7000-1. Guess Who Won

Harassment is an actual act, not an opinion or a viewpoint.

So the government doesn't regulate cable companies?
Harassment can be speech, which is what I'm referring to. Speech is an act. The act of speaking. You're playing semantics.

I don't think the government determines that a cable company must include some content on it. If a cable company doesn't want to offer Fox News to it's customers, the government doesn't have a right to force them to.
I wasn’t aware we determined the applicability of rules based on the popularity of subjects?

I forget. Are we a nation of laws or of men?
Apparently a nation of hypocrites who claim to defend the rights of its citizens and then the left goes about trying to deny those rights.
You just described yourself and your actions. You try to bully at all times to get your way and are surprised when anyone rejects your hatred and calls it out for what it is.

"And you've been doing it for many decades", but you are finally being called on it.
Give me an example of such "hatred"?
You haven't answered any of the questions about the lies, Marty. And you're still repeating the lie that Joe Biden is not mentally competent. As long as you continue to defend the lying, and refuse to accept the truth, nothing will change.

Fred Trump died of Alzheimer's. The rage, paranoia, and and belief that every slight must be avenged, is typical of dementia patients. The greater likelihood is that TRUMP is the one who is "sundowning".

That's the reality Marty. Not the bullshit that FOX News is feeding you. But you keep repeating the lies and then claiming your candidates have the right to lie, slander, and denigrate the opposition without any facts to back them up.

You're allowed your own opinions, but not your own facts, Marty.
A self-professed expert and doctor has spoken. Not a doctor? Then shut up or admit that you are just a cheerleader for the lying left.
I wasn’t aware that having your feelings hurt was grounds for limiting free press.

Trump is actually kind of a snowflake.
Why weren't you aware of you claim being used by the left at all times? The left controls the MSM and social media - just look at all the bans they press and none against themselves.

This makes you kind of a moron.
Are you opposed to it only because it's "not needed" or are you opposed to it because assessing fines for social media companies to publish speech they don't want to would be a violation of the first amendment?
You are perfectly fine with fining companies for not complying with OSHA's overreach with their "Emergency Temporary Standard" which puts OSHA in the business of mandating medical procedures being carried out by Employers on their employees even if the employee did not ask, and did not want such procedures, aren't you?

You are fine with firing such employees who refuse mandated medical procedures dictated to them by their employer, aren't you?

You are perfectly fine with having an employer discriminate against people who have religious or medical objections to mandated medical procedures, aren't you?

But ask Big Tech to level the playing field when they have been so ruthlessly and obviously biased, well, you can't have that, now can you?

You are fine with forcing people to carry "papers" such as a COVID Pass, but totally against asking people to carry a Voter ID, right?

I think by now, we know exactly what you are. The question is, do you know what you are?
You haven't answered any of the questions about the lies, Marty. And you're still repeating the lie that Joe Biden is not mentally competent. As long as you continue to defend the lying, and refuse to accept the truth, nothing will change.

Fred Trump died of Alzheimer's. The rage, paranoia, and and belief that every slight must be avenged, is typical of dementia patients. The greater likelihood is that TRUMP is the one who is "sundowning".

That's the reality Marty. Not the bullshit that FOX News is feeding you. But you keep repeating the lies and then claiming your candidates have the right to lie, slander, and denigrate the opposition without any facts to back them up.

You're allowed your own opinions, but not your own facts, Marty.
Mentally Competent People don't hide in their mom's basement during a campaign and do not arrange to have a debate cancelled because they cannot compete. Mentally Competent People do not shit their pants in front of The Pope, or think they are running for "The Senate" during a Presidential Campaign.
Why weren't you aware of you claim being used by the left at all times? The left controls the MSM and social media - just look at all the bans they press and none against themselves.
Social media isn't the government. They don't have to participate in someone else's speech if they don't want.
The first amendment covers YOUR OWN Speech, which these companies say the content on the platform is not. You have a better argument via property rights than the 1st amendment, but even then the companies submit to FCC regulation, so even those are not absolute.
It covers all speech. By having that speech on their platform, it affects their rights to decide what speech to participate in and what speech to not participate in.
The first amendment covers YOUR OWN Speech, which these companies say the content on the platform is not. You have a better argument via property rights than the 1st amendment, but even then the companies submit to FCC regulation, so even those are not absolute.

You clowns keep thinking the First Amendment is the right to say anything, and it's not. The First Amendment simply give YOU the right to criticize the government without fear of arrest. Nothing more. And Trump tried to turn that on its head, by firing people in the government who criticized him. Like Lisa Page and Peter Strzok - both of whom sued the government and WON, bigly.

There are all kinds of laws to prevent you from saying anything you want. Threaten someone's life and you can be arrested. Yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre, causing a panic, and you'll be arrested. Lying to people to induce them to "invest" in a scam, is illegal.

In all walks of life, what we say is regulated and controlled. Lie about your neighbour and you can face a slander suit. Lie about a corporate product saying it's "dangerous" can get you sued - just ask Sydney Powell and Rudy Guilliani about Dominion Voting Machines. As a banker, I was told that if you lie to me on your application, your loan will be declined, even if every other factor in your credit history is good. Lie in court and you go to jail for perjury. But you want politicians to be able to slander the opposition and lie about them with impunity. Why do THEY get a pass on tellling the truth?

THERE IS NO FREE SPEECH. If you offend people with your speech, we have the right to say "You're a lying piece of shit". You'll be fired for lying to your employer. Sued for lying about your neighbours and corporations, and jailed for lying in court.

And yet you want politicians to be able to lie with no consequences.
A self-professed expert and doctor has spoken. Not a doctor? Then shut up or admit that you are just a cheerleader for the lying left.

Why weren't you aware of you claim being used by the left at all times? The left controls the MSM and social media - just look at all the bans they press and none against themselves.

This makes you kind of a moron.

The fact the you believe the "left controls the MSM", shows YOU to be a total moron. That's the original lie of the billionaire owned right wing media. The one they used to convince you to pay no attention to facts and reality, while they pummeled you with outrage and lies.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand is right. New Zealanders are happy with their government because they don't have conservative media owned by Rupert Murdoch pumping lies and hate about the left, into their homes 24/7. In England, the USA and Australia, you have these angry outraged right wingers who are convinced that the left is the devil personified.

Canada, New Zealand and Australia are managing the virus far more successfully than you are. For that matter, you're not handling the virus at all, you're letting it run unchecked throughout the country, killing hundreds of thousands of people, while the billionaires tell you not to take the vaccines. THEY took the vaccines. Rupert Murdoch was one of the first to get it, but he tells you not to get the vaccine.

The Murdochs (Fox News, NY Post, WSJ), the Mercers (Breitbart, Cambridge Analytica), and the Sinclairs (Sinclair Broadcasting), are flooding American airwaves with right wing lies and propaganda, and you're spouting right now.

Think about this and ask yourself why.

The fact the you believe the "left controls the MSM", shows YOU to be a total moron. That's the original lie of the billionaire owned right wing media. The one they used to convince you to pay no attention to facts and reality, while they pummeled you with outrage and lies.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand is right. New Zealanders are happy with their government because they don't have conservative media owned by Rupert Murdoch pumping lies and hate about the left, into their homes 24/7. In England, the USA and Australia, you have these angry outraged right wingers who are convinced that the left is the devil personified.

Canada, New Zealand and Australia are managing the virus far more successfully than you are. For that matter, you're not handling the virus at all, you're letting it run unchecked throughout the country, killing hundreds of thousands of people, while the billionaires tell you not to take the vaccines. THEY took the vaccines. Rupert Murdoch was one of the first to get it, but he tells you not to get the vaccine.

The Murdochs (Fox News, NY Post, WSJ), the Mercers (Breitbart, Cambridge Analytica), and the Sinclairs (Sinclair Broadcasting), are flooding American airwaves with right wing lies and propaganda, and you're spouting right now.

Think about this and ask yourself why.

LOL as opposed to NBC ABC CBS CNN PBS MSNBC and most US newspapers? Not to mention Twitter Facebook and most internet sites, I dont know about New Zealand but Australia is a dictatorship in regards the virus. Actually rounding people up and putting them in camps.
You haven't answered any of the questions about the lies, Marty. And you're still repeating the lie that Joe Biden is not mentally competent. As long as you continue to defend the lying, and refuse to accept the truth, nothing will change.

Fred Trump died of Alzheimer's. The rage, paranoia, and and belief that every slight must be avenged, is typical of dementia patients. The greater likelihood is that TRUMP is the one who is "sundowning".

That's the reality Marty. Not the bullshit that FOX News is feeding you. But you keep repeating the lies and then claiming your candidates have the right to lie, slander, and denigrate the opposition without any facts to back them up.

You're allowed your own opinions, but not your own facts, Marty.

I don't need Fox news to feed me anything, you can tell he isn't the same person (Biden) from even 5 years ago just from watching him.
Harassment can be speech, which is what I'm referring to. Speech is an act. The act of speaking. You're playing semantics.

I don't think the government determines that a cable company must include some content on it. If a cable company doesn't want to offer Fox News to it's customers, the government doesn't have a right to force them to.

Harassment is action via speech, not voicing an opinion, directed threats and such.

They can force the cable company to be part of the EBS.
It covers all speech. By having that speech on their platform, it affects their rights to decide what speech to participate in and what speech to not participate in.

It's not their speech though, which they have clearly stated in order to receive 731 protections on liability. They claim they are platforms for open discussion, of which they are clearly not.
You clowns keep thinking the First Amendment is the right to say anything, and it's not. The First Amendment simply give YOU the right to criticize the government without fear of arrest. Nothing more. And Trump tried to turn that on its head, by firing people in the government who criticized him. Like Lisa Page and Peter Strzok - both of whom sued the government and WON, bigly.

There are all kinds of laws to prevent you from saying anything you want. Threaten someone's life and you can be arrested. Yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre, causing a panic, and you'll be arrested. Lying to people to induce them to "invest" in a scam, is illegal.

In all walks of life, what we say is regulated and controlled. Lie about your neighbour and you can face a slander suit. Lie about a corporate product saying it's "dangerous" can get you sued - just ask Sydney Powell and Rudy Guilliani about Dominion Voting Machines. As a banker, I was told that if you lie to me on your application, your loan will be declined, even if every other factor in your credit history is good. Lie in court and you go to jail for perjury. But you want politicians to be able to slander the opposition and lie about them with impunity. Why do THEY get a pass on tellling the truth?

THERE IS NO FREE SPEECH. If you offend people with your speech, we have the right to say "You're a lying piece of shit". You'll be fired for lying to your employer. Sued for lying about your neighbours and corporations, and jailed for lying in court.

And yet you want politicians to be able to lie with no consequences.

Taking 1st amendment views from a commie canuck twat like you is like taking Brisket cooking advice from PETA.
Harassment is action via speech, not voicing an opinion, directed threats and such.

They can force the cable company to be part of the EBS.
Lol, okay.

Pretending that emergency messages warning of grave national crisis or war is on the same level as shit posting from Trump isn't a HUGE stretch.

Under your proposal, platforms and websites wouldn't be able to ban harassment since they can't take down content.
It's not their speech though, which they have clearly stated in order to receive 731 protections on liability. They claim they are platforms for open discussion, of which they are clearly not.
If it's speech on their platform, it's their speech. Requiring them to keep speech on their platform violates their rights.

Not that you care about people's rights. You only care about winning.
Lol, okay.

Pretending that emergency messages warning of grave national crisis or war is on the same level as shit posting from Trump isn't a HUGE stretch.

Under your proposal, platforms and websites wouldn't be able to ban harassment since they can't take down content.

They would be, because again harassment is an action against a specific person.

Unless, like SJW's you define harassment as "I have to read an opinion I don't like"
If it's speech on their platform, it's their speech. Requiring them to keep speech on their platform violates their rights.

Not that you care about people's rights. You only care about winning.

Then they can get sued for illegal speech or threatening speech?

It doesn't violate THEIR rights, they can say what they want. However if they continue to be a digital commons, they need to be treated as a real commons.
They would be, because again harassment is an action against a specific person.

Unless, like SJW's you define harassment as "I have to read an opinion I don't like"
Harassment is always going to be a somewhat subjective call. There's no way around it.

You said that they couldn't take down content that they didn't like. Now you're saying they can take down content. Which is it?

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