my children as I planned for.

I got hit hard in the late 90's with the dot com bubble bursting....but that was my fault...my greed...I could have cashed out a lot sooner.....

I made smart decisions as it pertained to the last bubble bursting.....

In very solid mutual funds...with a lot of offsets and hedging.


My wife and I will outlast our money.....but we will have a lot less to leave our children than we had originally planned for.

I'm up for adoption :dunno:
Of Course, what do you expect when you control the majority of the media?
Taking this into consideration, the amount of people that are also blaming Obama is phenomenal.

The majority of liberal sources predicted Obama would win in 2012...guess what? Obama won in 2012.

I don't think it's all that wise to just write things off as "bias" like that.

Not writing it off, just trying to explain it.
So just answer this...if ACA is so horrible and evil and destructive as the GOP says it is...

WHY can't they win elections and just get it repealed through legislative process? Why do they have to resort to hostage taking?

good question.....much has to do with the democrats having infinitely better campaigners than the GOP. It is hard to defend a position when it is spun as "they want seniors to die early"

Here...let me show you something....

Joe is 28 years old and makes 60K a year.
Joe goes on the ACA site and finds it will cost him 4K a year for insurance with a 3K deductible. So he realizes he will spend 7K a year before he gets the benefit of the policy.

Joe is young. Healthy. Not gonna get sick.

SO Joe decides....I prefer spending 600 a year tax for NOT having insurance...

ANd if I get sick? Or in an accident?

I will buy insurance that day because I can not be denied for pre existing conditions.

Why is this a problem?

Because the 4K a year for the policy where the holder will likely not need it is what is supposed to help fund the 4K a year policy for the senior that WILL use it.

THAT is why the ACA needs more work and should be delayed.

Sooo, no one on the left wants to discuss this? This is part of why the ACA needs to be negotiated.

I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.
they represent a large group of people who believe what they believe. And as a result they won the house.

It would be irresponsible to not represent their constituents as they promised.

We have a divided government. That is a good thing.

What makes it a bad thing?

When one side refuses to negotiate.

Negotiate? What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"? We know what they want, but what are they offering.

All they asked for was a 1 year delay in the individual mandate of the ACA. They believe, as I do, that there are still way too many uncertainties and they need to be reviewed and possibly adjusted.

The President felt that way as it pertained to the corporate mandate...and he took it upon himself to enact the delay for them. He felt the same about certain special interest groups and he did the same.

Above was my answer to your original question.

Now, you may not like their offer...that is fine.

You may want to deny that was their offer.....but the facts are otherwise.

But I did answer your question.

Now....my scenario?
Actually, you are dead wrong about what I think.

The budget and the debt limit are two items that are ALWAYS to be debated.

I expect both parties to debate and negotiate.

If the tables were turned I would feel the same way.

You will be hard pressed trying to find a posting of mine that knocks the intentions of the "opposing" party.

I personally, appreciate debate and believe it is why we are the great nation we are.

I am not partisan. I live by an ideology. You do not need to live by my ideology....and I don't expect you to. I respect your ideology, whatever it may be...for I am a conservative and what you do with your life is strictly your business...as long as you don't force it on me.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to enjoy parts of your ideology. I very well may. That's why I like honest debate without spin. So I can learn and understand. But let it be my decision.

Thus why I support gay marriage and abortions. Neither are for me.....but they work for others. I respect that. Just don't force me to abort my child and don't force me to pay for you to abort your child.

The time for "honest debate" was during budget negotiations...you know, the ones the GOP refused to assign members to. The House republicans put off assigning budget committees so they could use the October 1st deadline to "force" a repeal of the ACA. It's called extortion in polite circles.

Why in the FUCK would Republicans send negotiators to negotiate something that dimocraps said they WOULD NOT NEGOTIATE?

dimocrap scum, "We ABSOLUTELY refuse to negotiate obamacare and the debt ceiling."

Obama: I Won't Negotiate with GOP 'Extremists'

Republicans, "Then what's the point. That's what we're interested in negotiating."

You people really are being led around by the nose and you're too stupid to realize it.

How about if Republicans come to the table willing to negotiate tax increases?
good question.....much has to do with the democrats having infinitely better campaigners than the GOP. It is hard to defend a position when it is spun as "they want seniors to die early"

Here...let me show you something....

Joe is 28 years old and makes 60K a year.
Joe goes on the ACA site and finds it will cost him 4K a year for insurance with a 3K deductible. So he realizes he will spend 7K a year before he gets the benefit of the policy.

Joe is young. Healthy. Not gonna get sick.

SO Joe decides....I prefer spending 600 a year tax for NOT having insurance...

ANd if I get sick? Or in an accident?

I will buy insurance that day because I can not be denied for pre existing conditions.

Why is this a problem?

Because the 4K a year for the policy where the holder will likely not need it is what is supposed to help fund the 4K a year policy for the senior that WILL use it.

THAT is why the ACA needs more work and should be delayed.

Sooo, no one on the left wants to discuss this? This is part of why the ACA needs to be negotiated.

I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.


It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.
good question.....much has to do with the democrats having infinitely better campaigners than the GOP. It is hard to defend a position when it is spun as "they want seniors to die early"

Here...let me show you something....

Joe is 28 years old and makes 60K a year.
Joe goes on the ACA site and finds it will cost him 4K a year for insurance with a 3K deductible. So he realizes he will spend 7K a year before he gets the benefit of the policy.

Joe is young. Healthy. Not gonna get sick.

SO Joe decides....I prefer spending 600 a year tax for NOT having insurance...

ANd if I get sick? Or in an accident?

I will buy insurance that day because I can not be denied for pre existing conditions.

Why is this a problem?

Because the 4K a year for the policy where the holder will likely not need it is what is supposed to help fund the 4K a year policy for the senior that WILL use it.

THAT is why the ACA needs more work and should be delayed.

Sooo, no one on the left wants to discuss this? This is part of why the ACA needs to be negotiated.

I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.

That's just the 'Open Enrollment' period
Poll: Republicans' Handling Of Shutdown Increasingly Unpopular

The government shutdown isn't winning anyone in Washington points with the public -- but Republicans are faring the worst, according to new polls.

A Washington Post/ABC poll released Monday found that while the public's ratings for the president and both parties in Congress remain negative, disapproval of Republicans has grown in the past week. Seventy percent of Americans now disapprove of how Republicans in Congress are handling budget negotiations, up from 63 percent last week.

Gonna be 80% next week, boys. Welcome to Nov14.

The Tea Party movement is destroying what is left of the Republican brand. Anyone within the GOP who disagrees with them is rabidly attacked. Is labelled a 'RINO' and thrown under the proverbial bus, or worse: accused of assisting President Obama and the Democrats :eek:

The GOP needs to restructure how they hold primaries
Sooo, no one on the left wants to discuss this? This is part of why the ACA needs to be negotiated.

I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.

Er, so a college student graduates in May, is not on his parents plan, and can't buy insurance until October? So if he gets sick or into an accident and needs medical help ... he's screwed?
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Sooo, no one on the left wants to discuss this? This is part of why the ACA needs to be negotiated.

I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.


It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

I don't have a problem with the concept.

But they can't keep doing that because people will just simply wait until their 'house is on fire' to buy insurance.

Right now, during open enrollment, I can see it but they're going to have to stop that in the near future.

But...... This whole thing was designed to fail from the beginning.

And it will.
I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.


It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

I don't have a problem with the concept.

But they can't keep doing that because people will just simply wait until their 'house is on fire' to buy insurance.

Right now, during open enrollment, I can see it but they're going to have to stop that in the near future.

But...... This whole thing was designed to fail from the beginning.

And it will.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.


It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

Er, so a college student graduates in May, is not on his parents plan, and can't buy insurance until October? So if he gets sick or into an accident and needs medical help ... he's screwed?


That would be a "Qualifying Event" and not subject to the 'Open Enrollment' provisions.

Look it up, guys
Pea brains?

Jeez. Stop debating like a child.

There were valid proposals but the speaker of the house at the time, Speaker Pelosi, did not allow for a vote on any of them.

I'm getting bored of you. I tried to have an honest debate with you......but you have way too much spin and hyperbole to have any type of honest discussion.

Pea brained and hodge podge......

Sometimes I wonder why people don't want to learn.

Been asked numerous times. Never seen an answer, but you seem to be in the know.

What were these proposals and why were they rejected? Maybe a link to back it up.

Cause I want to know what good, fine proposals were made to improve the health care law and rejected, so I can beat on Democrats.

Of course the health care law should not cause the economic terrorism that Repubs are threatening us with.

And if you are not terrified at losing tens of thousands of dollars in investments, then you don't have any money to begin with.

That ( no money) would explain why you don't think it "terrorism". You got nothing to lose anyway.

Jim Demint had a great proposal.

My financial situation is really none of your concern...although you seem to want to address it.

My greatest fear in regard to my finances is not having as much to leave my children as I planned for.

I got hit hard in the late 90's with the dot com bubble bursting....but that was my fault...my greed...I could have cashed out a lot sooner.....

I made smart decisions as it pertained to the last bubble bursting.....

In very solid mutual funds...with a lot of offsets and hedging.


My wife and I will outlast our money.....but we will have a lot less to leave our children than we had originally planned for.


That should be a no brainer. Just link to this Great Propasal. I want to read it.

And is that it? ONE GREAT proposal. Where are the rest of them? Where is the Republican health care plan in totality? And why isn't the Republican party out there selling their "new and improved" health care plan?

Do you know how many time Repubs in the House voted to end Obamacare? Without offering one solution to what they thought of as problems.

You call one proposal from one guy at the Heritage Foundation and Nothing from the House but rejecting Obamacare, you call that good faith negotiation? Trying to solve the problem?

It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

Er, so a college student graduates in May, is not on his parents plan, and can't buy insurance until October? So if he gets sick or into an accident and needs medical help ... he's screwed?


That would be a "Qualifying Event" and not subject to the 'Open Enrollment' provisions.

Look it up, guys

So people can wait until the 11th hour and then buy insurance?

That's ridiculous.

Can I do that with my home and car insurance?
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If the GOP really wanted to "negotiate" they'd be saying something like "let's give our health care plan a try first"

but...oh yeah, slight problem with that, lol!

So are you saying that the GOP....no one on the right.....presented an alternative to the ACA prior to it being voted on and signed into law?

For if that is what you are saying.....you happen to be poorly informed

One that was voted on into a cohesive bill? no. There were plenty of hodge-podge proposals out there sure...any pea-brain could write up some papers and call it health care reform.

There was a certain period of time when the GOP had a trifecta over the federal government. it was between the beginning of 2003 and the end of 2006. What did they do for health care reform during this time? Nothing.

The GOP was acting just like the Dems, bigger government and overspending.

What the GOP had on Health Care in 2000

A reformed Medicare will give seniors choice, flexibility
Give older Americans access to the insurance plan Congress has, including medical savings accounts. Build on the strengths of the free market system, offer seniors real choices, and make sure there are incentives for the private sector to develop drugs. No more one-size-fits-all. Medicare also needs new measures of solvency. We must reduce the administrative complexities. A reformed Medicare program will provide reimbursement at levels that will permit providers to continue to care for patients.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

Give individuals tools to manage their own health needs
Individuals should be free to manage their own health needs through Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs) and Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs). These initiatives make a government takeover of health care as anachronistic as surgery without anesthesia. Individuals should be able to roll over excess FSA dollars from one year to the next, instead of losing their unspent money at the end of each year. MSAs should be a permanent part of tax law, offered to all workers without restriction.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

Allow customization of insurance, support health centers
A major reason why health insurance is so expensive is that many state legislatures require policies to provide benefits that many families do not want. These mandates increase costs for everyone. One area of health care that is sadly ignored is the role of primary and preventive care. We will boost funding for community health centers and establish stronger public-private partnerships for safety net providers and hospitals in underserved communities.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

Lawyers should not hold physicians hostage
A key step will be reform of malpractice law. In its current form, it encourages health care providers to conceal even innocent mistakes, lest they be subject to vilifying publicity through the trial lawyers. We must open up the flow of information concerning medical errors.
Source: Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention , Aug 12, 2000

Why did they not get it?
Because too many Dem's and a few established Repubs (who should have been Dems)voted it all down.
They never really had a large enough of majority to get their Health Care.

The Dems have been against all of the above for the last 13 years. Why? Because it does not give the government power.
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I'm not certain about this...but I *think* you can only buy coverage on the exchanges sometime between oct 1st and march 1st of every year? Although the details are murky and I don't know if this is right or not.


It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

I don't have a problem with the concept.

But they can't keep doing that because people will just simply wait until their 'house is on fire' to buy insurance.

Right now, during open enrollment, I can see it but they're going to have to stop that in the near future.

But...... This whole thing was designed to fail from the beginning.

And it will.

Then why won't the Repubs in Congress give up on the idea of economic terrorism to bring down Obamacare and simply let it fail on its own?

It is a serious issue Premium s will skyrocket or the government will have to pay billions in subsidies.....one or the other.

I don't have a problem with the concept.

But they can't keep doing that because people will just simply wait until their 'house is on fire' to buy insurance.

Right now, during open enrollment, I can see it but they're going to have to stop that in the near future.

But...... This whole thing was designed to fail from the beginning.

And it will.

Then why won't the Repubs in Congress give up on the idea of economic terrorism to bring down Obamacare and simply let it fail on its own?

Because when it fails the gov't will say gov't single payer is the only fix. Then? It's too late to turn back. The Rs are trying to stop that from happening.
AYUP, the dems are trying to raise the cost of health care by 2-3x so they can blame private insurance and have an excuse to bring in single payer to save the middle class.
Er, so a college student graduates in May, is not on his parents plan, and can't buy insurance until October? So if he gets sick or into an accident and needs medical help ... he's screwed?


That would be a "Qualifying Event" and not subject to the 'Open Enrollment' provisions.

Look it up, guys

So people can wait until the 11th hour and then buy insurance?

That's ridiculous.

Can I do that with my home and car insurance?


Open Enrollment is going to be shortened next year or the year after. Maybe 2 or three weeks out of the year

Open Enrollment under the ACA will be for anybody to buy Health Insurance at any time under any conditions.

But here's the problem.....

If people DON'T buy Insurance, then nothing changes. When they get seriously hurt or suffer from a catastrophic illness, they're STILL gonna get taken care of (free) and WE are still going to be on the hook for it.

At least under the ACA, SOME people will take advantage of it and pay for their own Insurance.

The problem (one of hundreds) is that people who DON'T qualify for a subsidy are going to pay OUT THE ASS in order to subsidize those who do.

This whole thing is an abortion.

Good intentions, poor execution. But that IS the dimocrap mantra.
I noticed you did not respond to my post with the scenario as to why the ACA needs work.

Instead, you posted about how stupid and useless the GOP is.

Which speaks volumes about you and your agenda on this board.

You are not here to debate. You are here to make yourself feel like you are on the side with the winners.

Which makes you a loser in life (in my opinion).



I noticed you refuse to answer what the republicans are offering as a part of this "negotiation".

I did answer you. Right after you asked it the first time. I then told you I answered you when you claimed I didn't the second time.

But I also noticed YOU did not respond to my scenario.

I am not into this little game.

Sorry bro.

WTF, seriously? Which post did you answer me in? Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see it anywhere. I'm not trying to be difficult but the only response I saw from you definitely did not outline what the GOP is offering.

Can you either tell me which post # you answered me or can you simply reply to this post with the blank filled in to this statement -

In this negotiation the GOP is offering _________ to the democrats in order to get a delay on Obamacare.

Forum List
