70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

Life expectancy in 1935 when SS was established was 62 years.
It is now 79 years.
NOT raising the retirement age is obscene - not if you want SS to survive.

That mostly because of declines in infant mortality. High infant mortality rates (by comparision) draw down "life expectancy" of the population. As more children live to adulthood, average live expectancy increases.

Infant's don't pay into social security.

The better measurement is to compare those that reached SS full retirement age in 1935 and how many years (or months) they drew benefits, then compare it to those who reach full retirement age now and examine how many years (or months) they draw benefits.

I'd have to do some considerable study and calculations before I could give any reasonable number.

Sorry, you're not going to sucker me into that one.
So you just want “more”

Top 25% pay 74% already. But you want even more. Yeah. If you don’t have a solution then STFU, bitch.
Today's generation are the hardest working and most productive in this nations history. By far.
So you just want “more”

Top 25% pay 74% already. But you want even more. Yeah. If you don’t have a solution then STFU, bitch.
Unlike you, I don't babble nonsense.

Perhaps taxes should be based on total wealth rather than income. Like I said it would take considerable study and calculation before I could state a definitive rate.

It's the end of my work day, and I have better things to do than argue with a moron like you.

Perhaps tomorrow if I have a light work load....I could always use a good laugh!
Unlike you, I don't babble nonsense.

Perhaps taxes should be based on total wealth rather than income. Like I said it would take considerable study and calculation before I could state a definitive rate.

It's the end of my work day, and I have better things to do than argue with a moron like you.

Perhaps tomorrow if I have a light work load....I could always use a good laugh!
So you want a wealth tax. So one should pay for success. That’s what a wealth tax is. You are like my kids. You complain but are too immature to provide an actual solution. How about we spend less? Top 50% pay 98% of the taxes. But you want the “fair share”. You just can’t define what that is, can you, little bitch?
So you want a wealth tax. So one should pay for success. That’s what a wealth tax is. You are like my kids. You complain but are too immature to provide an actual solution. How about we spend less? Top 50% pay 98% of the taxes. But you want the “fair share”. You just can’t define what that is, can you, little bitch?

If you want working people to pay a larger percent of the taxes, then INCREASE THEIR WAGES.

If you're expecting me to suggest a new tax code, so you can rip it apart, you're out of your mind (No news there!).

What I do know is that the disparity in wealth in the U.S., is not only grossly unfair, but has become a National Security Threat.

It's obvious that a large number of wealthy people are trying to destroy democracy and force a fascism on us. Like Mussolini, you are using false nationalism to trick dumbass working class thugs to strongarm Americans into accepting your revision to the 'Old World Order'.
If you want working people to pay a larger percent of the taxes, then INCREASE THEIR WAGES.

If you're expecting me to suggest a new tax code, so you can rip it apart, you're out of your mind (No news there!).

What I do know is that the disparity in wealth in the U.S., is not only grossly unfair, but has become a National Security Threat.

It's obvious that a large number of wealthy people are trying to destroy democracy and force a fascism on us. Like Mussolini, you are using false nationalism to trick dumbass working class thugs to strongarm Americans into accepting your revision to the 'Old World Order'.
Obvious to who? LOL

This is the greatest country if you’re willing to work hard. You want to change the tax code but don’t know to what. You’re a typical dumb Lib.

Obvious to who? LOL

This is the greatest country if you’re willing to work hard. You want to change the tax code but don’t know to what. You’re a typical dumb Lib.


Sure it's the greatest country if I'm willing to work hard, but the greatest only for the business owners that profit from my work.

"Nobody ever got rich working for a living"

No, I'm not going to play your game and propose some off the cuff tax code.

I see that you ignored my comments about wealth distribution being a National security issue.

Sure it's the greatest country if I'm willing to work hard, but the greatest only for the business owners that profit from my work.

"Nobody ever got rich working for a living"

No, I'm not going to play your game and propose some off the cuff tax code.

I see that you ignored my comments about wealth distribution being a National security issue.

So then start your own business? 🤷‍♂️

What’s the matter, bitch?
The better measurement is to compare those that reached SS full retirement age in 1935 and how many years (or months) they drew benefits, then compare it to those who reach full retirement age now and examine how many years (or months) they draw benefits.
Yes, it would be more accurate but it would not change the fact more people are living longer and thus SS cannot survive in its current state.
So then start your own business? 🤷‍♂️

What’s the matter, bitch?
First at 65 years old, my next step is retirement.

Second, since business success requires business connections, and I'm not in the mafia, the Free Masons, or a member of any Country Club or other such organization, it's doubtful that any business would succeed.

Crony Capitalism Rules in the U.S.

At least, in my profession, my employers need me and have to pay me well. I don't depend on 'connections'.
First at 65 years old, my next step is retirement.

Second, since business success requires business connections, and I'm not in the mafia, the Free Masons, or a member of any Country Club or other such organization, it's doubtful that any business would succeed.

Crony Capitalism Rules in the U.S.

At least, in my profession, my employers need me and have to pay me well. I don't depend on 'connections'.
Hilarious. I have mentored young people who started businesses in their 20s via SBA loans. You never took a risk but what the reward. Bitch.
"If you have an economic system where the pharmaceutical industry profits from health care, where the military industrial complex profits from war, where energy companies profit from energy crises, you get a state of perpetual crisis."
British actor Russell Brand.

Well, name the system, don't be shy.
Try your response again and this time tell the truth.
The only stupidity here is your incessant ability to pretend you have some real understanding and knowledge of what is going on with UAW.
The heroes you seem to like to back have always used others like you and the weak-minded to gain control.
Here is a little background info for someone as dumb and ignorant as you:
President George W. Bush stepped in Friday to keep America’s auto industry afloat, announcing a $17.4 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler, with the terms of the loans requiring that the firms radically restructure and show they can become profitable soon.
Dec. 4, 2008
First it was the heads of Detroit’s Big Three automakers who offered public pledges to cut costs, shrink their vehicle lines, go green and slash their own salaries in the quest for a desperately needed government bailout.

On Wednesday, it was the workers’ turn to sacrifice before crucial congressional hearings begin this morning on the automakers’ request for $34 billion in emergency loans.

United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger said the union would allow General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler to delay billions of dollars in payments to a retiree healthcare trust and suspend a controversial jobs bank that pays laid-off workers. The union also would consider other cost-cutting changes, he said.
You wont like this you whiny little bitch and you will turn into some corporate idiot but...
Auto CEOs Make About 300 Times What Their Median Worker Is Paid
SO! The UNION workers need to get their fair share of what is being made by the companies they help make a profit.
Who is stupid! you!
Bwaahhhaaaaa.....I was in a union for 1 year, made a dollar more than the steam fitters because of my special skills of electronics/Pneumatics. After i left i was paid 10 dollars more per hour than a sorry ass steam fitter, because that was what my skill set was worth. If you are a onion(another term for smelly union) pensioner, you also have to pay full taxes on your pension as it is an income, while my stocks that i have been invested in, only pay 20% in taxes. I laugh at your stupidity....
Try your response again and this time tell the truth.
The only stupidity here is your incessant ability to pretend you have some real understanding and knowledge of what is going on with UAW.
The heroes you seem to like to back have always used others like you and the weak-minded to gain control.
Here is a little background info for someone as dumb and ignorant as you:
President George W. Bush stepped in Friday to keep America’s auto industry afloat, announcing a $17.4 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler, with the terms of the loans requiring that the firms radically restructure and show they can become profitable soon.
Dec. 4, 2008
First it was the heads of Detroit’s Big Three automakers who offered public pledges to cut costs, shrink their vehicle lines, go green and slash their own salaries in the quest for a desperately needed government bailout.

On Wednesday, it was the workers’ turn to sacrifice before crucial congressional hearings begin this morning on the automakers’ request for $34 billion in emergency loans.

United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger said the union would allow General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler to delay billions of dollars in payments to a retiree healthcare trust and suspend a controversial jobs bank that pays laid-off workers. The union also would consider other cost-cutting changes, he said.
You wont like this you whiny little bitch and you will turn into some corporate idiot but...
Auto CEOs Make About 300 Times What Their Median Worker Is Paid
SO! The UNION workers need to get their fair share of what is being made by the companies they help make a profit.
Who is stupid! you!
An establishment Republican, of course would back the UAW not the actually companies like GM and Chrysler. As we now know establishment pukes like George, the brown turd Obammy and Rapist Clinton, all are out for themselves and damn the citizens who pay taxes and dont complain about their wages, like the pussy unions do. Also as for CEO's they have more responsiblity than some line worker, so they get paid more. Why do quarterbacks in the NFL make a lot more than a lineman, who are their to proect the quarterback? Responsiblity. Stupid fucks like you dont every feel responsible, just a give me more or we beat the shit out of you mentality. Fuck the union and their bosses, hope the big 3 go bankrupt. Serve the fuckers right....

The three here talking about how they can fuck the citizens of the US even more. Nothing to see here, move along...

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