700 sworn affidavits and the press is still saying "no evidence of election fraud."

What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

And yet, none of this has been presented in Court. Imagine that. Ever wonder why? Could it be that one can say anything in a media circus but you have to stick with the truth in a court of law? The Entertainment factor is off the scale.

The threat author wants to pretend that the media is the same as a judge.
In his ruling, Russell concurred with election officials and academic experts that there is no evidence [of 61,000 people voting twice], and specifically dismissed witness declarations that had been touted by the campaign, calling them “self-serving statements of little or no evidentiary value.” ...
What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

And yet, none of this has been presented in Court. Imagine that. Ever wonder why? Could it be that one can say anything in a media circus but you have to stick with the truth in a court of law? The Entertainment factor is off the scale.

And could it also be that all the State level courts are packed with Democrat judges who are in the tank for Biden?

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