72 Hours in America and How Liberals are Exploiting It

MSNBC puts Al Sharpton out in the public eye. He is as culpable as the Democratic Party for hate politics in America and what happened in Pittsburgh.
Tyrant Trump had his hit-man attempt to silence his critics in congress & media. Trumps MAGA bomber attacked opposition at Trump rallies & worked at Trumps International Golf Club Mar a Lago, FL. Trump Nazi shot & killed Jews in Pittsburgh, PA. We don't need another Hitler dictatorship

Trump MAGA Bomber Cesar Sayoc ‘Wanted To Go Back To The Hitler Days,’ Former Boss Says

Sayoc said he would “eradicate the Jews” if he had the power to, along with "lesbians, black people and Hispanic people."

“It’s basically the white supremacists, the white foot soldiers that he wants to follow and lead,” Debra said. “He wanted to be a leader.”

“And that’s what he’d say to me: ‘I really like you Debra as a general manager, but as a person I hate your guts and hope you burn in hell,’”
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How is this any different than any other 72 hours that they don’t report on?[/QUOTE]
So you have a problem with exploiting violent attacks for political gain??... Interesting.
Immigrant Islamic Attack. We need travel ban now.
London attack: What we know so far - BBC News
Seems to me it's only a problem when the violence doesn't fit in your narrative. Neither can you claim you are personally against the idea of violence on political opponents so what's your point again?
Attack me or my property with your drug infused leftist mob...you will die.
In fact looking at your posts, you are if not violent yourself, people like you are the exact reason that someone, I assume, slightly more crazy, would start to send pipe bombs to political opponents. After all if Clinton, Antifa, Soros,etc are evil as you like to claim. The step to actually do something about it becomes very small indeed.
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